/* chronyd/chronyc - Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate. ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Miroslav Lichvar 2013, 2017, 2023 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ********************************************************************** ======================================================================= PTP hardware clock (PHC) refclock driver. */ #include "config.h" #include "refclock.h" #ifdef FEAT_PHC #include "sysincl.h" #include #include "array.h" #include "refclock.h" #include "hwclock.h" #include "local.h" #include "logging.h" #include "memory.h" #include "util.h" #include "sched.h" #include "sys_linux.h" struct phc_instance { int fd; int dev_index; int mode; int nocrossts; int extpps; int pin; int channel; struct timespec last_extts; HCL_Instance clock; }; /* Array of RCL_Instance with enabled extpps */ static ARR_Instance extts_phcs = NULL; static void read_ext_pulse(int sockfd, int event, void *anything); static int phc_initialise(RCL_Instance instance) { const char *options[] = {"nocrossts", "extpps", "pin", "channel", "clear", NULL}; struct phc_instance *phc; int phc_fd, rising_edge; struct stat st; char *path, *s; RCL_CheckDriverOptions(instance, options); path = RCL_GetDriverParameter(instance); phc_fd = SYS_Linux_OpenPHC(path, 0); if (phc_fd < 0) LOG_FATAL("Could not open PHC"); phc = MallocNew(struct phc_instance); phc->fd = phc_fd; if (fstat(phc_fd, &st) < 0 || !S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) LOG_FATAL("Could not get PHC index"); phc->dev_index = minor(st.st_rdev); phc->mode = 0; phc->nocrossts = RCL_GetDriverOption(instance, "nocrossts") ? 1 : 0; phc->extpps = RCL_GetDriverOption(instance, "extpps") ? 1 : 0; UTI_ZeroTimespec(&phc->last_extts); phc->clock = HCL_CreateInstance(0, 16, UTI_Log2ToDouble(RCL_GetDriverPoll(instance)), RCL_GetPrecision(instance)); if (phc->extpps) { s = RCL_GetDriverOption(instance, "pin"); phc->pin = s ? atoi(s) : 0; s = RCL_GetDriverOption(instance, "channel"); phc->channel = s ? atoi(s) : 0; rising_edge = RCL_GetDriverOption(instance, "clear") ? 0 : 1; if (!SYS_Linux_SetPHCExtTimestamping(phc->fd, phc->pin, phc->channel, rising_edge, !rising_edge, 1)) LOG_FATAL("Could not enable external PHC timestamping"); SCH_AddFileHandler(phc->fd, SCH_FILE_INPUT, read_ext_pulse, instance); if (!extts_phcs) extts_phcs = ARR_CreateInstance(sizeof (RCL_Instance)); ARR_AppendElement(extts_phcs, &instance); } else { phc->pin = phc->channel = 0; } RCL_SetDriverData(instance, phc); return 1; } static void phc_finalise(RCL_Instance instance) { struct phc_instance *phc; unsigned int i; phc = (struct phc_instance *)RCL_GetDriverData(instance); if (phc->extpps) { SCH_RemoveFileHandler(phc->fd); SYS_Linux_SetPHCExtTimestamping(phc->fd, phc->pin, phc->channel, 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < ARR_GetSize(extts_phcs); i++) { if ((*(RCL_Instance *)ARR_GetElement(extts_phcs, i)) == instance) ARR_RemoveElement(extts_phcs, i--); } if (ARR_GetSize(extts_phcs) == 0) { ARR_DestroyInstance(extts_phcs); extts_phcs = NULL; } } HCL_DestroyInstance(phc->clock); close(phc->fd); Free(phc); } static void process_ext_pulse(RCL_Instance instance, struct timespec *phc_ts) { struct phc_instance *phc; struct timespec local_ts; double local_err; phc = RCL_GetDriverData(instance); if (UTI_CompareTimespecs(&phc->last_extts, phc_ts) == 0) { DEBUG_LOG("Ignoring duplicated PHC timestamp"); return; } phc->last_extts = *phc_ts; if (!HCL_CookTime(phc->clock, phc_ts, &local_ts, &local_err)) return; RCL_AddCookedPulse(instance, &local_ts, 1.0e-9 * local_ts.tv_nsec, local_err, UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(phc_ts, &local_ts)); } static void read_ext_pulse(int fd, int event, void *anything) { RCL_Instance instance; struct phc_instance *phc1, *phc2; struct timespec phc_ts; unsigned int i; int channel; if (!SYS_Linux_ReadPHCExtTimestamp(fd, &phc_ts, &channel)) return; instance = anything; phc1 = RCL_GetDriverData(instance); /* The Linux kernel (as of 6.2) has one shared queue of timestamps for all descriptors of the same PHC. Search for all refclocks that expect the timestamp. */ for (i = 0; i < ARR_GetSize(extts_phcs); i++) { instance = *(RCL_Instance *)ARR_GetElement(extts_phcs, i); phc2 = RCL_GetDriverData(instance); if (!phc2->extpps || phc2->dev_index != phc1->dev_index || phc2->channel != channel) continue; process_ext_pulse(instance, &phc_ts); } } #define PHC_READINGS 25 static int phc_poll(RCL_Instance instance) { struct timespec phc_ts, sys_ts, local_ts, readings[PHC_READINGS][3]; struct phc_instance *phc; double phc_err, local_err; int n_readings; phc = (struct phc_instance *)RCL_GetDriverData(instance); n_readings = SYS_Linux_GetPHCReadings(phc->fd, phc->nocrossts, &phc->mode, PHC_READINGS, readings); if (n_readings < 1) return 0; if (!HCL_ProcessReadings(phc->clock, n_readings, readings, &phc_ts, &sys_ts, &phc_err)) return 0; LCL_CookTime(&sys_ts, &local_ts, &local_err); HCL_AccumulateSample(phc->clock, &phc_ts, &local_ts, phc_err + local_err); if (phc->extpps) return 0; DEBUG_LOG("PHC offset: %+.9f err: %.9f", UTI_DiffTimespecsToDouble(&phc_ts, &sys_ts), phc_err); return RCL_AddSample(instance, &sys_ts, &phc_ts, LEAP_Normal); } RefclockDriver RCL_PHC_driver = { phc_initialise, phc_finalise, phc_poll }; #else RefclockDriver RCL_PHC_driver = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; #endif