import fs from "fs"; import glob from "glob"; import path from "path"; import Jed from "jed"; import gettext_parser from "gettext-parser"; const config = {}; const DEFAULT_WRAPPER = 'cockpit.locale(PO_DATA);'; function get_po_files() { try { const linguas_file = path.resolve(config.srcdir, "po/LINGUAS"); const linguas = fs.readFileSync(linguas_file, 'utf8').match(/\S+/g); return => path.resolve(config.srcdir, 'po', lang + '.po')); } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw error; } /* No LINGUAS file? Fall back to globbing. * Note: we won't detect .po files being added in this case. */ return glob.sync(path.resolve(config.srcdir, 'po/*.po')); } } function get_plural_expr(statement) { try { /* Check that the plural forms isn't being sneaky since we build a function here */ Jed.PF.parse(statement); } catch (ex) { console.error("bad plural forms: " + ex.message); process.exit(1); } const expr = statement.replace(/nplurals=[1-9]; plural=([^;]*);?$/, '(n) => $1'); if (expr === statement) { console.error("bad plural forms: " + statement); process.exit(1); } return expr; } function buildFile(po_file, subdir, filename, filter) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Read the PO file, remove fuzzy/disabled lines to avoid tripping up the validator const po_data = fs.readFileSync(po_file, 'utf8') .split('\n') .filter(line => !line.startsWith('#~')) .join('\n'); const parsed = gettext_parser.po.parse(po_data, { defaultCharset: 'utf8', validation: true }); delete parsed.translations[""][""]; // second header copy const rtl_langs = ["ar", "fa", "he", "ur"]; const dir = rtl_langs.includes(parsed.headers.Language) ? "rtl" : "ltr"; // cockpit.js only looks at "plural-forms" and "language" const chunks = [ '{\n', ' "": {\n', ` "plural-forms": ${get_plural_expr(parsed.headers['Plural-Forms'])},\n`, ` "language": "${parsed.headers.Language}",\n`, ` "language-direction": "${dir}"\n`, ' }' ]; for (const [msgctxt, context] of Object.entries(parsed.translations)) { const context_prefix = msgctxt ? msgctxt + '\u0004' : ''; /* for cockpit.ngettext */ for (const [msgid, translation] of Object.entries(context)) { /* Only include msgids which appear in this source directory */ const references = translation.comments.reference.split(/\s/); if (!references.some(str => str.startsWith(`pkg/${subdir}`) || str.startsWith(config.src_directory) || str.startsWith(`pkg/lib`))) continue; if (translation.comments.flag?.match(/\bfuzzy\b/)) continue; if (!references.some(filter)) continue; const key = JSON.stringify(context_prefix + msgid); // cockpit.js always ignores the first item chunks.push(`,\n ${key}: [\n null`); for (const str of translation.msgstr) { chunks.push(',\n ' + JSON.stringify(str)); } chunks.push('\n ]'); } } chunks.push('\n}'); const wrapper = config.wrapper?.(subdir) || DEFAULT_WRAPPER; const output = wrapper.replace('PO_DATA', chunks.join('')) + '\n'; const out_path = path.join(subdir ? (subdir + '/') : '', filename); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(config.outdir, out_path), output); return resolve(); }); } function init(options) { config.srcdir = process.env.SRCDIR || './'; config.subdirs = options.subdirs || ['']; config.src_directory = options.src_directory || 'src'; config.wrapper = options.wrapper; config.outdir = options.outdir || './dist'; } function run() { const promises = []; for (const subdir of config.subdirs) { for (const po_file of get_po_files()) { const lang = path.basename(po_file).slice(0, -3); promises.push(Promise.all([ // Separate translations for the manifest.json file and normal pages buildFile(po_file, subdir, `po.${lang}.js`, str => !str.includes('manifest.json')), buildFile(po_file, subdir, `po.manifest.${lang}.js`, str => str.includes('manifest.json')) ])); } } return Promise.all(promises); } export const cockpitPoEsbuildPlugin = options => ({ name: 'cockpitPoEsbuildPlugin', setup(build) { init({ ...options, outdir: build.initialOptions.outdir }); build.onEnd(async result => { result.errors.length === 0 && await run() }); }, });