list # allow for a delay of 2 seconds %setenv dflt_timeout=2500 add rsc=r1 args="delay=2" # # we run the next three ops in the background # in case ops are not serialized, the lrmregtest RA should complain # %bg 2 exec operation=start # insert sleeps to make sure that the operations are started in # the order given here %sleep 1 # set timeouts high enough so that no op fails exec operation=start timeout=3000 %sleep 1 %bgrepeat 4 exec operation=monitor timeout=11000 %sleep 11 state exec operation=stop state del rsc=r1 # # # %setenv dflt_rsc=r2 dflt_timeout=10500 add rsc=r2 args="ignore_TERM=1 delay=9" exec operation=start %bg exec operation=monitor timeout=500 exec operation=monitor del rsc=r2