path: root/test/testcases/commit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/testcases/commit b/test/testcases/commit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b27c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testcases/commit
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+show Commits of all kinds
+op_defaults timeout=2m
+primitive st stonith:null \
+ params hostlist='node1' \
+ meta yoyo-meta="yoyo 2" requires=nothing \
+ op monitor interval=60m
+node node1 \
+ attributes mem=16G
+primitive p1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy \
+ op monitor interval=60m \
+ op monitor interval=120m OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10
+primitive p2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+primitive p3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+group g1 p1 p2
+clone c1 g1
+location l1 p3 100: node1
+order o1 Mandatory: p3 c1
+colocation cl1 inf: c1 p3
+primitive d1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+primitive d2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+primitive d3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+rename p3 pp3
+rename pp3 p3
+delete c1
+group g2 d1 d2
+delete g2
+filter "sed '/g1/s/p1/d1/'"
+group g2 d3 d2
+delete d2
diff --git a/test/testcases/commit.exp b/test/testcases/commit.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d291c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testcases/commit.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+.TRY Commits of all kinds
+.INP: configure
+.INP: _regtest on
+.INP: erase
+.INP: erase nodes
+.INP: op_defaults timeout=2m
+.INP: primitive st stonith:null params hostlist='node1' meta yoyo-meta="yoyo 2" requires=nothing op monitor interval=60m
+.EXT crm_resource --show-metadata stonith:null
+.EXT stonithd metadata
+.INP: commit
+WARNING: 7: st: unknown attribute 'yoyo-meta'
+.INP: node node1 attributes mem=16G
+.INP: primitive p1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy op monitor interval=60m op monitor interval=120m OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10
+.EXT crm_resource --show-metadata ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: primitive p2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: primitive p3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: group g1 p1 p2
+.INP: clone c1 g1
+.INP: location l1 p3 100: node1
+.INP: order o1 Mandatory: p3 c1
+.INP: colocation cl1 inf: c1 p3
+.INP: primitive d1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: primitive d2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: primitive d3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
+.INP: commit
+.INP: rename p3 pp3
+INFO: 21: modified location:l1 from p3 to pp3
+INFO: 21: modified order:o1 from p3 to pp3
+INFO: 21: modified colocation:cl1 from p3 to pp3
+.INP: commit
+.INP: rename pp3 p3
+INFO: 23: modified location:l1 from pp3 to p3
+INFO: 23: modified order:o1 from pp3 to p3
+INFO: 23: modified colocation:cl1 from pp3 to p3
+.INP: delete c1
+INFO: 24: modified order:o1 from c1 to g1
+INFO: 24: modified colocation:cl1 from c1 to g1
+.INP: commit
+.INP: group g2 d1 d2
+.INP: commit
+.INP: delete g2
+.INP: commit
+.INP: filter "sed '/g1/s/p1/d1/'"
+.INP: group g2 d3 d2
+.INP: delete d2
+.INP: commit
+.INP: _test
+.INP: verify
+WARNING: 35: st: unknown attribute 'yoyo-meta'
+.INP: show
+node node1 \
+ attributes mem=16G
+primitive d1 Dummy \
+ op monitor timeout=20s interval=10s \
+ op start timeout=20s interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=20s interval=0s
+primitive d3 Dummy \
+ op monitor timeout=20s interval=10s \
+ op start timeout=20s interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=20s interval=0s
+primitive p1 Dummy \
+ op monitor interval=60m timeout=20s \
+ op monitor interval=120m timeout=20s \
+ op_params OCF_CHECK_LEVEL=10 \
+ op start timeout=20s interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=20s interval=0s
+primitive p2 Dummy \
+ op monitor timeout=20s interval=10s \
+ op start timeout=20s interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=20s interval=0s
+primitive p3 Dummy \
+ op monitor timeout=20s interval=10s \
+ op start timeout=20s interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=20s interval=0s
+primitive st stonith:null \
+ params hostlist=node1 \
+ meta yoyo-meta="yoyo 2" requires=nothing \
+ op monitor interval=60m timeout=20 \
+ op start timeout=20 interval=0s \
+ op stop timeout=15 interval=0s
+group g1 d1 p2
+group g2 d3
+colocation cl1 inf: g1 p3
+location l1 p3 100: node1
+order o1 Mandatory: p3 g1
+op_defaults op-options: \
+ timeout=2m
+.INP: commit
+INFO: 37: apparently there is nothing to commit
+INFO: 37: try changing something first