#!/usr/bin/env bash . ./test.common test_start "mono+root extension field" check_config_h 'FEAT_CMDMON 1' || test_skip primary_time_offset=0.1 server_strata=4 min_sync_time=2000 max_sync_time=2300 chronyc_conf="doffset 0.1" chronyc_options="-h /clknetsim/unix/1:1" chronyc_start=2000 for options in "extfield F323" "xleave extfield F323"; do client_server_options="minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 $options" server_server_options="$client_server_options" run_test || test_fail check_chronyd_exit || test_fail check_source_selection && test_fail check_sync || test_fail done server_server_options="" server_strata=1 clients=4 peers=4 max_sync_time=2400 # chain of peers and one enabled chronyc base_delay=$(cat <<-EOF | tr -d '\n' (+ 1e-4 -1 (equal 0.1 from (+ to 1)) (equal 0.1 from (+ to -1)) (equal 0.1 from 6) (equal 0.1 to 6)) EOF ) for lpoll in 5 6 7; do for options in "minsamples 16 extfield F323" "minsamples 16 xleave extfield F323"; do client_lpeer_options="minpoll $lpoll maxpoll $lpoll $options" client_rpeer_options="minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 $options" client_server_options="$client_rpeer_options" run_test || test_fail check_chronyd_exit || test_fail check_source_selection && test_fail check_sync || test_fail done done test_pass