# cargo-verify-project(1) ## NAME cargo-verify-project --- Check correctness of crate manifest ## SYNOPSIS `cargo verify-project` [_options_] ## DESCRIPTION This command will parse the local manifest and check its validity. It emits a JSON object with the result. A successful validation will display: {"success":"true"} An invalid workspace will display: {"invalid":"human-readable error message"} ## OPTIONS ### Display Options {{#options}} {{> options-display }} {{/options}} ### Manifest Options {{#options}} {{> options-manifest-path }} {{> options-locked }} {{/options}} {{> section-options-common }} {{> section-environment }} ## EXIT STATUS * `0`: The workspace is OK. * `1`: The workspace is invalid. ## EXAMPLES 1. Check the current workspace for errors: cargo verify-project ## SEE ALSO {{man "cargo" 1}}, {{man "cargo-package" 1}}