use crate::{CtChoice, Limb, Uint, Word}; impl Uint { /// Returns `true` if the bit at position `index` is set, `false` otherwise. #[inline(always)] pub const fn bit_vartime(&self, index: usize) -> bool { if index >= Self::BITS { false } else { (self.limbs[index / Limb::BITS].0 >> (index % Limb::BITS)) & 1 == 1 } } /// Calculate the number of bits needed to represent this number. #[allow(trivial_numeric_casts)] pub const fn bits_vartime(&self) -> usize { let mut i = LIMBS - 1; while i > 0 && self.limbs[i].0 == 0 { i -= 1; } let limb = self.limbs[i].0; Limb::BITS * (i + 1) - limb.leading_zeros() as usize } /// Calculate the number of leading zeros in the binary representation of this number. pub const fn leading_zeros(&self) -> usize { let limbs = self.as_limbs(); let mut count: Word = 0; let mut i = LIMBS; let mut nonzero_limb_not_encountered = CtChoice::TRUE; while i > 0 { i -= 1; let l = limbs[i]; let z = l.leading_zeros() as Word; count += nonzero_limb_not_encountered.if_true(z); nonzero_limb_not_encountered = nonzero_limb_not_encountered.and(l.ct_is_nonzero().not()); } count as usize } /// Calculate the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of this number. pub const fn trailing_zeros(&self) -> usize { let limbs = self.as_limbs(); let mut count: Word = 0; let mut i = 0; let mut nonzero_limb_not_encountered = CtChoice::TRUE; while i < LIMBS { let l = limbs[i]; let z = l.trailing_zeros() as Word; count += nonzero_limb_not_encountered.if_true(z); nonzero_limb_not_encountered = nonzero_limb_not_encountered.and(l.ct_is_nonzero().not()); i += 1; } count as usize } /// Calculate the number of bits needed to represent this number. pub const fn bits(&self) -> usize { Self::BITS - self.leading_zeros() } /// Get the value of the bit at position `index`, as a truthy or falsy `CtChoice`. /// Returns the falsy value for indices out of range. pub const fn bit(&self, index: usize) -> CtChoice { let limb_num = index / Limb::BITS; let index_in_limb = index % Limb::BITS; let index_mask = 1 << index_in_limb; let limbs = self.as_words(); let mut result: Word = 0; let mut i = 0; while i < LIMBS { let bit = limbs[i] & index_mask; let is_right_limb = CtChoice::from_usize_equality(i, limb_num); result |= is_right_limb.if_true(bit); i += 1; } CtChoice::from_lsb(result >> index_in_limb) } /// Sets the bit at `index` to 0 or 1 depending on the value of `bit_value`. pub(crate) const fn set_bit(self, index: usize, bit_value: CtChoice) -> Self { let mut result = self; let limb_num = index / Limb::BITS; let index_in_limb = index % Limb::BITS; let index_mask = 1 << index_in_limb; let mut i = 0; while i < LIMBS { let is_right_limb = CtChoice::from_usize_equality(i, limb_num); let old_limb = result.limbs[i].0; let new_limb = & !index_mask, old_limb | index_mask); result.limbs[i] = Limb(, new_limb)); i += 1; } result } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{CtChoice, U256}; fn uint_with_bits_at(positions: &[usize]) -> U256 { let mut result = U256::ZERO; for pos in positions { result |= U256::ONE << *pos; } result } #[test] fn bit_vartime() { let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 48, 112, 127, 255]); assert!(!u.bit_vartime(0)); assert!(!u.bit_vartime(1)); assert!(u.bit_vartime(16)); assert!(u.bit_vartime(127)); assert!(u.bit_vartime(255)); assert!(!u.bit_vartime(256)); assert!(!u.bit_vartime(260)); } #[test] fn bit() { let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 48, 112, 127, 255]); assert!(!u.bit(0).is_true_vartime()); assert!(!u.bit(1).is_true_vartime()); assert!(u.bit(16).is_true_vartime()); assert!(u.bit(127).is_true_vartime()); assert!(u.bit(255).is_true_vartime()); assert!(!u.bit(256).is_true_vartime()); assert!(!u.bit(260).is_true_vartime()); } #[test] fn leading_zeros() { let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[256 - 16, 256 - 79, 256 - 207]); assert_eq!(u.leading_zeros() as u32, 15); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[256 - 79, 256 - 207]); assert_eq!(u.leading_zeros() as u32, 78); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[256 - 207]); assert_eq!(u.leading_zeros() as u32, 206); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[256 - 1, 256 - 75, 256 - 150]); assert_eq!(u.leading_zeros() as u32, 0); let u = U256::ZERO; assert_eq!(u.leading_zeros() as u32, 256); } #[test] fn trailing_zeros() { let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]); assert_eq!(u.trailing_zeros() as u32, 16); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[79, 150]); assert_eq!(u.trailing_zeros() as u32, 79); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[150, 207]); assert_eq!(u.trailing_zeros() as u32, 150); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[0, 150, 207]); assert_eq!(u.trailing_zeros() as u32, 0); let u = U256::ZERO; assert_eq!(u.trailing_zeros() as u32, 256); } #[test] fn set_bit() { let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]); assert_eq!( u.set_bit(127, CtChoice::TRUE), uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 127, 150]) ); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]); assert_eq!( u.set_bit(150, CtChoice::TRUE), uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]) ); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]); assert_eq!( u.set_bit(127, CtChoice::FALSE), uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]) ); let u = uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79, 150]); assert_eq!( u.set_bit(150, CtChoice::FALSE), uint_with_bits_at(&[16, 79]) ); } }