/// Make a path to a dependency, which aligns to /// /// - [index from of Cargo's index on filesystem][1], and /// - [index from Crates.io][2]. /// /// [1]: https://docs.rs/cargo/latest/cargo/sources/registry/index.html#the-format-of-the-index /// [2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index pub fn make_dep_path(dep_name: &str, prefix_only: bool) -> String { let (slash, name) = if prefix_only { ("", "") } else { ("/", dep_name) }; match dep_name.len() { 1 => format!("1{}{}", slash, name), 2 => format!("2{}{}", slash, name), 3 => format!("3/{}{}{}", &dep_name[..1], slash, name), _ => format!("{}/{}{}{}", &dep_name[0..2], &dep_name[2..4], slash, name), } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::make_dep_path; #[test] fn prefix_only() { assert_eq!(make_dep_path("a", true), "1"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("ab", true), "2"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("abc", true), "3/a"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("Abc", true), "3/A"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("AbCd", true), "Ab/Cd"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("aBcDe", true), "aB/cD"); } #[test] fn full() { assert_eq!(make_dep_path("a", false), "1/a"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("ab", false), "2/ab"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("abc", false), "3/a/abc"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("Abc", false), "3/A/Abc"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("AbCd", false), "Ab/Cd/AbCd"); assert_eq!(make_dep_path("aBcDe", false), "aB/cD/aBcDe"); } }