/* chronyd/chronyc - Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate. ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Richard P. Curnow 1997-2003 * Copyright (C) Miroslav Lichvar 2012-2016, 2019-2020 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Module for managing keys used for authenticating NTP packets and commands */ #include "config.h" #include "sysincl.h" #include "array.h" #include "keys.h" #include "cmac.h" #include "cmdparse.h" #include "conf.h" #include "memory.h" #include "util.h" #include "local.h" #include "logging.h" /* Consider 80 bits as the absolute minimum for a secure key */ #define MIN_SECURE_KEY_LENGTH 10 typedef enum { NTP_MAC, CMAC, } KeyClass; typedef struct { uint32_t id; int type; int length; KeyClass class; union { struct { unsigned char *value; int hash_id; } ntp_mac; CMC_Instance cmac; } data; } Key; static ARR_Instance keys; static int cache_valid; static uint32_t cache_key_id; static int cache_key_pos; /* ================================================== */ static void free_keys(void) { unsigned int i; Key *key; for (i = 0; i < ARR_GetSize(keys); i++) { key = ARR_GetElement(keys, i); switch (key->class) { case NTP_MAC: Free(key->data.ntp_mac.value); break; case CMAC: CMC_DestroyInstance(key->data.cmac); break; default: assert(0); } } ARR_SetSize(keys, 0); cache_valid = 0; } /* ================================================== */ void KEY_Initialise(void) { keys = ARR_CreateInstance(sizeof (Key)); cache_valid = 0; KEY_Reload(); } /* ================================================== */ void KEY_Finalise(void) { free_keys(); ARR_DestroyInstance(keys); } /* ================================================== */ static Key * get_key(unsigned int index) { return ((Key *)ARR_GetElements(keys)) + index; } /* ================================================== */ /* Decode key encoded in ASCII or HEX */ static int decode_key(char *key) { int len = strlen(key); if (!strncmp(key, "ASCII:", 6)) { memmove(key, key + 6, len - 6); return len - 6; } else if (!strncmp(key, "HEX:", 4)) { return UTI_HexToBytes(key + 4, key, len); } else { /* assume ASCII */ return len; } } /* ================================================== */ /* Compare two keys */ static int compare_keys_by_id(const void *a, const void *b) { const Key *c = (const Key *) a; const Key *d = (const Key *) b; if (c->id < d->id) { return -1; } else if (c->id > d->id) { return +1; } else { return 0; } } /* ================================================== */ void KEY_Reload(void) { unsigned int i, line_number, key_length, cmac_key_length; FILE *in; char line[2048], *key_file, *key_value; const char *key_type; HSH_Algorithm hash_algorithm; CMC_Algorithm cmac_algorithm; int hash_id; Key key; free_keys(); key_file = CNF_GetKeysFile(); line_number = 0; if (!key_file) return; if (!UTI_CheckFilePermissions(key_file, 0771)) ; in = UTI_OpenFile(NULL, key_file, NULL, 'r', 0); if (!in) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Could not open keyfile %s", key_file); return; } while (fgets(line, sizeof (line), in)) { line_number++; CPS_NormalizeLine(line); if (!*line) continue; memset(&key, 0, sizeof (key)); if (!CPS_ParseKey(line, &key.id, &key_type, &key_value)) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Could not parse key at line %u in file %s", line_number, key_file); continue; } key_length = decode_key(key_value); if (key_length == 0) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Could not decode key %"PRIu32, key.id); continue; } hash_algorithm = UTI_HashNameToAlgorithm(key_type); cmac_algorithm = UTI_CmacNameToAlgorithm(key_type); if (hash_algorithm != 0) { hash_id = HSH_GetHashId(hash_algorithm); if (hash_id < 0) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Unsupported %s in key %"PRIu32, "hash function", key.id); continue; } key.class = NTP_MAC; key.type = hash_algorithm; key.length = key_length; key.data.ntp_mac.value = MallocArray(unsigned char, key_length); memcpy(key.data.ntp_mac.value, key_value, key_length); key.data.ntp_mac.hash_id = hash_id; } else if (cmac_algorithm != 0) { cmac_key_length = CMC_GetKeyLength(cmac_algorithm); if (cmac_key_length == 0) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Unsupported %s in key %"PRIu32, "cipher", key.id); continue; } else if (cmac_key_length != key_length) { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Invalid length of %s key %"PRIu32" (expected %u bits)", key_type, key.id, 8 * cmac_key_length); continue; } key.class = CMAC; key.type = cmac_algorithm; key.length = key_length; key.data.cmac = CMC_CreateInstance(cmac_algorithm, (unsigned char *)key_value, key_length); assert(key.data.cmac); } else { LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Invalid type in key %"PRIu32, key.id); continue; } ARR_AppendElement(keys, &key); } fclose(in); /* Sort keys into order. Note, if there's a duplicate, it is arbitrary which one we use later - the user should have been more careful! */ qsort(ARR_GetElements(keys), ARR_GetSize(keys), sizeof (Key), compare_keys_by_id); LOG(LOGS_INFO, "Loaded %u symmetric keys", ARR_GetSize(keys)); /* Check for duplicates */ for (i = 1; i < ARR_GetSize(keys); i++) { if (get_key(i - 1)->id == get_key(i)->id) LOG(LOGS_WARN, "Detected duplicate key %"PRIu32, get_key(i - 1)->id); } /* Erase any passwords from stack */ memset(line, 0, sizeof (line)); } /* ================================================== */ static int lookup_key(uint32_t id) { Key specimen, *where, *keys_ptr; int pos; keys_ptr = ARR_GetElements(keys); specimen.id = id; where = (Key *)bsearch((void *)&specimen, keys_ptr, ARR_GetSize(keys), sizeof (Key), compare_keys_by_id); if (!where) { return -1; } else { pos = where - keys_ptr; return pos; } } /* ================================================== */ static Key * get_key_by_id(uint32_t key_id) { int position; if (cache_valid && key_id == cache_key_id) return get_key(cache_key_pos); position = lookup_key(key_id); if (position >= 0) { cache_valid = 1; cache_key_pos = position; cache_key_id = key_id; return get_key(position); } return NULL; } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_KeyKnown(uint32_t key_id) { return get_key_by_id(key_id) != NULL; } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_GetAuthLength(uint32_t key_id) { unsigned char buf[MAX_HASH_LENGTH]; Key *key; key = get_key_by_id(key_id); if (!key) return 0; switch (key->class) { case NTP_MAC: return HSH_Hash(key->data.ntp_mac.hash_id, buf, 0, buf, 0, buf, sizeof (buf)); case CMAC: return CMC_Hash(key->data.cmac, buf, 0, buf, sizeof (buf)); default: assert(0); return 0; } } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_CheckKeyLength(uint32_t key_id) { Key *key; key = get_key_by_id(key_id); if (!key) return 0; return key->length >= MIN_SECURE_KEY_LENGTH; } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_GetKeyInfo(uint32_t key_id, int *type, int *bits) { Key *key; key = get_key_by_id(key_id); if (!key) return 0; *type = key->type; *bits = 8 * key->length; return 1; } /* ================================================== */ static int generate_auth(Key *key, const void *data, int data_len, unsigned char *auth, int auth_len) { switch (key->class) { case NTP_MAC: return HSH_Hash(key->data.ntp_mac.hash_id, key->data.ntp_mac.value, key->length, data, data_len, auth, auth_len); case CMAC: return CMC_Hash(key->data.cmac, data, data_len, auth, auth_len); default: return 0; } } /* ================================================== */ static int check_auth(Key *key, const void *data, int data_len, const unsigned char *auth, int auth_len, int trunc_len) { unsigned char buf[MAX_HASH_LENGTH]; int hash_len; hash_len = generate_auth(key, data, data_len, buf, sizeof (buf)); return MIN(hash_len, trunc_len) == auth_len && !memcmp(buf, auth, auth_len); } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_GenerateAuth(uint32_t key_id, const void *data, int data_len, unsigned char *auth, int auth_len) { Key *key; key = get_key_by_id(key_id); if (!key) return 0; return generate_auth(key, data, data_len, auth, auth_len); } /* ================================================== */ int KEY_CheckAuth(uint32_t key_id, const void *data, int data_len, const unsigned char *auth, int auth_len, int trunc_len) { Key *key; key = get_key_by_id(key_id); if (!key) return 0; return check_auth(key, data, data_len, auth, auth_len, trunc_len); }