@import "@patternfly/patternfly/sass-utilities/all"; /* * PatternFly 4 adapting the lists too early. * When PF4 has a breakpoint of 768px width, it's actually 1108 for us, as the sidebar is 340px. * (This does use the intended content area, but there's a mismatch between content and browser width as we use iframes.) * So redefine grid breakpoints */ $pf-v5-global--breakpoint--xs: 0 !default; // Do not override the sm breakpoint as for width < 768px the left nav is hidden $pf-v5-global--breakpoint--md: 428px !default; $pf-v5-global--breakpoint--lg: 652px !default; $pf-v5-global--breakpoint--xl: 860px !default; $pf-v5-global--breakpoint--2xl: 1110px !default;