import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Button } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Button"; import { EmptyState, EmptyStateBody } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/EmptyState"; import { FormFieldGroup, FormFieldGroupHeader } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/Form"; import { HelperText, HelperTextItem } from "@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components/HelperText"; import './cockpit-components-dynamic-list.scss'; /* Dynamic list with a variable number of rows. Each row is a custom component, usually an input field(s). * * Props: * - emptyStateString * - onChange * - id * - itemcomponent * - formclass (optional) * - options (optional) * - onValidationChange: A handler function which updates the parent's component's validation object. * Its parameter is an array the same structure as 'validationFailed'. * - validationFailed: An array where each item represents a validation error of the corresponding row component index. * A row is strictly mapped to an item of the array by its index. * Example: Let's have a dynamic form, where each row consists of 2 fields: name and email. Then a validation array of * these rows would look like this: * [ * { name: "Name must not be empty }, // first row * { }, // second row * { name: "Name cannot containt number", email: "Email must contain '@'" } // third row * ] */ export class DynamicListForm extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { list: [], }; this.keyCounter = 0; this.removeItem = this.removeItem.bind(this); this.addItem = this.addItem.bind(this); this.onItemChange = this.onItemChange.bind(this); } removeItem(idx) { const validationFailedDelta = this.props.validationFailed ? [...this.props.validationFailed] : []; // We also need to remove any error messages which the item (row) may have contained validationFailedDelta.splice(idx, 1); this.props.onValidationChange?.(validationFailedDelta); this.setState(state => { const items = [...state.list]; // keep the list structure, otherwise all the indexes shift and the ID/key mapping gets broken delete items[idx]; return { list: items }; }, () => this.props.onChange(this.state.list)); } addItem() { this.setState(state => { return { list: [...state.list, { key: this.keyCounter++, ...this.props.default }] }; }, () => this.props.onChange(this.state.list)); } onItemChange(idx, field, value) { this.setState(state => { const items = [...state.list]; items[idx][field] = value || null; return { list: items }; }, () => this.props.onChange(this.state.list)); } render () { const { id, label, actionLabel, formclass, emptyStateString, helperText, validationFailed, onValidationChange } = this.props; const dialogValues = this.state; return ( {actionLabel}} /> } className={"dynamic-form-group " + formclass}> { dialogValues.list.some(item => item !== undefined) ? <> {, idx) => { if (item === undefined) return null; return React.cloneElement(this.props.itemcomponent, { idx, item, id: id + "-" + idx, key: idx, onChange: this.onItemChange, removeitem: this.removeItem, additem: this.addItem, options: this.props.options, validationFailed: validationFailed && validationFailed[idx], onValidationChange: value => { // Dynamic list consists of multiple rows. Therefore validationFailed object is presented as an array where each item represents a row // Each row/item then consists of key-value pairs, which represent a field name and it's validation error const delta = validationFailed ? [...validationFailed] : []; // Update validation of only a single row delta[idx] = value; // If a row doesn't contain any fields with errors anymore, we delete the item of the array // Deleting an item of an array replaces an item with an "empty item". // This guarantees that an array of validation errors maps to the correct rows if (Object.keys(delta[idx]).length == 0) delete delta[idx]; onValidationChange?.(delta); }, }); }) } {helperText && {helperText} } : {emptyStateString} } ); } } DynamicListForm.propTypes = { emptyStateString: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, id: PropTypes.string.isRequired, itemcomponent: PropTypes.object.isRequired, formclass: PropTypes.string, options: PropTypes.object, validationFailed: PropTypes.array, onValidationChange: PropTypes.func, };