@import "global-variables"; .dynamic-form-group { .pf-v5-c-empty-state { padding: 0; } .pf-v5-c-form__label { // Don't allow labels to wrap white-space: nowrap; } .remove-button-group { // Move 'Remove' button the the end of the row grid-column: -1; // Move 'Remove' button to the bottom of the line so as to align with the other form fields display: flex; align-items: flex-end; } // Set check to the same height as input widgets and vertically align .pf-v5-c-form__group-control > .pf-v5-c-check { // Set height to the same as inputs // Font height is font size * line height (1rem * 1.5) // Widgets have 5px padding, 1px border (top & bottom): (5 + 1) * 2 = 12 // This all equals to 36px block-size: calc(var(--pf-v5-global--FontSize--md) * var(--pf-v5-global--LineHeight--md) + 12px); align-content: center; } // We use FormFieldGroup PF component for the nested look and for ability to add buttons to the header // However we want to save space and not add indent to the left so we need to override it .pf-v5-c-form__field-group-body { // Stretch content fully --pf-v5-c-form__field-group-body--GridColumn: 1 / -1; // Reduce padding at the top --pf-v5-c-form__field-group-body--PaddingTop: var(--pf-v5-global--spacer--xs); } }