/* * This file is part of Cockpit. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. * * Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Cockpit; If not, see . */ import cockpit from "cockpit"; import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Button } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Button/index.js"; import { DatePicker } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/DatePicker/index.js"; import { Flex, FlexItem } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/layouts/Flex/index.js"; import { Form, FormGroup } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Form/index.js"; import { Popover } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Popover/index.js"; import { Select, SelectOption } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/deprecated/components/Select/index.js"; import { Spinner } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Spinner/index.js"; import { TimePicker } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/TimePicker/index.js"; import { TextInput } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/TextInput/index.js"; import { CloseIcon, ExclamationCircleIcon, InfoCircleIcon, PlusIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons"; import { show_modal_dialog } from "cockpit-components-dialog.jsx"; import { useObject, useEvent } from "hooks.js"; import * as service from "service.js"; import * as timeformat from "timeformat.js"; import * as python from "python.js"; import get_timesync_backend_py from "./get-timesync-backend.py"; import { superuser } from "superuser.js"; import "serverTime.scss"; const _ = cockpit.gettext; export function ServerTime() { const self = this; cockpit.event_target(self); function emit_changed() { self.dispatchEvent("changed"); } let time_offset = null; let remote_offset = null; let client = null; let timedate = null; function connect() { if (client) { timedate.removeEventListener("changed", emit_changed); client.close(); } client = cockpit.dbus('org.freedesktop.timedate1', { superuser: "try" }); timedate = client.proxy(); timedate.addEventListener("changed", emit_changed); client.subscribe({ interface: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", member: "PropertiesChanged" }, ntp_updated); } const timedate1_service = service.proxy("dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service"); const timesyncd_service = service.proxy("systemd-timesyncd.service"); const chronyd_service = service.proxy("chronyd.service"); timesyncd_service.addEventListener("changed", emit_changed); chronyd_service.addEventListener("changed", emit_changed); /* * The time we return from here as its UTC time set to the * server time. This is the only way to get predictable * behavior. */ Object.defineProperty(self, 'utc_fake_now', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { const offset = time_offset + remote_offset; return new Date(offset + (new Date()).valueOf()); } }); Object.defineProperty(self, 'now', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return new Date(time_offset + (new Date()).valueOf()); } }); self.format = function format(and_time) { const options = { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: and_time ? "short" : undefined, timeZone: "UTC" }; return timeformat.formatter(options).format(self.utc_fake_now); }; const updateInterval = window.setInterval(emit_changed, 30000); self.wait = function wait() { if (remote_offset === null) return self.update(); return Promise.resolve(); }; self.update = function update() { return cockpit.spawn(["date", "+%s:%z"], { err: "message" }) .then(data => { const parts = data.trim().split(":"); const timems = parseInt(parts[0], 10) * 1000; let tzmin = parseInt(parts[1].slice(-2), 10); const tzhour = parseInt(parts[1].slice(0, -2)); if (tzhour < 0) tzmin = -tzmin; const offsetms = (tzhour * 3600000) + tzmin * 60000; const now = new Date(); time_offset = (timems - now.valueOf()); remote_offset = offsetms; emit_changed(); }) .catch(ex => console.log("Couldn't calculate server time offset: " + cockpit.message(ex))); }; /* There is no way to make sense of this date without a round trip to the * server, as the timezone is really server specific. */ self.change_time = (datestr, timestr) => cockpit.spawn(["date", "--date=" + datestr + " " + timestr, "+%s"]) .then(data => { const seconds = parseInt(data.trim(), 10); return timedate.call('SetTime', [seconds * 1000 * 1000, false, true]) .then(self.update); }); self.bump_time = function (millis) { return timedate.call('SetTime', [millis, true, true]); }; self.get_time_zone = function () { return timedate.Timezone; }; self.set_time_zone = function (tz) { return timedate.call('SetTimezone', [tz, true]); }; self.poll_ntp_synchronized = () => client.call( timedate.path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get", ["org.freedesktop.timedate1", "NTPSynchronized"]) .then(result => { const ifaces = { "org.freedesktop.timedate1": { NTPSynchronized: result[0].v } }; const data = { }; data[timedate.path] = ifaces; client.notify(data); }) .catch(error => { if (error.name != "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty" && error.problem != "not-found") console.log("can't get NTPSynchronized property", error); }); let ntp_waiting_value = null; let ntp_waiting_resolve = null; function ntp_updated(path, iface, member, args) { if (!ntp_waiting_resolve || !args[1].NTP) return; if (ntp_waiting_value !== args[1].NTP.v) console.warn("Unexpected value of NTP"); ntp_waiting_resolve(); ntp_waiting_resolve = null; } self.set_ntp = function set_ntp(val) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ntp_waiting_resolve = resolve; }); ntp_waiting_value = val; client.call(timedate.path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get", ["org.freedesktop.timedate1", "NTP"]) .then(result => { // Check if don't want to enable enabled or disable disabled if (result[0].v === val) { ntp_waiting_resolve(); ntp_waiting_resolve = null; return; } timedate.call('SetNTP', [val, true]) .catch(e => { ntp_waiting_resolve(); ntp_waiting_resolve = null; console.error("Failed to call SetNTP:", e.message); // not-covered: OS error }); }); return promise; }; self.get_ntp_active = function () { return timedate.NTP; }; self.get_ntp_supported = function () { return timedate.CanNTP; }; self.get_ntp_status = function () { const status = { initialized: false, active: false, synch: false, service: null, server: null, sub_status: null }; // flag for tests that timedated/timesyncd proxies got initialized if (timedate.CanNTP !== undefined && timedate1_service.unit && timedate1_service.unit.Id && timesyncd_service.exists !== null && chronyd_service.exists !== null) status.initialized = true; status.active = timedate.NTP; status.synch = timedate.NTPSynchronized; const timesyncd_server_regex = /.*time server (.*)\./i; const timesyncd_status = (timesyncd_service.state == "running" && timesyncd_service.service?.StatusText); if (timesyncd_service.state == "running") status.service = "systemd-timesyncd.service"; else if (chronyd_service.state == "running") status.service = "chronyd.service"; if (timesyncd_status) { const match = timesyncd_status.match(timesyncd_server_regex); if (match) status.server = match[1]; else if (timesyncd_status != "Idle." && timesyncd_status !== "") status.sub_status = timesyncd_status; } return status; }; function get_timesync_backend() { return python.spawn(get_timesync_backend_py, [], { superuser: "try", err: "message" }) .then(data => { const unit = data.trim(); if (unit == "systemd-timesyncd.service") return "timesyncd"; else if (unit == "chrony.service" || unit == "chronyd.service") return "chronyd"; else return null; }); } function get_custom_ntp_timesyncd() { const custom_ntp_config_file = cockpit.file("/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d/50-cockpit.conf", { superuser: "try" }); const result = { backend: "timesyncd", enabled: false, servers: [] }; return custom_ntp_config_file.read() .then(function(text) { let ntp_line = ""; if (text) { result.enabled = true; text.split("\n").forEach(function(line) { if (line.indexOf("NTP=") === 0) { ntp_line = line.slice(4); result.enabled = true; } else if (line.indexOf("#NTP=") === 0) { ntp_line = line.slice(5); result.enabled = false; } }); result.servers = ntp_line.split(" ").filter(function(val) { return val !== ""; }); if (result.servers.length === 0) result.enabled = false; } return result; }) .catch(function(error) { console.warn("failed to load time servers", error); return result; }); } function set_custom_ntp_timesyncd(config) { const custom_ntp_config_file = cockpit.file("/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d/50-cockpit.conf", { superuser: true }); const text = `# This file is automatically generated by Cockpit\n\n[Time]\n${config.enabled ? "" : "#"}NTP=${config.servers.join(" ")}\n`; return cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", "-p", "/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d"], { superuser: true }) .then(() => custom_ntp_config_file.replace(text)); } const chronyd_sourcedir = "/etc/chrony/sources.d"; const chronyd_sources_enabled = chronyd_sourcedir + "/cockpit.sources"; const chronyd_sources_disabled = chronyd_sourcedir + "/cockpit.disabled"; function get_custom_ntp_chronyd() { const enabled_file = cockpit.file(chronyd_sources_enabled, { superuser: "try" }); const disabled_file = cockpit.file(chronyd_sources_disabled, { superuser: "try" }); function parse_servers(data) { if (!data) return []; const servers = []; data.split("\n").forEach(function(line) { const parts = line.split(" "); if (parts[0] == "server") servers.push(parts[1]); }); return servers; } return enabled_file.read() .then(data => { if (data) { return { backend: "chronyd", enabled: true, servers: parse_servers(data) }; } else { return disabled_file.read() .then(data => { return { backend: "chronyd", enabled: false, servers: parse_servers(data) }; }); } }); } function set_custom_ntp_chronyd(config) { const enabled_file = cockpit.file(chronyd_sources_enabled, { superuser: true }); const disabled_file = cockpit.file(chronyd_sources_disabled, { superuser: true }); const text = "# This file is automatically generated by Cockpit\n\n" + config.servers.map(s => `server ${s}\n`).join(""); // HACK - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2168863 function ensure_sourcedir() { function add_sourcedir(data) { const line = "sourcedir " + chronyd_sourcedir; if (data && data.indexOf(line) == -1) data += "\n# Added by Cockpit\n" + line + "\n"; return data; } return cockpit.file("/etc/chrony.conf", { superuser: true }).modify(add_sourcedir); } return cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", "-p", chronyd_sourcedir], { superuser: true }) .then(() => { if (config.enabled) return enabled_file.replace(text).then(() => disabled_file.replace(null)).then(ensure_sourcedir); else return disabled_file.replace(text).then(() => enabled_file.replace(null)); }); } self.get_custom_ntp = function () { return get_timesync_backend().then(backend => { if (backend == "timesyncd") { return get_custom_ntp_timesyncd(); } else if (backend == "chronyd") { return get_custom_ntp_chronyd(); } else { return Promise.resolve({ backend: null, servers: [], enabled: false }); } }); }; self.set_custom_ntp = function (config) { if (config.backend == "timesyncd") { return set_custom_ntp_timesyncd(config); } else if (config.backend == "chronyd") { return set_custom_ntp_chronyd(config); } else { return Promise.resolve(); } }; self.get_timezones = function() { return cockpit.spawn(["/usr/bin/timedatectl", "list-timezones"]) .then(content => content.split('\n').filter(tz => tz != "")); }; /* NTPSynchronized needs to be polled so we just do that * always. */ const ntp_poll_interval = window.setInterval(function() { self.poll_ntp_synchronized(); }, 5000); self.close = function close() { window.clearInterval(updateInterval); window.clearInterval(ntp_poll_interval); client.close(); }; connect(); superuser.addEventListener("reconnect", connect); self.update(); } export function ServerTimeConfig() { const server_time = useObject(() => new ServerTime(), st => st.close(), []); useEvent(server_time, "changed"); const ntp = server_time.get_ntp_status(); const tz = server_time.get_time_zone(); const systime_button = ( ); let ntp_status = null; if (ntp?.active) { let icon; let header; let body = ""; let footer = null; if (ntp.synch) { icon = ; header = _("Synchronized"); if (ntp.server) body =
{cockpit.format(_("Synchronized with $0"), ntp.server)}
; } else { if (ntp.server) { icon = ; header = _("Synchronizing"); body =
{cockpit.format(_("Trying to synchronize with $0"), ntp.server)}
; } else { icon = ; header = _("Not synchronized"); if (ntp.service) { footer = ( ); } } } if (ntp.sub_status) { body = <>{body}
; } ntp_status = ( {icon} ); } return ( {systime_button} {ntp_status} ); } function Validated({ errors, error_key, children }) { const error = errors?.[error_key]; // We need to always render the
for the has-error // class so that the input field keeps the focus when // errors are cleared. Otherwise the DOM changes enough // for the Browser to remove focus. return (
{ children } { error ? {error} : null }
); } function ValidatedInput({ errors, error_key, children }) { const error = errors?.[error_key]; return ( { children } ); } function ChangeSystimeBody({ state, errors, change }) { const [zonesOpen, setZonesOpen] = useState(false); const [modeOpen, setModeOpen] = useState(false); const { time_zone, time_zones, mode, manual_date, manual_time, ntp_supported, custom_ntp } = state; function add_server(event, index) { custom_ntp.servers.splice(index + 1, 0, ""); change("custom_ntp", custom_ntp); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } function remove_server(event, index) { custom_ntp.servers.splice(index, 1); change("custom_ntp", custom_ntp); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } function change_server(event, index, value) { custom_ntp.servers[index] = value; change("custom_ntp", custom_ntp); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } const ntp_servers = ( custom_ntp.servers.map((s, i) => ( change_server(event, i, value)} />