# Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Daniel Fairhead # Copyright (C) 2017 Kristoffer Gronlund # See COPYING for license information. """ Based on simpleeval: SimpleEval - (C) 2013-2017 Daniel Fairhead ------------------------------------- An short, easy to use, safe and reasonably extensible expression evaluator. Designed for things like in a website where you want to allow the user to generate a string, or a number from some other input, without allowing full eval() or other unsafe or needlessly complex linguistics. ------------------------------------- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------- Initial idea copied from J.F. Sebastian on Stack Overflow ( http://stackoverflow.com/a/9558001/1973500 ) with modifications and many improvments. ------------------------------------- Contributors: - corro (Robin Baumgartner) (py3k) - dratchkov (David R) (nested dicts) - marky1991 (Mark Young) (slicing) - T045T (Nils Berg) (!=, py3kstr, obj. - perkinslr (Logan Perkins) (.__globals__ or .func_ breakouts) - impala2 (Kirill Stepanov) (massive _eval refactor) - gk (ugik) (Other iterables than str can DOS too, and can be made) - daveisfera (Dave Johansen) 'not' Boolean op, Pycharm and pep8 fixes. ------------------------------------- Usage: >>> s = SimpleEval() >>> s.eval("20 + 30") 50 You can add your own functions easily too: if file.txt contents is "11" >>> def get_file(): with open("file.txt",'r') as f: return f.read() s.functions["get_file"] = get_file s.eval("int(get_file()) + 31") 42 For more information, see the full package documentation on pypi, or the github repo. ----------- If you don't need to re-use the evaluator (with it's names, functions, etc), then you can use the simple_eval() function: >>> simple_eval("21 + 19") 40 You can pass names, operators and functions to the simple_eval function as well: >>> simple_eval("40 + two", names={"two": 2}) 42 """ import ast import sys import operator as op ######################################## # Module wide 'globals' MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 100000 DISALLOW_PREFIXES = ['_', 'func_'] DISALLOW_METHODS = ['format'] PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 ######################################## # Exceptions: class InvalidExpression(Exception): """ Generic Exception """ pass class NameNotDefined(InvalidExpression): """ a name isn't defined. """ def __init__(self, name, expression): self.name = name self.message = "'{0}' is not defined for expression '{1}'".format( name, expression) self.expression = expression # pylint: disable=bad-super-call super(InvalidExpression, self).__init__(self.message) class AttributeDoesNotExist(InvalidExpression): """attribute does not exist""" def __init__(self, attr, expression): self.message = \ "Attribute '{0}' does not exist in expression '{1}'".format( attr, expression) self.attr = attr self.expression = expression class FeatureNotAvailable(InvalidExpression): """ What you're trying to do is not allowed. """ pass class IterableTooLong(InvalidExpression): """ That iterable is **way** too long, baby. """ pass ######################################## # Defaults for the evaluator: DEFAULT_OPERATORS = {ast.Eq: op.eq, ast.NotEq: op.ne, ast.Gt: op.gt, ast.Lt: op.lt, ast.GtE: op.ge, ast.LtE: op.le, ast.Not: op.not_, ast.USub: op.neg, ast.UAdd: op.pos, ast.In: lambda x, y: op.contains(y, x), ast.NotIn: lambda x, y: not op.contains(y, x), ast.Is: lambda x, y: x is y, ast.IsNot: lambda x, y: x is not y, } DEFAULT_NAMES = {"True": True, "False": False} ######################################## # And the actual evaluator: class SimpleEval(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A very simple expression parser. >>> s = SimpleEval() >>> s.eval("20 + 30 - ( 10 * 5)") 0 """ expr = "" def __init__(self, names): """ Create the evaluator instance. Set up valid operators (+,-, etc) functions (add, random, get_val, whatever) and names. """ operators = DEFAULT_OPERATORS names = names.copy() names.update(DEFAULT_NAMES) self.operators = operators self.names = names self.nodes = { ast.Num: self._eval_num, ast.Str: self._eval_str, ast.Name: self._eval_name, ast.UnaryOp: self._eval_unaryop, ast.BinOp: self._eval_binop, ast.BoolOp: self._eval_boolop, ast.Compare: self._eval_compare, ast.IfExp: self._eval_ifexp, ast.keyword: self._eval_keyword, ast.Subscript: self._eval_subscript, ast.Attribute: self._eval_attribute, ast.Index: self._eval_index, ast.Slice: self._eval_slice, } # py3k stuff: if hasattr(ast, 'NameConstant'): self.nodes[ast.NameConstant] = self._eval_constant elif isinstance(self.names, dict) and "None" not in self.names: self.names["None"] = None # py3.8 uses ast.Constant instead of ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.NameConstant if hasattr(ast, 'Constant'): self.nodes[ast.Constant] = self._eval_constant def evaluate(self, expr): """ evaluate an expresssion, using the operators, functions and names previously set up. """ # set a copy of the expression aside, so we can give nice errors... self.expr = expr # and evaluate: return self._eval(ast.parse(expr.strip()).body[0].value) def _eval(self, node): """ The internal evaluator used on each node in the parsed tree. """ try: handler = self.nodes[type(node)] except KeyError: raise FeatureNotAvailable("Sorry, {0} is not available in this " "evaluator".format(type(node).__name__)) return handler(node) @staticmethod def _eval_num(node): return node.n @staticmethod def _eval_str(node): if len(node.s) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH: raise IterableTooLong("String Literal in statement is too long!" " ({0}, when {1} is max)".format( len(node.s), MAX_STRING_LENGTH)) return node.s @staticmethod def _eval_constant(node): if (hasattr(node.value, '__len__') and len(node.value) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH): raise IterableTooLong("Literal in statement is too long!" " ({0}, when {1} is max)" "".format(len(node.value), MAX_STRING_LENGTH)) return node.value def _eval_unaryop(self, node): return self.operators[type(node.op)](self._eval(node.operand)) def _eval_binop(self, node): return self.operators[type(node.op)](self._eval(node.left), self._eval(node.right)) def _eval_boolop(self, node): if isinstance(node.op, ast.And): vout = False for value in node.values: vout = self._eval(value) if not vout: return False return vout elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Or): for value in node.values: vout = self._eval(value) if vout: return vout return False def _eval_compare(self, node): left = self._eval(node.left) for operation, comp in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): right = self._eval(comp) if self.operators[type(operation)](left, right): left = right # Hi Dr. Seuss... else: return False return True def _eval_ifexp(self, node): return self._eval(node.body) if self._eval(node.test) \ else self._eval(node.orelse) def _eval_keyword(self, node): return node.arg, self._eval(node.value) def _eval_name(self, node): try: # This happens at least for slicing # This is a safe thing to do because it is impossible # that there is a true exression assigning to none # (the compiler rejects it, so you can't even # pass that to ast.parse) if isinstance(self.names, dict): return self.names[node.id] elif callable(self.names): return self.names(node) else: raise InvalidExpression('Trying to use name (variable) "{0}"' ' when no "names" defined for' ' evaluator'.format(node.id)) except KeyError: if node.id in self.functions: return self.functions[node.id] raise NameNotDefined(node.id, self.expr) def _eval_subscript(self, node): container = self._eval(node.value) key = self._eval(node.slice) try: return container[key] except KeyError: raise def _eval_attribute(self, node): for prefix in DISALLOW_PREFIXES: if node.attr.startswith(prefix): raise FeatureNotAvailable( "Sorry, access to __attributes " " or func_ attributes is not available. " "({0})".format(node.attr)) if node.attr in DISALLOW_METHODS: raise FeatureNotAvailable( "Sorry, this method is not available. " "({0})".format(node.attr)) try: return self._eval(node.value)[node.attr] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass # Maybe the base object is an actual object, not just a dict try: return getattr(self._eval(node.value), node.attr) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # If it is neither, raise an exception raise AttributeDoesNotExist(node.attr, self.expr) def _eval_index(self, node): return self._eval(node.value) def _eval_slice(self, node): lower = upper = step = None if node.lower is not None: lower = self._eval(node.lower) if node.upper is not None: upper = self._eval(node.upper) if node.step is not None: step = self._eval(node.step) return slice(lower, upper, step) def minieval(expr, env): """ Given a dict of variable -> value mapping in env, parse and evaluate the expression in expr """ return SimpleEval(env).evaluate(expr)