IP Power 9258 as external stonith device. ========================================= Device Information ================== Warning: ======== Aviosys provides different types and versions of IP Power 9258. The device is currently available with four or eight power outlets. This script was tested with firmware version: V1.55 2009/12/22 Especially "IP Power 9258 HP" uses a different http command interface. ====================================================================== Resources for device documentation: Manufacturer URL: http://www.aviosys.com/ippower9258.htm Manual URL: http://www.aviosys.com/manual.htm Manual current version URL: http://www.aviosys.com/images/9258_manual_20081104.pdf The documentation of the http command interface defines three supported commands: GetPower - useful for testing status of the device and of each port SetPower - used to control status of each power outlet SetSchedule+Power - useless for stonith Common documented structure of these three commands is http://username:password@a.b.c.d/Set.cmd?CMD=command[+param=value...] param is one or more of P60 to P67 and value is 0 or 1 expected response for GetPower is of the format <html>P60=1,P61=0,P62=1,P63=1,P64=0,P65=0,P66=0,P67=0</html> SetPower does respond with the same format but restricts the list to the modified ports. P60 to P67 represent the status of the power outlet 1 to 8: 0 <=> power off; 1 <=> power on. IP Power 9258 allows to assign port names (pw1Name to pw8Name) to each port. These names can be used with the web interface (web form with post-method). Script specific notes ===================== There is no documented http command to retrieve port names via the http command interface. We try to get the hostlist via the web interface. This script assumes a one to one mapping between names of hostlist and port attributes of power outlet: 1st hostname in hostlist connected to 1st power outlet with port status P60 and port name pw1Name. ... 8th hostname in hostlist connected to 8th power outlet with port status P67 and port name pw8Name. If the hostlist parameter is not defined, then all assigned outlets are inserted into the hostlist. Unused outlets should have empty names. The node names obviously have to match the corresponding outlet names. A reserved hostname is "*not-defined*". This is a sript-internal placeholder for unused outlets. It does not appear in the hostlist.