# cargo-locate-project(1) ## NAME cargo-locate-project --- Print a JSON representation of a Cargo.toml file's location ## SYNOPSIS `cargo locate-project` [_options_] ## DESCRIPTION This command will print a JSON object to stdout with the full path to the manifest. The manifest is found by searching upward for a file named `Cargo.toml` starting from the current working directory. If the project happens to be a part of a workspace, the manifest of the project, rather than the workspace root, is output. This can be overridden by the `--workspace` flag. The root workspace is found by traversing further upward or by using the field `package.workspace` after locating the manifest of a workspace member. ## OPTIONS {{#options}} {{#option "`--workspace`" }} Locate the `Cargo.toml` at the root of the workspace, as opposed to the current workspace member. {{/option}} {{/options}} ### Display Options {{#options}} {{#option "`--message-format` _fmt_" }} The representation in which to print the project location. Valid values: - `json` (default): JSON object with the path under the key "root". - `plain`: Just the path. {{/option}} {{> options-display }} {{/options}} ### Manifest Options {{#options}} {{> options-manifest-path }} {{/options}} {{> section-options-common }} {{> section-environment }} {{> section-exit-status }} ## EXAMPLES 1. Display the path to the manifest based on the current directory: cargo locate-project ## SEE ALSO {{man "cargo" 1}}, {{man "cargo-metadata" 1}}