# Copyright (C) 2013 Kristoffer Gronlund # See COPYING for license information. # - Base class for UI levels # - Decorators and other helper functions for the UI # Mostly, what these functions do is store extra metadata # inside the functions. import inspect import re from . import help as help_module from . import ui_utils from . import log logger = log.setup_logger(__name__) def name(n): ''' Overrides the name of the command. This is useful to handle commands with dashes instead of underlines, or commands with awkward names (like commands with a leading underscore). ''' def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_name', n) return fn return inner def alias(*aliases): ''' Adds aliases for the command. The command will also be callable using the alias. The command name set in the command context will reflect the alias used (so the same command can behave differently depending on the alias). ''' def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_aliases', aliases) return fn return inner def level(level_class): ''' Changes the command into a level movement. Calling the command doesn't actually call the member function this decorator is applied to, so don't put any code in that function. This is a bit awkward, but given how decorators work, it's the best I could think of. ''' def inner(fn): # check signature of given level function _check_args(fn, ('self',)) setattr(fn, '_ui_type', 'level') setattr(fn, '_level', level_class) def default(arg, val): if not hasattr(fn, arg): setattr(fn, arg, val) default('_aliases', tuple()) default('_short_help', None) default('_long_help', None) return fn return inner def help(doc): ''' Use to set a help text for a command or level which isn't documented in crm.8.adoc. The first line of the doc string will be used as the short help, the rest will be used as the full help message. ''' doc_split = doc.split('\n', 1) def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_short_help', doc_split[0]) if len(doc_split) > 1: setattr(fn, '_long_help', doc_split[1]) else: setattr(fn, '_long_help', '') return fn return inner def skill_level(new_level): ''' Use to set the required skill level of a command: @command @skill_level('administrator') def do_rmrf(self, cmd, args): ... ''' if isinstance(new_level, str): levels = {'operator': 0, 'administrator': 1, 'expert': 2} if new_level.lower() not in levels: raise ValueError("Unknown skill level: " + new_level) new_level = levels[new_level.lower()] def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_skill_level', new_level) return fn return inner def wait(fn): ''' A command with this decorator will force the interactive shell to wait for the command to complete. @command @wait def do_bigop(self, cmd, args): ... ''' setattr(fn, '_wait', True) return fn def completer(cb): ''' Use to set a tab completer for the command. The completer is called for the command, regardless of the number of arguments called so far ''' def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_completer', cb) return fn return inner def completers(*fns): ''' Use to set a list of positional tab completers for the command. Each completer gets as its argument the command line entered so far, and returns a list of possible completions. ''' def cfn(args): nargs = len(args) - 1 if nargs == 0: return [args[0]] if nargs <= len(fns): return fns[nargs-1](args) return [] def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_completer', cfn) return fn return inner def completers_repeating(*fns): ''' Like completers, but calls the last completer for any additional arguments ''' def cfn(args): nargs = len(args) - 1 if nargs == 0: return [args[0]] if nargs <= len(fns): return fns[nargs-1](args) return fns[-1](args) def inner(fn): setattr(fn, '_completer', cfn) return fn return inner def _cd_completer(args, context): """ more like bash cd completion """ def current_completions(): return context.current_level().get_completions() def is_sublevel(l): return context.current_level().is_sublevel(l) def next_completions(token): info = context.current_level().get_child(token) context.enter_level(info.level) return [l for l in current_completions() if is_sublevel(l)] def prev_completions(): return [l for l in context.previous_level().get_completions() if context.previous_level().is_sublevel(l)] if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'cd': # complete the 'cd' command self return current_completions() if len(args) == 2: if args[1] in current_completions(): return [args[1] + '/'] if args[1] == '..' and context.previous_level(): return ['../'] if args[1] == '../' and context.previous_level(): return [args[1] + l for l in prev_completions()] if args[1].endswith("/"): return [args[1]+l for l in next_completions(args[1].strip('/'))] if re.search(r'\.\./.+', args[1]): return ['../' + l for l in prev_completions()] if re.search(r'.+/.+', args[1]): token = args[1].split('/')[0] return [token+'/'+l for l in next_completions(token)] if len(args) == 3 and not args[-1]: # prevent '..' completion happend many times triggerd by Tab return ret = [] if context.previous_level(): ret += ['..'] # look out where 'cd' command can enter return ret + [l for l in current_completions() if is_sublevel(l)] def _help_completer(args, context): 'TODO: make better completion' return help_module.list_help_topics() + context.current_level().get_completions() def fuzzy_get(items, s): """ Finds s in items using a fuzzy matching algorithm: 1. if exact match, return value 2. if unique prefix, return value 3. if unique prefix substring, return value """ found = items.get(s) if found: return found def fuzzy_match(rx): try: matcher = re.compile(rx, re.I) matches = [c for m, c in items.items() if matcher.match(m)] if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] except re.error as e: raise ValueError(e) return None # prefix match m = fuzzy_match(s + '.*') if m: return m # substring match m = fuzzy_match('.*'.join(s) + '.*') if m: return m return None class UI(object): ''' Base class for all ui levels. Things that I need to solve: - Error handling - Help - Completion ''' # Name of level: override this in the subclass. name = None def requires(self): ''' Returns False if requirements for level are not met. Checked before entering the level. ''' return True def end_game(self, no_questions_asked=False): ''' Overriding end_game() allows levels to ask for confirmation before exiting. ''' pass def should_wait(self): ''' A kludge to allow in-transit configuration changes to make us wait on transition to finish. Needs to be implemented in the level (currently, just configure). ''' return False @alias('end', 'back') @help('''Go back to previous level Navigates back in the user interface. ''') def do_up(self, context): ''' TODO: Implement full cd navigation. cd ../configure, for example Also implement ls to list commands / levels from current location ''' ok = context.up() context.save_stack() return ok @help('''List levels and commands Lists the available sublevels and commands at the current level. ''') def do_ls(self, context): ''' Shows list of places to go and commands to call ''' out = [] res = [] max_width = 16 if context.previous_level(): out = ['..'] out += context.current_level().get_completions() for o in sorted(out): if o.startswith('-') or o.startswith('_'): continue if max_width < len(o): max_width = len(o) res.append(o) if max_width >= 16: max_width += 2 colnum = 3 rownum = len(res) // colnum for i in range(rownum): for x in res[i::rownum]: print("%-0*s" % (max_width, x), end=' ') print('') @help('''Navigate the level structure This command works similar to how `cd` works in a regular unix system shell. `cd ..` returns to the previous level. If the current level is `resource`, executing `cd ../configure` will move directly to the `configure` level. One difference between this command and the usual behavior of `cd` is that without any argument, this command will go back one level instead of doing nothing. Examples: .... cd .. cd configure cd ../configure cd configure/ra .... ''') @completer(_cd_completer) def do_cd(self, context, optarg='..'): ok = True path = optarg.split('/', 1) if len(path) == 1: path = path[0] if path == '..': ok = context.up() elif path == '.' or not path: return ok else: info = context.current_level().get_child(path) if not info or not info.level: logger.debug("children: %s", self._children) context.fatal_error("%s not found in %s" % (path, context.current_level())) context.enter_level(info.level) else: if not self.do_cd(context, path[0]): ok = False if not self.do_cd(context, path[1]): ok = False context.save_stack() return True @alias('bye', 'exit') @help('''Exit the interactive shell Terminates `crm` immediately. For some levels, `quit` may ask for confirmation before terminating, if there are uncommitted changes to the configuration. ''') def do_quit(self, context): context.quit() @alias('?', '-h', '--help') @help('''show help (help topics for list of topics) The help subsystem consists of the command reference and a list of topics. The former is what you need in order to get the details regarding a specific command. The latter should help with concepts and examples. Examples: .... help Introduction help quit .... ''') @completer(_help_completer) def do_help(self, context, subject=None, subtopic=None): """usage: help topic|level|command""" h = help_module.help_contextual(context.level_name(), subject, subtopic) h.paginate() context.command_name = "" def get_completions(self): ''' return tab completions ''' return [x for x in self._children.keys() if x not in self._aliases] def get_child(self, child): ''' Returns child info for the given name, or None if the child is not found. This tries very hard to find a matching child: If none is found, a fuzzy matcher is used to pick a close match ''' from . import options if options.shell_completion: return self._children.get(child) else: return fuzzy_get(self._children, child) def is_sublevel(self, child): ''' True if the given name is a sublevel of this level ''' sub = self.get_child(child) return sub and sub.type == 'level' @classmethod def children(cls): return cls._children @classmethod def init_ui(cls): def get_if_command(attr): "Return the named attribute if it's a command" child = getattr(cls, attr) return child if attr.startswith('do_') and inspect.isfunction(child) else None def add_aliases(children, info, aliases): "Add any aliases for command to child map" for alias in info.aliases: aliases.append(alias) children[alias] = info def add_help(info): "Add static help to the help system" if info.short_help: entry = help_module.HelpEntry(info.short_help, info.long_help, generated=True) elif info.type == 'command': entry = help_module.HelpEntry( 'Help for command ' + info.name, 'Note: This command is not documented.\n' + 'Usage: %s %s' % (info.name, ui_utils.pretty_arguments(info.function, nskip=2)), generated=True) elif info.type == 'level': entry = help_module.HelpEntry('Help for level ' + info.name, 'Note: This level is not documented.\n', generated=True) if info.type == 'command': help_module.add_help(entry, level=cls.name, command=info.name) elif info.type == 'level': help_module.add_help(entry, level=info.name) def prepare(children, child, aliases): info = ChildInfo(child, cls) if info.type == 'command' and not is_valid_command_function(info.function): raise ValueError("Invalid command function: %s.%s" % (cls.__name__, info.function.__name__)) children[info.name] = info add_aliases(children, info, aliases) add_help(info) children = {} aliases = [] for child_name in dir(cls): if child_name == 'do_up' and re.search("ui_root.Root", str(cls)): continue child = get_if_command(child_name) if child: prepare(children, child, aliases) setattr(cls, '_children', children) setattr(cls, '_aliases', aliases) return children def make_name(new_name): ''' Generate command name from command function name. ''' if new_name.startswith('do_'): return new_name[3:] return new_name class ChildInfo(object): ''' Declares the given method a command method. Sets extra attributes in the function itself, which are picked up by the UILevel class and used to generate ChildInfo data. The given method is expected to take a first parameter (after self) which is a UI context, which holds information about where the user came from when calling the command, controls for manipulating the current level (up(), quit(), etc), the name used when calling the command, error reporting and warning methods. The rest of the parameters are the actual arguments to the method. These are tokenized using shlex and then matched to the actual arguments of the method. Information about a child node in the hierarchy: A node is either a level or a command. ''' def __init__(self, fn, parent): def maybe(attr, default): if hasattr(fn, attr): return getattr(fn, attr) return default self.function = fn self.name = maybe('_name', make_name(fn.__name__)) self.type = maybe('_ui_type', 'command') self.aliases = maybe('_aliases', tuple()) self.short_help = maybe('_short_help', None) self.long_help = maybe('_long_help', None) self.skill_level = maybe('_skill_level', 0) self.wait = maybe('_wait', False) self.level = maybe('_level', None) self.completer = maybe('_completer', None) self.parent = parent self.children = {} if self.type == 'level' and self.level: self.children = self.level.init_ui() def complete(self, context, args): ''' Execute the completer for this command with the given arguments. The completer mostly completes based on argument position, but some commands are context sensitive... - make args[0] be name of command ''' ret = [] if self.completer is not None: specs = inspect.getfullargspec(self.completer) if 'context' in specs.args: ret = self.completer([self.name] + args, context) else: ret = self.completer([self.name] + args) return ret def __repr__(self): return "%s:%s (%s)" % (self.type, self.name, self.short_help) def is_valid_command_function(fn): ''' Returns True if fn is a valid command function: named do_xxx, takes (self, context) as the first two parameters ''' specs = inspect.getfullargspec(fn) return len(specs.args) >= 2 and specs.args[0] == 'self' and specs.args[1] == 'context' def _check_args(fn, expected): argnames = fn.__code__.co_varnames[:fn.__code__.co_argcount] if argnames != expected: raise ValueError(fn.__name__ + ": Expected method with signature " + repr(expected))