import cockpit from "cockpit"; import { debug } from "./util.js"; function manage_error(reject, error, content) { let content_o = {}; if (content) { try { content_o = JSON.parse(content); } catch { content_o.message = content; } } const c = { ...error, ...content_o }; reject(c); } // calls are async, so keep track of a call counter to associate a result with a call let call_id = 0; function connect(address, system) { /* This doesn't create a channel until a request */ const http = cockpit.http(address, { superuser: system ? "require" : null }); const connection = {}; connection.monitor = function(options, callback, system, return_raw) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let buffer = ""; http.request(options) .stream(data => { if (return_raw) callback(data); else { buffer += data; const chunks = buffer.split("\n"); buffer = chunks.pop(); chunks.forEach(chunk => { debug(system, "monitor", chunk); callback(JSON.parse(chunk)); }); } }) .catch((error, content) => { manage_error(reject, error, content); }) .then(resolve); }); }; = function (options) { const id = call_id++; debug(system, `call ${id}:`, JSON.stringify(options)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { options = options || {}; http.request(options) .then(result => { debug(system, `call ${id} result:`, JSON.stringify(result)); resolve(result); }) .catch((error, content) => { debug(system, `call ${id} error:`, JSON.stringify(error), "content", JSON.stringify(content)); manage_error(reject, error, content); }); }); }; connection.close = function () { http.close(); }; return connection; } /* * Connects to the podman service, performs a single call, and closes the * connection. */ async function call (address, system, parameters) { const connection = connect(address, system); const result = await; connection.close(); return result; } export default { connect, call };