use crate::compare::{assert_match_exact, find_json_mismatch}; use crate::registry::{self, alt_api_path, FeatureMap}; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, prelude::*, SeekFrom}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use tar::Archive; fn read_le_u32(mut reader: R) -> io::Result where R: Read, { let mut buf = [0; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut buf)?; Ok(u32::from_le_bytes(buf)) } /// Checks the result of a crate publish. pub fn validate_upload(expected_json: &str, expected_crate_name: &str, expected_files: &[&str]) { let new_path = registry::api_path().join("api/v1/crates/new"); _validate_upload( &new_path, expected_json, expected_crate_name, expected_files, &[], ); } /// Checks the result of a crate publish, along with the contents of the files. pub fn validate_upload_with_contents( expected_json: &str, expected_crate_name: &str, expected_files: &[&str], expected_contents: &[(&str, &str)], ) { let new_path = registry::api_path().join("api/v1/crates/new"); _validate_upload( &new_path, expected_json, expected_crate_name, expected_files, expected_contents, ); } /// Checks the result of a crate publish to an alternative registry. pub fn validate_alt_upload( expected_json: &str, expected_crate_name: &str, expected_files: &[&str], ) { let new_path = alt_api_path().join("api/v1/crates/new"); _validate_upload( &new_path, expected_json, expected_crate_name, expected_files, &[], ); } fn _validate_upload( new_path: &Path, expected_json: &str, expected_crate_name: &str, expected_files: &[&str], expected_contents: &[(&str, &str)], ) { let mut f = File::open(new_path).unwrap(); // 32-bit little-endian integer of length of JSON data. let json_sz = read_le_u32(&mut f).expect("read json length"); let mut json_bytes = vec![0; json_sz as usize]; f.read_exact(&mut json_bytes).expect("read JSON data"); let actual_json = serde_json::from_slice(&json_bytes).expect("uploaded JSON should be valid"); let expected_json = serde_json::from_str(expected_json).expect("expected JSON does not parse"); if let Err(e) = find_json_mismatch(&expected_json, &actual_json, None) { panic!("{}", e); } // 32-bit little-endian integer of length of crate file. let crate_sz = read_le_u32(&mut f).expect("read crate length"); let mut krate_bytes = vec![0; crate_sz as usize]; f.read_exact(&mut krate_bytes).expect("read crate data"); // Check at end. let current =; assert_eq!(, current); // Verify the tarball. validate_crate_contents( &krate_bytes[..], expected_crate_name, expected_files, expected_contents, ); } /// Checks the contents of a `.crate` file. /// /// - `expected_crate_name` should be something like `foo-0.0.1.crate`. /// - `expected_files` should be a complete list of files in the crate /// (relative to expected_crate_name). /// - `expected_contents` should be a list of `(file_name, contents)` tuples /// to validate the contents of the given file. Only the listed files will /// be checked (others will be ignored). pub fn validate_crate_contents( reader: impl Read, expected_crate_name: &str, expected_files: &[&str], expected_contents: &[(&str, &str)], ) { let mut rdr = GzDecoder::new(reader); assert_eq!( rdr.header().unwrap().filename().unwrap(), expected_crate_name.as_bytes() ); let mut contents = Vec::new(); rdr.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); let mut ar = Archive::new(&contents[..]); let files: HashMap = ar .entries() .unwrap() .map(|entry| { let mut entry = entry.unwrap(); let name = entry.path().unwrap().into_owned(); let mut contents = String::new(); entry.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap(); (name, contents) }) .collect(); assert!(expected_crate_name.ends_with(".crate")); let base_crate_name = Path::new(&expected_crate_name[..expected_crate_name.len() - 6]); let actual_files: HashSet = files.keys().cloned().collect(); let expected_files: HashSet = expected_files .iter() .map(|name| base_crate_name.join(name)) .collect(); let missing: Vec<&PathBuf> = expected_files.difference(&actual_files).collect(); let extra: Vec<&PathBuf> = actual_files.difference(&expected_files).collect(); if !missing.is_empty() || !extra.is_empty() { panic!( "uploaded archive does not match.\nMissing: {:?}\nExtra: {:?}\n", missing, extra ); } if !expected_contents.is_empty() { for (e_file_name, e_file_contents) in expected_contents { let full_e_name = base_crate_name.join(e_file_name); let actual_contents = files .get(&full_e_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("file `{}` missing in archive", e_file_name)); assert_match_exact(e_file_contents, actual_contents); } } } pub(crate) fn create_index_line( name: serde_json::Value, vers: &str, deps: Vec, cksum: &str, features: crate::registry::FeatureMap, yanked: bool, links: Option, v: Option, ) -> String { // This emulates what does to retain backwards compatibility. let (features, features2) = split_index_features(features.clone()); let mut json = serde_json::json!({ "name": name, "vers": vers, "deps": deps, "cksum": cksum, "features": features, "yanked": yanked, "links": links, }); if let Some(f2) = &features2 { json["features2"] = serde_json::json!(f2); json["v"] = serde_json::json!(2); } if let Some(v) = v { json["v"] = serde_json::json!(v); } json.to_string() } pub(crate) fn write_to_index(registry_path: &PathBuf, name: &str, line: String, local: bool) { let file = cargo_util::registry::make_dep_path(name, false); // Write file/line in the index. let dst = if local { registry_path.join("index").join(&file) } else { registry_path.join(&file) }; let prev = fs::read_to_string(&dst).unwrap_or_default(); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.parent().unwrap())); t!(fs::write(&dst, prev + &line[..] + "\n")); // Add the new file to the index. if !local { let repo = t!(git2::Repository::open(®istry_path)); let mut index = t!(repo.index()); t!(index.add_path(Path::new(&file))); t!(index.write()); let id = t!(index.write_tree()); // Commit this change. let tree = t!(repo.find_tree(id)); let sig = t!(repo.signature()); let parent = t!(repo.refname_to_id("refs/heads/master")); let parent = t!(repo.find_commit(parent)); t!(repo.commit( Some("HEAD"), &sig, &sig, "Another commit", &tree, &[&parent] )); } } fn split_index_features(mut features: FeatureMap) -> (FeatureMap, Option) { let mut features2 = FeatureMap::new(); for (feat, values) in features.iter_mut() { if values .iter() .any(|value| value.starts_with("dep:") || value.contains("?/")) { let new_values = values.drain(..).collect(); features2.insert(feat.clone(), new_values); } } if features2.is_empty() { (features, None) } else { (features, Some(features2)) } }