//! Markdown formatter. use crate::util::unwrap; use crate::ManMap; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error}; use std::fmt::Write; pub struct MdFormatter { man_map: ManMap, } impl MdFormatter { pub fn new(man_map: ManMap) -> MdFormatter { MdFormatter { man_map } } } impl MdFormatter { fn render_html(&self, input: &str) -> Result { let parser = crate::md_parser(input, None); let mut html_output: String = String::with_capacity(input.len() * 3 / 2); pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser.map(|(e, _r)| e)); Ok(html_output) } } impl super::Formatter for MdFormatter { fn render(&self, input: &str) -> Result { Ok(input.replace("\r\n", "\n")) } fn render_options_start(&self) -> &'static str { "
" } fn render_options_end(&self) -> &'static str { "
" } fn render_option(&self, params: &[&str], block: &str, man_name: &str) -> Result { let mut result = String::new(); fn unwrap_p(t: &str) -> &str { unwrap(t, "

", "

") } for param in params { let rendered = self.render_html(param)?; let no_p = unwrap_p(&rendered); // split out first term to use as the id. let first = no_p .split_whitespace() .next() .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("did not expect option `{}` to be empty", param))?; let no_tags = trim_tags(first); if no_tags.is_empty() { bail!("unexpected empty option with no tags `{}`", param); } let id = format!("option-{}-{}", man_name, no_tags); write!( result, "
\n", ID = id, OPTION = no_p )?; } let rendered_block = self.render_html(block)?; write!( result, "
\n", unwrap_p(&rendered_block) )?; Ok(result) } fn linkify_man_to_md(&self, name: &str, section: u8) -> Result { let s = match self.man_map.get(&(name.to_string(), section)) { Some(link) => format!("[{}({})]({})", name, section, link), None => format!("[{}({})]({}.html)", name, section, name), }; Ok(s) } } fn trim_tags(s: &str) -> String { // This is a hack. It removes all HTML tags. let mut in_tag = false; let mut in_char_ref = false; s.chars() .filter(|&ch| match ch { '<' if in_tag => panic!("unexpected nested tag"), '&' if in_char_ref => panic!("unexpected nested char ref"), '<' => { in_tag = true; false } '&' => { in_char_ref = true; false } '>' if in_tag => { in_tag = false; false } ';' if in_char_ref => { in_char_ref = false; false } _ => !in_tag && !in_char_ref, }) .collect() }