# cargo-pkgid(1) ## NAME cargo-pkgid --- Print a fully qualified package specification ## SYNOPSIS `cargo pkgid` [_options_] [_spec_] ## DESCRIPTION Given a _spec_ argument, print out the fully qualified package ID specifier for a package or dependency in the current workspace. This command will generate an error if _spec_ is ambiguous as to which package it refers to in the dependency graph. If no _spec_ is given, then the specifier for the local package is printed. This command requires that a lockfile is available and dependencies have been fetched. A package specifier consists of a name, version, and source URL. You are allowed to use partial specifiers to succinctly match a specific package as long as it matches only one package. The format of a _spec_ can be one of the following: SPEC Structure | Example SPEC ---------------------------|-------------- _name_ | `bitflags` _name_`@`_version_ | `bitflags@1.0.4` _url_ | `https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo` _url_`#`_version_ | `https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo#0.33.0` _url_`#`_name_ | `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index#bitflags` _url_`#`_name_`:`_version_ | `https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo#crates-io@0.21.0` ## OPTIONS ### Package Selection {{#options}} {{#option "`-p` _spec_" "`--package` _spec_" }} Get the package ID for the given package instead of the current package. {{/option}} {{/options}} ### Display Options {{#options}} {{> options-display }} {{/options}} ### Manifest Options {{#options}} {{> options-manifest-path }} {{> options-locked }} {{/options}} {{> section-options-common }} {{> section-environment }} {{> section-exit-status }} ## EXAMPLES 1. Retrieve package specification for `foo` package: cargo pkgid foo 2. Retrieve package specification for version 1.0.0 of `foo`: cargo pkgid foo@1.0.0 3. Retrieve package specification for `foo` from crates.io: cargo pkgid https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index#foo 4. Retrieve package specification for `foo` from a local package: cargo pkgid file:///path/to/local/package#foo ## SEE ALSO {{man "cargo" 1}}, {{man "cargo-generate-lockfile" 1}}, {{man "cargo-metadata" 1}}