path: root/test/unittests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unittests/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unittests/ b/test/unittests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb25b5
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+++ b/test/unittests/
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+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Kristoffer Gronlund <>
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# unit tests for
+from crmsh import cibconfig
+from crmsh import parse
+from lxml import etree
+from .test_parse import MockValidation
+factory = cibconfig.cib_factory
+def assert_is_not_none(thing):
+ assert thing is not None, "Expected non-None value"
+def roundtrip(cli, debug=False, expected=None, format_mode=-1, strip_color=False):
+ parse.validator = MockValidation()
+ node, _, _ = cibconfig.parse_cli_to_xml(cli)
+ assert_is_not_none(node)
+ obj = factory.find_object(node.get("id"))
+ if obj:
+ factory.delete(node.get("id"))
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(node)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ obj.nocli = True
+ xml = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=format_mode)
+ print(xml)
+ obj.nocli = False
+ s = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=format_mode)
+ if strip_color:
+ import re
+ s = re.sub(r"\$\{[^}]+\}", "", s)
+ if (s != cli) or debug:
+ print("GOT:", s)
+ print("EXP:", cli)
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+ if expected is not None:
+ assert expected == s
+ else:
+ assert cli == s
+ assert not debug
+def setup_function():
+ "set up test fixtures"
+ from crmsh import idmgmt
+ idmgmt.clear()
+def teardown_function():
+ "tear down test fixtures"
+def test_rscset():
+ roundtrip('colocation foo inf: a b')
+ roundtrip('order order_2 Mandatory: [ A B ] C')
+ roundtrip('rsc_template public_vm Xen')
+''' Seems rely on cluster env, should be in functional test
+def test_normalize():
+ """
+ Test automatic normalization of parameter names:
+ "shutdown_timeout" is a parameter name, but
+ "shutdown-timeout" is not.
+ """
+ roundtrip('primitive vm1 Xen params shutdown-timeout=0',
+ expected='primitive vm1 Xen params shutdown_timeout=0')
+def test_group():
+ factory.create_from_cli('primitive p1 Dummy')
+ roundtrip('group g1 p1 params target-role=Stopped')
+def test_bnc863736():
+ roundtrip('order order_3 Mandatory: [ A B ] C symmetrical=true')
+def test_sequential():
+ roundtrip('colocation rsc_colocation-master inf: [ vip-master vip-rep sequential=true ] [ msPostgresql:Master sequential=true ]')
+def test_broken_colo():
+ xml = """<rsc_colocation id="colo-2" score="INFINITY">
+ <resource_set id="colo-2-0" require-all="false">
+ <resource_ref id="vip1"/>
+ <resource_ref id="vip2"/>
+ </resource_set>
+ <resource_set id="colo-2-1" require-all="false" role="Master">
+ <resource_ref id="apache"/>
+ </resource_set>
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ data = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1)
+ assert 'colocation colo-2 inf: [ vip1 vip2 sequential=true ] [ apache:Master sequential=true ]' == data
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_comment():
+ roundtrip("# comment 1\nprimitive d0 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy", format_mode=0, strip_color=True)
+def test_comment2():
+ roundtrip("# comment 1\n# comment 2\n# comment 3\nprimitive d0 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy", format_mode=0, strip_color=True)
+def test_nvpair_ref1():
+ factory.create_from_cli("primitive dummy-0 Dummy params $fiz:buz=bin")
+ roundtrip('primitive dummy-1 Dummy params @fiz:boz')
+def test_idresolve():
+ factory.create_from_cli("primitive dummy-5 Dummy params buz=bin")
+ roundtrip('primitive dummy-1 Dummy params @dummy-5-instance_attributes-buz')
+def test_ordering():
+ xml = """<primitive id="dummy" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"> \
+ <operations> \
+ <op name="start" timeout="60" interval="0" id="dummy-start-0"/> \
+ <op name="stop" timeout="60" interval="0" id="dummy-stop-0"/> \
+ <op name="monitor" interval="60" timeout="30" id="dummy-monitor-60"/> \
+ </operations> \
+ <meta_attributes id="dummy-meta_attributes"> \
+ <nvpair id="dummy-meta_attributes-target-role" name="target-role"
+value="Stopped"/> \
+ </meta_attributes> \
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ data = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1)
+ print(data)
+ exp = 'primitive dummy ocf:pacemaker:Dummy op start timeout=60 interval=0 op stop timeout=60 interval=0 op monitor interval=60 timeout=30 meta target-role=Stopped'
+ assert exp == data
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_ordering2():
+ xml = """<primitive id="dummy2" class="ocf" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy"> \
+ <meta_attributes id="dummy2-meta_attributes"> \
+ <nvpair id="dummy2-meta_attributes-target-role" name="target-role"
+value="Stopped"/> \
+ </meta_attributes> \
+ <operations> \
+ <op name="start" timeout="60" interval="0" id="dummy2-start-0"/> \
+ <op name="stop" timeout="60" interval="0" id="dummy2-stop-0"/> \
+ <op name="monitor" interval="60" timeout="30" id="dummy2-monitor-60"/> \
+ </operations> \
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ data = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1)
+ print(data)
+ exp = 'primitive dummy2 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy meta target-role=Stopped ' \
+ 'op start timeout=60 interval=0 op stop timeout=60 interval=0 ' \
+ 'op monitor interval=60 timeout=30'
+ assert exp == data
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_fencing():
+ xml = """<fencing-topology>
+ <fencing-level devices="st1" id="fencing" index="1"
+ <fencing-level devices="st1" id="fencing-0" index="1"
+ <fencing-level devices="st1" id="fencing-1" index="1"
+ </fencing-topology>"""
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ data = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1)
+ print(data)
+ exp = 'fencing_topology st1'
+ assert exp == data
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_fencing2():
+ xml = """<fencing-topology>
+ <fencing-level devices="apple" id="fencing" index="1"
+ <fencing-level devices="pear" id="fencing" index="2"
+ <fencing-level devices="pear" id="fencing" index="1"
+ <fencing-level devices="apple" id="fencing" index="2"
+ </fencing-topology>"""
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ data = obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1)
+ print(data)
+ exp = 'fencing_topology pattern:green.* apple pear pattern:red.* pear apple'
+ assert exp == data
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_master():
+ xml = """<master id="ms-1">
+ <crmsh-ref id="dummy3" />
+ </master>
+ """
+ data = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ factory.create_from_cli("primitive dummy3 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy")
+ data, _, _ = cibconfig.postprocess_cli(data)
+ print("after postprocess:", etree.tostring(data))
+ obj = factory.create_from_node(data)
+ assert_is_not_none(obj)
+ assert obj.cli_use_validate()
+def test_param_rules():
+ roundtrip('primitive foo Dummy ' +
+ 'params rule #uname eq wizbang laser=yes ' +
+ 'params rule #uname eq gandalf staff=yes')
+ roundtrip('primitive mySpecialRsc me:Special ' +
+ 'params 3: rule #uname eq node1 interface=eth1 ' +
+ 'params 2: rule #uname eq node2 interface=eth2 port=8888 ' +
+ 'params 1: interface=eth0 port=9999')
+def test_operation_rules():
+ roundtrip('primitive test Dummy ' +
+ 'op start interval=0 '
+ 'op_params 2: rule #uname eq node1 fake=fake ' +
+ 'op_params 1: fake=real ' +
+ 'op_meta 2: rule #ra-version version:gt 1.0 timeout=120s ' +
+ 'op_meta 1: timeout=60s')
+def test_multiple_attrsets():
+ roundtrip('primitive mySpecialRsc me:Special ' +
+ 'params 3: interface=eth1 ' +
+ 'params 2: port=8888')
+ roundtrip('primitive mySpecialRsc me:Special ' +
+ 'meta 3: interface=eth1 ' +
+ 'meta 2: port=8888')
+def test_new_acls():
+ roundtrip('role fum description=test read description=test2 xpath:"*[@name=karl]"')
+def test_acls_reftype():
+ roundtrip('role boo deny ref:d0 type:nvpair',
+ expected='role boo deny ref:d0 deny type:nvpair')
+def test_acls_oldsyntax():
+ roundtrip('role boo deny ref:d0 tag:nvpair',
+ expected='role boo deny ref:d0 deny type:nvpair')
+def test_rules():
+ roundtrip('primitive p1 Dummy params ' +
+ 'rule $role=Started date in start=2009-05-26 end=2010-05-26 ' +
+ 'or date gt 2014-01-01 state=2')
+def test_new_role():
+ roundtrip('role silly-role-2 read xpath:"//nodes//attributes" ' +
+ 'deny type:nvpair deny ref:d0 deny type:nvpair')
+def test_topology_1114():
+ roundtrip('fencing_topology attr:rack=1 node1,node2')
+def test_topology_1114_pattern():
+ roundtrip('fencing_topology pattern:.* network disk')
+def test_locrule():
+ roundtrip('location loc-testfs-with-eth1 testfs rule ethmonitor-eth1 eq 1')
+def test_is_value_sane():
+ roundtrip('''primitive p1 Dummy params state="bo'o"''')
+def test_is_value_sane_2():
+ roundtrip('primitive p1 Dummy params state="bo\\"o"')
+def test_alerts_1():
+ roundtrip('alert alert1 "/tmp/" to "/tmp/bar.log"')
+def test_alerts_2():
+ roundtrip('alert alert2 "/tmp/" attributes foo=bar to "/tmp/bar.log"')
+def test_alerts_3():
+ roundtrip('alert alert3 "a path here" meta baby to "/tmp/bar.log"')
+def test_alerts_4():
+ roundtrip('alert alert4 "/also/a/path"')
+def test_alerts_5():
+ roundtrip('alert alert5 "/a/path" to { "/another/path" } meta timeout=30s')
+def test_alerts_6():
+ roundtrip('alert alert6 "/a/path" select fencing attributes { standby } to { "/another/path" } meta timeout=30s')
+def test_alerts_7():
+ roundtrip('alert alert7 "/a/path" select fencing attributes foo=bar to { "/another/path" } meta timeout=30s')