#!/bin/sh # # External STONITH module for APC Switched Rack PDU # # Copyright (c) 2008 Sergey Maznichenko # Version 1.2 # # See http://www.it-consultant.su/rackpdu # for additional information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # SWITCH_ON="1" SWITCH_OFF="2" SWITCH_RESET="3" DEFAULT_NAMES_OID="." DEFAULT_COMMAND_OID="." if [ -z "$oid" ]; then oid=$DEFAULT_COMMAND_OID fi if [ -z "$names_oid" ]; then names_oid=$DEFAULT_NAMES_OID fi if [ -z "$outlet_config" ]; then outlet_config="none" fi GetOutletNumber() { local nodename=$1 if [ "$outlet_config" != "none" ]; then # Get outlet number from file if [ -f "$outlet_config" ]; then local outlet_num=`grep $nodename $outlet_config | tr -d ' ' | cut -f2 -d'='` if [ -z "$outlet_num" ]; then ha_log.sh err "Outlet number not found for node $nodename. Check configuration file $outlet_config" return 0 fi return $outlet_num else ha_log.sh err "File $outlet_config not found." return 0 fi else # Get outlet number from device local outlet_num=1 local snmp_result snmp_result=`snmpwalk -v1 -c $community $pduip $names_oid 2>&1` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ha_log.sh err "snmpwalk $community $pduip $names_oid failed. Result: $snmp_result" return 0 fi local names names=`echo "$snmp_result" | cut -f2 -d'"' | tr ' ' '_' | tr '\012' ' '` for name in $names; do if [ "$name" != "$nodename" ]; then local outlet_num=`expr $outlet_num + 1` continue fi return $outlet_num done ha_log.sh err "Outlet number not found for node $nodename. Result: $snmp_result" return 0 fi } SendCommand() { local host=$1 local command=$2 GetOutletNumber $host local outlet=$? if [ $outlet -gt 0 ]; then local set_result set_result=`snmpset -v1 -c $community $pduip $oid.$outlet i $command 2>&1` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ha_log.sh err "Write SNMP to $pduip value $oid.$outlet=$command failed. Result: $set_result" return 1 fi if echo "$set_result" | grep -qs "Timeout"; then ha_log.sh err "Write SNMP to $pduip value $oid.$outlet=$command timed out. Result: $set_result" return 1 fi return 0 else return 1 fi } hostlist=`echo $hostlist | tr ',' ' '` incommand=$1 innode=$2 case $incommand in gethosts) if [ "$hostlist" = "AUTO" ]; then snmp_result=`snmpwalk -v1 -c $community $pduip $names_oid 2>&1` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ha_log.sh err "snmpwalk $community $pduip $names_oid failed. Result: $snmp_result" exit 1 fi if echo "$snmp_result" | grep -qs "Timeout"; then ha_log.sh err "snmpwalk $community $pduip $names_oid timed out. Result: $snmp_result" exit 1 else hostlist=`echo "$snmp_result" | cut -f2 -d'"' | tr ' ' '_' | tr '\012' ' '` fi fi for h in $hostlist ; do echo $h done exit 0 ;; on) if SendCommand $innode $SWITCH_ON then exit 0 else exit 1 fi ;; off) if SendCommand $innode $SWITCH_OFF then exit 0 else exit 1 fi ;; reset) if SendCommand $innode $SWITCH_RESET then exit 0 else exit 1 fi ;; status) if [ -z "$pduip" ]; then exit 1 fi if ping -w1 -c1 $pduip >/dev/null 2>&1; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi ;; getconfignames) echo "hostlist pduip community" exit 0 ;; getinfo-devid) echo "rackpdu STONITH device" exit 0 ;; getinfo-devname) echo "rackpdu STONITH external device" exit 0 ;; getinfo-devdescr) echo "APC Switched Rack PDU" exit 0 ;; getinfo-devurl) echo "http://www.apcc.com/products/family/index.cfm?id=30" exit 0 ;; getinfo-xml) cat << PDUXML Hostlist The list of hosts that the STONITH device controls (comma or space separated). If you set value of this parameter to AUTO, list of hosts will be get from Rack PDU device. Name or IP address of Rack PDU device. Name or IP address of Rack PDU device. Name of write community. Name of write community. The OID without the outlet number. The SNMP OID for the PDU. minus the outlet number. Try . (default value) or use mib from ftp://ftp.apcc.com/apc/public/software/pnetmib/mib/ Varies on different APC hardware and firmware. Warning! No dot at the end of OID The OID for getting names of outlets. The SNMP OID for getting names of outlets. It is required to recognize outlet number by nodename. Try "." (default value) or use mib from ftp://ftp.apcc.com/apc/public/software/pnetmib/mib/ Names of nodes must be equal names of outlets, in other way use outlet_config parameter. If you set 'names_oid' parameter then parameter outlet_config must not be use. Varies on different APC hardware and firmware. Warning! No dot at the end of OID Configuration file. Other way to recognize outlet number by nodename. Configuration file. Other way to recognize outlet number by nodename. Configuration file which contains node_name=outlet_number strings. Example: server1=1 server2=2 If you use outlet_config parameter then names_oid parameter can have any value and it is not uses. PDUXML exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac