# cargo-test(1) {{*set actionverb="Test"}} {{*set nouns="tests"}} {{*set multitarget=true}} ## NAME cargo-test --- Execute unit and integration tests of a package ## SYNOPSIS `cargo test` [_options_] [_testname_] [`--` _test-options_] ## DESCRIPTION Compile and execute unit, integration, and documentation tests. The test filtering argument `TESTNAME` and all the arguments following the two dashes (`--`) are passed to the test binaries and thus to _libtest_ (rustc's built in unit-test and micro-benchmarking framework). If you're passing arguments to both Cargo and the binary, the ones after `--` go to the binary, the ones before go to Cargo. For details about libtest's arguments see the output of `cargo test -- --help` and check out the rustc book's chapter on how tests work at . As an example, this will filter for tests with `foo` in their name and run them on 3 threads in parallel: cargo test foo -- --test-threads 3 Tests are built with the `--test` option to `rustc` which creates a special executable by linking your code with libtest. The executable automatically runs all functions annotated with the `#[test]` attribute in multiple threads. `#[bench]` annotated functions will also be run with one iteration to verify that they are functional. If the package contains multiple test targets, each target compiles to a special executable as aforementioned, and then is run serially. The libtest harness may be disabled by setting `harness = false` in the target manifest settings, in which case your code will need to provide its own `main` function to handle running tests. ### Documentation tests Documentation tests are also run by default, which is handled by `rustdoc`. It extracts code samples from documentation comments of the library target, and then executes them. Different from normal test targets, each code block compiles to a doctest executable on the fly with `rustc`. These executables run in parallel in separate processes. The compilation of a code block is in fact a part of test function controlled by libtest, so some options such as `--jobs` might not take effect. Note that this execution model of doctests is not guaranteed and may change in the future; beware of depending on it. See the [rustdoc book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/) for more information on writing doc tests. ## OPTIONS ### Test Options {{> options-test }} {{> section-package-selection }} ### Target Selection When no target selection options are given, `cargo test` will build the following targets of the selected packages: - lib --- used to link with binaries, examples, integration tests, and doc tests - bins (only if integration tests are built and required features are available) - examples --- to ensure they compile - lib as a unit test - bins as unit tests - integration tests - doc tests for the lib target The default behavior can be changed by setting the `test` flag for the target in the manifest settings. Setting examples to `test = true` will build and run the example as a test. Setting targets to `test = false` will stop them from being tested by default. Target selection options that take a target by name ignore the `test` flag and will always test the given target. Doc tests for libraries may be disabled by setting `doctest = false` for the library in the manifest. {{> options-targets-bin-auto-built }} {{> options-targets }} {{#options}} {{#option "`--doc`" }} Test only the library's documentation. This cannot be mixed with other target options. {{/option}} {{/options}} {{> section-features }} ### Compilation Options {{#options}} {{> options-target-triple }} {{> options-release }} {{> options-profile }} {{> options-ignore-rust-version }} {{> options-timings }} {{/options}} ### Output Options {{#options}} {{> options-target-dir }} {{/options}} ### Display Options By default the Rust test harness hides output from test execution to keep results readable. Test output can be recovered (e.g., for debugging) by passing `--nocapture` to the test binaries: cargo test -- --nocapture {{#options}} {{> options-display }} {{> options-message-format }} {{/options}} ### Manifest Options {{#options}} {{> options-manifest-path }} {{> options-locked }} {{/options}} {{> section-options-common }} ### Miscellaneous Options The `--jobs` argument affects the building of the test executable but does not affect how many threads are used when running the tests. The Rust test harness includes an option to control the number of threads used: cargo test -j 2 -- --test-threads=2 {{#options}} {{> options-jobs }} {{> options-keep-going }} {{> options-future-incompat }} {{/options}} {{> section-environment }} {{> section-exit-status }} ## EXAMPLES 1. Execute all the unit and integration tests of the current package: cargo test 2. Run only tests whose names match against a filter string: cargo test name_filter 3. Run only a specific test within a specific integration test: cargo test --test int_test_name -- modname::test_name ## SEE ALSO {{man "cargo" 1}}, {{man "cargo-bench" 1}}, [types of tests](../reference/cargo-targets.html#tests), [how to write tests](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/tests/index.html)