/* * This file is part of Cockpit. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. * * Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Cockpit; If not, see . */ import cockpit from "cockpit"; import React from "react"; import { Flex } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/layouts/Flex/index.js"; import { Spinner } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Spinner/index.js"; import { WarningTriangleIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons"; import { show_modal_dialog } from "cockpit-components-dialog.jsx"; import * as PK from "packagekit.js"; import "cockpit-components-install-dialog.css"; const _ = cockpit.gettext; // TODO - generalize this to arbitrary number of arguments (when needed) function format_to_fragments(fmt, arg) { const index = fmt.indexOf("$0"); if (index >= 0) return <>{fmt.slice(0, index)}{arg}{fmt.slice(index + 2)}; else return fmt; } /* Calling install_dialog will open a dialog that lets the user * install the given package. * * The install_dialog function returns a promise that is fulfilled when the dialog closes after * a successful installation. The promise is rejected when the user cancels the dialog. * * If the package is already installed before the dialog opens, we still go * through all the motions and the dialog closes successfully without doing * anything when the use hits "Install". * * You shouldn't call install_dialog unless you know that PackageKit is available. * (If you do anyway, the resulting D-Bus errors will be shown to the user.) */ export function install_dialog(pkg, options) { let data = null; let error_message = null; let progress_message = null; let cancel = null; let done = null; if (!Array.isArray(pkg)) pkg = [pkg]; options = options || { }; const prom = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { done = f => { if (f) resolve(); else reject(); } }); let dialog = null; function update() { let extra_details = null; let remove_details = null; let footer_message = null; const missing_name = {pkg.join(", ")}; if (data && data.extra_names.length > 0) extra_details = (
{_("Additional packages:")}
); if (data && data.remove_names.length > 0) remove_details = (
    {data.remove_names.map(id =>
  • {id}
  • )}
); if (progress_message) footer_message = ( { progress_message } ); else if (data?.download_size) { footer_message = (
{ format_to_fragments(_("Total size: $0"), {cockpit.format_bytes(data.download_size)}) }
); } const body = { id: "dialog", title: options.title || _("Install software"), body: (

{ format_to_fragments(options.text || _("$0 will be installed."), missing_name) }

{ remove_details } { extra_details }
), static_error: error_message, }; const footer = { actions: [ { caption: _("Install"), style: "primary", clicked: install_missing, disabled: data == null } ], idle_message: footer_message, dialog_done: f => { if (!f && cancel) cancel(); done(f) } }; if (dialog) { dialog.setProps(body); dialog.setFooterProps(footer); } else { dialog = show_modal_dialog(body, footer); } } function check_missing() { PK.check_missing_packages(pkg, p => { cancel = p.cancel; let pm = null; if (p.waiting) pm = _("Waiting for other software management operations to finish"); else pm = _("Checking installed software"); if (pm != progress_message) { progress_message = pm; update(); } }) .then(d => { if (d.unavailable_names.length > 0) error_message = cockpit.format(_("$0 is not available from any repository."), d.unavailable_names[0]); else data = d; progress_message = null; cancel = null; update(); }) .catch(e => { progress_message = null; cancel = null; error_message = e.toString(); update(); }); } function install_missing() { // We need to return a Cockpit flavoured promise since we want // to use progress notifications. const dfd = cockpit.defer(); PK.install_missing_packages(data, p => { let text = null; if (p.waiting) { text = _("Waiting for other software management operations to finish"); } else if (p.package) { let fmt; if (p.info == PK.Enum.INFO_DOWNLOADING) fmt = _("Downloading $0"); else if (p.info == PK.Enum.INFO_REMOVING) fmt = _("Removing $0"); else fmt = _("Installing $0"); text = format_to_fragments(fmt, {p.package}); } dfd.notify(text, p.cancel); }) .then(() => { dfd.resolve(); }) .catch(error => { dfd.reject(error); }); return dfd.promise; } update(); check_missing(); return prom; }