/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Red Hat, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Author: Jan Friesse * * This software licensed under BSD license, the text of which follows: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the MontaVista Software, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static corosync_cfg_handle_t cfg_handle; static cpg_handle_t cpg_handle; typedef enum { OPER_NAMES_ONLY = 1, OPER_FULL_OUTPUT = 2, } operation_t; static void fprint_addrs(FILE *f, unsigned int nodeid) { int numaddrs; int i; corosync_cfg_node_address_t addrs[INTERFACE_MAX]; if (corosync_cfg_get_node_addrs(cfg_handle, nodeid, INTERFACE_MAX, &numaddrs, addrs) == CS_OK) { for (i=0; iss_family) { continue; } if (ss->ss_family == AF_INET6) { saddr = &sin6->sin6_addr; } else { saddr = &sin->sin_addr; } inet_ntop(ss->ss_family, saddr, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (i != 0) { fprintf(f, " "); } fprintf(f, "%s", buf); } } } static void fprint_group (FILE *f, int escape, const struct cpg_name *group) { int i; char c; for (i = 0; i < group->length; i++) { c = group->value[i]; if (!escape || (c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f && c != '\\')) { fputc (c, f); } else { if (c == '\\') fprintf (f, "\\\\"); else fprintf (f, "\\x%02X", c); } } } static int display_groups (char delimiter, int escape) { cs_error_t res; cpg_iteration_handle_t iter_handle; struct cpg_iteration_description_t description; res = cpg_iteration_initialize (cpg_handle, CPG_ITERATION_NAME_ONLY, NULL, &iter_handle); if (res != CS_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot initialize cpg iterator error %d\n", res); return 0; } while ((res = cpg_iteration_next (iter_handle, &description)) == CS_OK) { fprint_group (stdout, escape, &description.group); fputc ((delimiter ? delimiter : '\n'), stdout); } if (delimiter) putc ('\n', stdout); cpg_iteration_finalize (iter_handle); return 1; } static inline int group_name_compare ( const struct cpg_name *g1, const struct cpg_name *g2) { return (g1->length == g2->length? memcmp (g1->value, g2->value, g1->length): g1->length - g2->length); } static int display_groups_with_members (char delimiter, int escape) { cs_error_t res; cpg_iteration_handle_t iter_handle; struct cpg_iteration_description_t description; struct cpg_name old_group; res = cpg_iteration_initialize (cpg_handle, CPG_ITERATION_ALL, NULL, &iter_handle); if (res != CS_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot initialize cpg iterator error %d\n", res); return 0; } memset (&old_group, 0, sizeof (struct cpg_name)); if (delimiter) { fprintf (stdout, "GRP_NAME%cPID%cNODEID\n", delimiter, delimiter); } else { fprintf (stdout, "Group Name\t%10s\t%10s\n", "PID", "Node ID"); } while ((res = cpg_iteration_next (iter_handle, &description)) == CS_OK) { if (!delimiter && group_name_compare (&old_group, &description.group) != 0) { fprint_group (stdout, escape, &description.group); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); memcpy (&old_group, &description.group, sizeof (struct cpg_name)); } if (!delimiter) { fprintf (stdout, "\t\t%10u\t%10u (", description.pid, description.nodeid); fprint_addrs (stdout, description.nodeid); fprintf (stdout, ")\n"); } else { fprint_group (stdout, escape, &description.group); fprintf (stdout, "%c%u%c%u\n", delimiter, description.pid, delimiter, description.nodeid); } } if (res != CS_ERR_NO_SECTIONS) { fprintf (stderr, "cpg iteration error %d\n", res); return 0; } cpg_iteration_finalize (iter_handle); return 1; } static void usage_do (const char *prog_name) { printf ("%s [-d delimiter] [-e] [-n] [-h]\n\n", prog_name); printf ("A tool for displaying cpg groups and members.\n"); printf ("options:\n"); printf ("\t-d\tDelimiter between fields.\n"); printf ("\t-e\tDon't escape unprintable characters in group name.\n"); printf ("\t-n\tDisplay only all existing group names.\n"); printf ("\t-h\tDisplay this help.\n"); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *options = "hd:ne"; int opt; const char *prog_name = basename(argv[0]); char delimiter = 0; int escape = 1; operation_t operation = OPER_FULL_OUTPUT; int result; while ( (opt = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != -1 ) { switch (opt) { case 'd': if (strlen (optarg) > 0) { delimiter = optarg[0]; } break; case 'n': operation = OPER_NAMES_ONLY; break; case 'e': escape = 0; break; case 'h': usage_do (prog_name); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case '?': case ':': return (EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } result = cpg_initialize (&cpg_handle, NULL); if (result != CS_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize corosync cpg API error %d\n", result); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } result = corosync_cfg_initialize (&cfg_handle, NULL); if (result != CS_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize corosync configuration API error %d\n", result); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (operation) { case OPER_NAMES_ONLY: result = display_groups (delimiter, escape); break; case OPER_FULL_OUTPUT: result = display_groups_with_members (delimiter, escape); break; } cpg_finalize (cpg_handle); corosync_cfg_finalize (cfg_handle); return (result ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }