# cargo-owner(1) ## NAME cargo-owner --- Manage the owners of a crate on the registry ## SYNOPSIS `cargo owner` [_options_] `--add` _login_ [_crate_]\ `cargo owner` [_options_] `--remove` _login_ [_crate_]\ `cargo owner` [_options_] `--list` [_crate_] ## DESCRIPTION This command will modify the owners for a crate on the registry. Owners of a crate can upload new versions and yank old versions. Non-team owners can also modify the set of owners, so take care! This command requires you to be authenticated with either the `--token` option or using {{man "cargo-login" 1}}. If the crate name is not specified, it will use the package name from the current directory. See [the reference](../reference/publishing.html#cargo-owner) for more information about owners and publishing. ## OPTIONS ### Owner Options {{#options}} {{#option "`-a`" "`--add` _login_..." }} Invite the given user or team as an owner. {{/option}} {{#option "`-r`" "`--remove` _login_..." }} Remove the given user or team as an owner. {{/option}} {{#option "`-l`" "`--list`" }} List owners of a crate. {{/option}} {{> options-token }} {{> options-index }} {{> options-registry }} {{/options}} ### Display Options {{#options}} {{> options-display }} {{/options}} {{> section-options-common }} {{> section-environment }} {{> section-exit-status }} ## EXAMPLES 1. List owners of a package: cargo owner --list foo 2. Invite an owner to a package: cargo owner --add username foo 3. Remove an owner from a package: cargo owner --remove username foo ## SEE ALSO {{man "cargo" 1}}, {{man "cargo-login" 1}}, {{man "cargo-publish" 1}}