/* * This file is part of Cockpit. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. * * Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Cockpit; If not, see . */ import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ExpandableRowContent, Table, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, SortByDirection, } from '@patternfly/react-table'; import { EmptyState, EmptyStateBody, EmptyStateFooter, EmptyStateActions } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/EmptyState/index.js"; import { Text, TextContent, TextVariants } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Text/index.js"; import './cockpit-components-table.scss'; /* This is a wrapper around PF Table component * See https://www.patternfly.org/components/table/ * Properties (all optional unless specified otherwise): * - caption * - id: optional identifier * - className: additional classes added to the Table * - actions: additional listing-wide actions (displayed next to the list's title) * - columns: { title: string, header: boolean, sortable: boolean }[] or string[] * - rows: { * columns: (React.Node or string or { title: string, key: string, ...extraProps: object}}[] Through extraProps the consumers can pass arbitrary properties to the * props: { key: string, ...extraProps: object } This property is mandatory and should contain a unique `key`, all additional properties are optional. Through extraProps the consumers can pass arbitrary properties to the * expandedContent: (React.Node)[]) * selected: boolean option if the row is selected * initiallyExpanded : the entry will be initially rendered as expanded, but then behaves normally * }[] * - emptyCaption: header caption to show if list is empty * - emptyCaptionDetail: extra details to show after emptyCaption if list is empty * - emptyComponent: Whole empty state component to show if the list is empty * - isEmptyStateInTable: if empty state is result of a filter function this should be set, otherwise false * - loading: Set to string when the content is still loading. This string is shown. * - variant: For compact tables pass 'compact' * - gridBreakPoint: Specifies the grid breakpoints ('', 'grid' | 'grid-md' | 'grid-lg' | 'grid-xl' | 'grid-2xl') * - sortBy: { index: Number, direction: SortByDirection } * - sortMethod: callback function used for sorting rows. Called with 3 parameters: sortMethod(rows, activeSortDirection, activeSortIndex) * - style: object of additional css rules * - afterToggle: function to be called when content is toggled * - onSelect: function to be called when a checkbox is clicked. Called with 5 parameters: * event, isSelected, rowIndex, rowData, extraData. rowData contains props with an id property of the clicked row. * - onHeaderSelect: event, isSelected. */ export const ListingTable = ({ actions = [], afterToggle, caption = '', className, columns: cells = [], emptyCaption = '', emptyCaptionDetail, emptyComponent, isEmptyStateInTable = false, loading = '', onRowClick, onSelect, onHeaderSelect, rows: tableRows = [], showHeader = true, sortBy, sortMethod, ...extraProps }) => { let rows = [...tableRows]; const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState({}); const [newItems, setNewItems] = useState([]); const [currentRowsKeys, setCurrentRowsKeys] = useState([]); const [activeSortIndex, setActiveSortIndex] = useState(sortBy?.index ?? 0); const [activeSortDirection, setActiveSortDirection] = useState(sortBy?.direction ?? SortByDirection.asc); const rowKeys = rows.map(row => row.props?.key) .filter(key => key !== undefined); const rowKeysStr = JSON.stringify(rowKeys); const currentRowsKeysStr = JSON.stringify(currentRowsKeys); useEffect(() => { // Don't highlight all when the list gets loaded const _currentRowsKeys = JSON.parse(currentRowsKeysStr); const _rowKeys = JSON.parse(rowKeysStr); if (_currentRowsKeys.length !== 0) { const new_keys = _rowKeys.filter(key => _currentRowsKeys.indexOf(key) === -1); if (new_keys.length) { setTimeout(() => setNewItems(items => items.filter(item => new_keys.indexOf(item) < 0)), 4000); setNewItems(ni => [...ni, ...new_keys]); } } setCurrentRowsKeys(crk => [...new Set([...crk, ..._rowKeys])]); }, [currentRowsKeysStr, rowKeysStr]); const isSortable = cells.some(col => col.sortable); const isExpandable = rows.some(row => row.expandedContent); const tableProps = {}; /* Basic table properties */ tableProps.className = "ct-table"; if (className) tableProps.className = tableProps.className + " " + className; if (rows.length == 0) tableProps.className += ' ct-table-empty'; const header = ( (caption || actions.length != 0) ?


{actions &&
: null ); if (loading) return {loading} ; if (rows == 0) { let emptyState = null; if (emptyComponent) emptyState = emptyComponent; else emptyState = (
{actions.length > 0 && {actions} }
); if (!isEmptyStateInTable) return emptyState; const emptyStateCell = ( [{ props: { colSpan: cells.length }, title: emptyState }] ); rows = [{ columns: emptyStateCell }]; } const sortRows = () => { const sortedRows = rows.sort((a, b) => { const aitem = a.columns[activeSortIndex]; const bitem = b.columns[activeSortIndex]; return ((typeof aitem == 'string' ? aitem : (aitem.sortKey || aitem.title)).localeCompare(typeof bitem == 'string' ? bitem : (bitem.sortKey || bitem.title))); }); return activeSortDirection === SortByDirection.asc ? sortedRows : sortedRows.reverse(); }; const onSort = (event, index, direction) => { setActiveSortIndex(index); setActiveSortDirection(direction); }; const rowsComponents = (isSortable ? (sortMethod ? sortMethod(rows, activeSortDirection, activeSortIndex) : sortRows()) : rows).map((row, rowIndex) => { const rowProps = row.props || {}; if (onRowClick) { rowProps.isClickable = true; rowProps.onRowClick = (event) => onRowClick(event, row); } if (rowProps.key && newItems.indexOf(rowProps.key) >= 0) rowProps.className = (rowProps.className || "") + " ct-new-item"; const rowKey = rowProps.key || rowIndex; const isExpanded = expanded[rowKey] === undefined ? !!row.initiallyExpanded : expanded[rowKey]; const rowPair = ( {isExpandable ? (row.expandedContent ? { if (afterToggle) afterToggle(!expanded[rowKey]); setExpanded({ ...expanded, [rowKey]: !expanded[rowKey] }); } }} /> : ) : null } {onSelect && } {row.columns.map((cell, cellIndex) => { const { key, ...cellProps } = cell.props || {}; const dataLabel = typeof cells[cellIndex] == 'object' ? cells[cellIndex].title : cells[cellIndex]; const colKey = dataLabel || cellIndex; if (cells[cellIndex]?.header) return ( {typeof cell == 'object' ? cell.title : cell} ); return ( {typeof cell == 'object' ? cell.title : cell} ); })} {row.expandedContent && {row.expandedContent} } ); return {rowPair}; }); return ( <> {header} {showHeader && {isExpandable && ); })} } {rowsComponents}
} {!onHeaderSelect && onSelect && } {onHeaderSelect && onSelect && r.selected) }} />} {cells.map((column, columnIndex) => { const columnProps = column.props; const sortParams = ( column.sortable ? { sort: { sortBy: { index: activeSortIndex, direction: activeSortDirection }, onSort, columnIndex } } : {} ); return ( {typeof column == 'object' ? column.title : column}
); };