# # this is an example config for the stonith module apcmastersnmp # # 1. what does the fields on the line mean ? # # all parameters must be given on a single line. blank lines and lines # starting with '#' are ignored. only the first not ignored line will # be processed. all subsequent lines will be ignored. the different # fields must be seperated by white-spaces (blanks and/or tabs). # # the first field is the either the hostname or the ip address. the # hostname must be resolvable. the second fields specifies the snmp port # the masterswitch is listening. for snmp the default is 161. the last # field contains the so called 'community' string. this must be the same # as the one in the masterswitch configuration. # # # 2. how must the masterswitch be configured ? # # as said above, the community string must be set to the same value entered # in this config. the different outlets must be named after the connected # hosts. that means, the outlet names must be the same as the node names # in /etc/ha.d/ha.cf. the reset values should be set to reasonable values. # # the module DON'T configure the module in any way! # # # 3. how does the module work ? # # in case of a stonith the module receives the nodename of the host, which # should be reset. the module looks up this nodename in the list of outlet # names. that's why the names must be identical (see 2.). if it finds the # name, it'll reset the appropriate outlet using the configured values # (eg. delay, duration). then the module waits for the outlet to coming # up. if it comes up, a successful stonith will be reported back. otherwise # the stonith failed and a failure code will be returned. # 161 private