import os import re import shutil from . import utils, sh from . import bootstrap from .bootstrap import SYSCONFIG_SBD, SBD_SYSTEMD_DELAY_START_DIR from . import log from . import constants from . import corosync from . import xmlutil from .service_manager import ServiceManager from .sh import ShellUtils logger = log.setup_logger(__name__) logger_utils = log.LoggerUtils(logger) class SBDTimeout(object): """ Consolidate sbd related timeout methods and constants """ STONITH_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = -1 SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 5 SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_S390 = 15 SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_WITH_QDEVICE = 35 QDEVICE_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MARGIN = 5 def __init__(self, context=None): """ Init function """ self.context = context self.sbd_msgwait = None self.stonith_timeout = None self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT self.stonith_watchdog_timeout = self.STONITH_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT self.sbd_delay_start = None self.two_node_without_qdevice = False def initialize_timeout(self): self._set_sbd_watchdog_timeout() if self.context.diskless_sbd: self._adjust_sbd_watchdog_timeout_with_diskless_and_qdevice() else: self._set_sbd_msgwait() def _set_sbd_watchdog_timeout(self): """ Set sbd_watchdog_timeout from profiles.yml if exists Then adjust it if in s390 environment """ if "sbd.watchdog_timeout" in self.context.profiles_dict: self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = int(self.context.profiles_dict["sbd.watchdog_timeout"]) if self.context.is_s390 and self.sbd_watchdog_timeout < self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_S390: logger.warning("sbd_watchdog_timeout is set to %d for s390, it was %d", self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_S390, self.sbd_watchdog_timeout) self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_S390 def _set_sbd_msgwait(self): """ Set sbd msgwait from profiles.yml if exists Default is 2 * sbd_watchdog_timeout """ sbd_msgwait_default = 2 * self.sbd_watchdog_timeout sbd_msgwait = sbd_msgwait_default if "sbd.msgwait" in self.context.profiles_dict: sbd_msgwait = int(self.context.profiles_dict["sbd.msgwait"]) if sbd_msgwait < sbd_msgwait_default: logger.warning("sbd msgwait is set to %d, it was %d", sbd_msgwait_default, sbd_msgwait) sbd_msgwait = sbd_msgwait_default self.sbd_msgwait = sbd_msgwait def _adjust_sbd_watchdog_timeout_with_diskless_and_qdevice(self): """ When using diskless SBD with Qdevice, adjust value of sbd_watchdog_timeout """ # add sbd after qdevice started if utils.is_qdevice_configured() and ServiceManager().service_is_active("corosync-qdevice.service"): qdevice_sync_timeout = utils.get_qdevice_sync_timeout() if self.sbd_watchdog_timeout <= qdevice_sync_timeout: watchdog_timeout_with_qdevice = qdevice_sync_timeout + self.QDEVICE_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MARGIN logger.warning("sbd_watchdog_timeout is set to {} for qdevice, it was {}".format(watchdog_timeout_with_qdevice, self.sbd_watchdog_timeout)) self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = watchdog_timeout_with_qdevice # add sbd and qdevice together from beginning elif self.context.qdevice_inst: if self.sbd_watchdog_timeout < self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_WITH_QDEVICE: logger.warning("sbd_watchdog_timeout is set to {} for qdevice, it was {}".format(self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_WITH_QDEVICE, self.sbd_watchdog_timeout)) self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = self.SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT_WITH_QDEVICE @staticmethod def get_sbd_msgwait(dev): """ Get msgwait for sbd device """ out = sh.cluster_shell().get_stdout_or_raise_error("sbd -d {} dump".format(dev)) # Format like "Timeout (msgwait) : 30" res ="\(msgwait\)\s+:\s+(\d+)", out) if not res: raise ValueError("Cannot get sbd msgwait for {}".format(dev)) return int( @staticmethod def get_sbd_watchdog_timeout(): """ Get SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT from /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ res = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT") if not res: raise ValueError("Cannot get the value of SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT") return int(res) @staticmethod def get_stonith_watchdog_timeout(): """ For non-bootstrap case, get stonith-watchdog-timeout value from cluster property """ default = SBDTimeout.STONITH_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT if not ServiceManager().service_is_active("pacemaker.service"): return default value = utils.get_property("stonith-watchdog-timeout") return int(value.strip('s')) if value else default def _load_configurations(self): """ Load necessary configurations for both disk-based/disk-less sbd """ self.two_node_without_qdevice = utils.is_2node_cluster_without_qdevice() dev_list = SBDManager.get_sbd_device_from_config() if dev_list: # disk-based self.disk_based = True self.msgwait = SBDTimeout.get_sbd_msgwait(dev_list[0]) self.pcmk_delay_max = utils.get_pcmk_delay_max(self.two_node_without_qdevice) else: # disk-less self.disk_based = False self.sbd_watchdog_timeout = SBDTimeout.get_sbd_watchdog_timeout() self.stonith_watchdog_timeout = SBDTimeout.get_stonith_watchdog_timeout() self.sbd_delay_start_value_expected = self.get_sbd_delay_start_expected() if utils.detect_virt() else "no" self.sbd_delay_start_value_from_config = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_DELAY_START") logger.debug("Inspect SBDTimeout: %s", vars(self)) def get_stonith_timeout_expected(self): """ Get stonith-timeout value for sbd cases, formulas are: value_from_sbd = 1.2 * (pcmk_delay_max + msgwait) # for disk-based sbd value_from_sbd = 1.2 * max (stonith_watchdog_timeout, 2*SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) # for disk-less sbd stonith_timeout = max(value_from_sbd, constants.STONITH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) + token + consensus """ if self.disk_based: value_from_sbd = int(1.2*(self.pcmk_delay_max + self.msgwait)) else: value_from_sbd = int(1.2*max(self.stonith_watchdog_timeout, 2*self.sbd_watchdog_timeout)) value = max(value_from_sbd, constants.STONITH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) + corosync.token_and_consensus_timeout() logger.debug("Result of SBDTimeout.get_stonith_timeout_expected %d", value) return value @classmethod def get_stonith_timeout(cls): cls_inst = cls() cls_inst._load_configurations() return cls_inst.get_stonith_timeout_expected() def get_sbd_delay_start_expected(self): """ Get the value for SBD_DELAY_START, formulas are: SBD_DELAY_START = (token + consensus + pcmk_delay_max + msgwait) # for disk-based sbd SBD_DELAY_START = (token + consensus + 2*SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT) # for disk-less sbd """ token_and_consensus_timeout = corosync.token_and_consensus_timeout() if self.disk_based: value = token_and_consensus_timeout + self.pcmk_delay_max + self.msgwait else: value = token_and_consensus_timeout + 2*self.sbd_watchdog_timeout return value @staticmethod def get_sbd_delay_start_sec_from_sysconfig(): """ Get suitable systemd start timeout for sbd.service """ # TODO 5ms, 5us, 5s, 5m, 5h are also valid for sbd sysconfig value = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_DELAY_START") if utils.is_boolean_true(value): return 2*SBDTimeout.get_sbd_watchdog_timeout() return int(value) @staticmethod def is_sbd_delay_start(): """ Check if SBD_DELAY_START is not no or not set """ res = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_DELAY_START") return res and res != "no" def adjust_systemd_start_timeout(self): """ Adjust start timeout for sbd when set SBD_DELAY_START """ sbd_delay_start_value = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_DELAY_START") if sbd_delay_start_value == "no": return cmd = "systemctl show -p TimeoutStartUSec sbd --value" out = sh.cluster_shell().get_stdout_or_raise_error(cmd) start_timeout = utils.get_systemd_timeout_start_in_sec(out) if start_timeout > int(sbd_delay_start_value): return utils.mkdirp(SBD_SYSTEMD_DELAY_START_DIR) sbd_delay_start_file = "{}/sbd_delay_start.conf".format(SBD_SYSTEMD_DELAY_START_DIR) utils.str2file("[Service]\nTimeoutSec={}".format(int(1.2*int(sbd_delay_start_value))), sbd_delay_start_file) bootstrap.sync_file(SBD_SYSTEMD_DELAY_START_DIR) utils.cluster_run_cmd("systemctl daemon-reload") def adjust_stonith_timeout(self): """ Adjust stonith-timeout property """ utils.set_property("stonith-timeout", self.get_stonith_timeout_expected(), conditional=True) def adjust_sbd_delay_start(self): """ Adjust SBD_DELAY_START in /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ expected_value = str(self.sbd_delay_start_value_expected) config_value = self.sbd_delay_start_value_from_config if expected_value == config_value: return if expected_value == "no" \ or (not'\d+', config_value)) \ or (int(expected_value) > int(config_value)): SBDManager.update_configuration({"SBD_DELAY_START": expected_value}) @classmethod def adjust_sbd_timeout_related_cluster_configuration(cls): """ Adjust sbd timeout related configurations """ cls_inst = cls() cls_inst._load_configurations() message = "Adjusting sbd related timeout values" with logger_utils.status_long(message): cls_inst.adjust_sbd_delay_start() cls_inst.adjust_stonith_timeout() cls_inst.adjust_systemd_start_timeout() class SBDManager(object): """ Class to manage sbd configuration and services """ SYSCONFIG_SBD_TEMPLATE = "/usr/share/fillup-templates/sysconfig.sbd" SBD_STATUS_DESCRIPTION = """Configure SBD: If you have shared storage, for example a SAN or iSCSI target, you can use it avoid split-brain scenarios by configuring SBD. This requires a 1 MB partition, accessible to all nodes in the cluster. The device path must be persistent and consistent across all nodes in the cluster, so /dev/disk/by-id/* devices are a good choice. Note that all data on the partition you specify here will be destroyed. """ SBD_WARNING = "Not configuring SBD - STONITH will be disabled." DISKLESS_SBD_WARNING = "Diskless SBD requires cluster with three or more nodes. If you want to use diskless SBD for 2-node cluster, should be combined with QDevice." PARSE_RE = "[; ]" DISKLESS_CRM_CMD = "crm configure property stonith-enabled=true stonith-watchdog-timeout={} stonith-timeout={}" SBD_RA = "stonith:external/sbd" SBD_RA_ID = "stonith-sbd" def __init__(self, context): """ Init function sbd_devices is provided by '-s' option on init process diskless_sbd is provided by '-S' option on init process """ self.sbd_devices_input = context.sbd_devices self.diskless_sbd = context.diskless_sbd self._sbd_devices = None self._watchdog_inst = None self._context = context self._delay_start = False self.timeout_inst = None self.no_overwrite_map = {} self.no_update_config = False @staticmethod def _get_device_uuid(dev, node=None): """ Get UUID for specific device and node """ out = sh.cluster_shell().get_stdout_or_raise_error("sbd -d {} dump".format(dev), node) res ="UUID\s*:\s*(.*)\n", out) if not res: raise ValueError("Cannot find sbd device UUID for {}".format(dev)) return def _compare_device_uuid(self, dev, node_list): """ Compare local sbd device UUID with other node's sbd device UUID """ if not node_list: return local_uuid = self._get_device_uuid(dev) for node in node_list: remote_uuid = self._get_device_uuid(dev, node) if local_uuid != remote_uuid: raise ValueError("Device {} doesn't have the same UUID with {}".format(dev, node)) def _verify_sbd_device(self, dev_list, compare_node_list=[]): """ Verify sbd device """ if len(dev_list) > 3: raise ValueError("Maximum number of SBD device is 3") for dev in dev_list: if not utils.is_block_device(dev): raise ValueError("{} doesn't look like a block device".format(dev)) self._compare_device_uuid(dev, compare_node_list) def _no_overwrite_check(self, dev): """ Check if device already initialized and if need to overwrite """ return SBDManager.has_sbd_device_already_initialized(dev) and not bootstrap.confirm("SBD is already configured to use {} - overwrite?".format(dev)) def _get_sbd_device_interactive(self): """ Get sbd device on interactive mode """ if self._context.yes_to_all: logger.warning(self.SBD_WARNING) return if not bootstrap.confirm("Do you wish to use SBD?"): logger.warning(self.SBD_WARNING) return configured_dev_list = self._get_sbd_device_from_config() for dev in configured_dev_list: self.no_overwrite_map[dev] = self._no_overwrite_check(dev) if self.no_overwrite_map and all(self.no_overwrite_map.values()): self.no_update_config = True return configured_dev_list dev_list = [] dev_looks_sane = False while not dev_looks_sane: dev = bootstrap.prompt_for_string('Path to storage device (e.g. /dev/disk/by-id/...), or "none" for diskless sbd, use ";" as separator for multi path', r'none|\/.*') if dev == "none": self.diskless_sbd = True return dev_list = utils.re_split_string(self.PARSE_RE, dev) try: self._verify_sbd_device(dev_list) except ValueError as err_msg: logger.error(str(err_msg)) continue for dev in dev_list: if dev not in self.no_overwrite_map: self.no_overwrite_map[dev] = self._no_overwrite_check(dev) if self.no_overwrite_map[dev]: if dev == dev_list[-1]: return dev_list continue logger.warning("All data on {} will be destroyed!".format(dev)) if bootstrap.confirm('Are you sure you wish to use this device?'): dev_looks_sane = True else: dev_looks_sane = False break return dev_list def _get_sbd_device(self): """ Get sbd device from options or interactive mode """ dev_list = [] if self.sbd_devices_input: dev_list = self.sbd_devices_input self._verify_sbd_device(dev_list) for dev in dev_list: self.no_overwrite_map[dev] = self._no_overwrite_check(dev) if all(self.no_overwrite_map.values()) and dev_list == self._get_sbd_device_from_config(): self.no_update_config = True elif not self.diskless_sbd: dev_list = self._get_sbd_device_interactive() self._sbd_devices = dev_list def _initialize_sbd(self): """ Initialize SBD parameters according to profiles.yml, or the crmsh defined defaulst as the last resort. This covers both disk-based-sbd, and diskless-sbd scenarios. For diskless-sbd, set sbd_watchdog_timeout then return; For disk-based-sbd, also calculate the msgwait value, then initialize the SBD device. """ msg = "" if self.diskless_sbd: msg = "Configuring diskless SBD" elif not all(self.no_overwrite_map.values()): msg = "Initializing SBD" if msg: self.timeout_inst = SBDTimeout(self._context) self.timeout_inst.initialize_timeout() if self.diskless_sbd: return opt = "-4 {} -1 {}".format(self.timeout_inst.sbd_msgwait, self.timeout_inst.sbd_watchdog_timeout) for dev in self._sbd_devices: if dev in self.no_overwrite_map and self.no_overwrite_map[dev]: continue rc, _, err = bootstrap.invoke("sbd {} -d {} create".format(opt, dev)) if not rc: utils.fatal("Failed to initialize SBD device {}: {}".format(dev, err)) def _update_sbd_configuration(self): """ Update /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ if self.no_update_config: bootstrap.sync_file(SYSCONFIG_SBD) return utils.copy_local_file(self.SYSCONFIG_SBD_TEMPLATE, SYSCONFIG_SBD) sbd_config_dict = { "SBD_WATCHDOG_DEV": self._watchdog_inst.watchdog_device_name, "SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT": str(self.timeout_inst.sbd_watchdog_timeout) } if self._sbd_devices: sbd_config_dict["SBD_DEVICE"] = ';'.join(self._sbd_devices) utils.sysconfig_set(SYSCONFIG_SBD, **sbd_config_dict) bootstrap.sync_file(SYSCONFIG_SBD) def _get_sbd_device_from_config(self): """ Gets currently configured SBD device, i.e. what's in /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ res = SBDManager.get_sbd_value_from_config("SBD_DEVICE") if res: return utils.re_split_string(self.PARSE_RE, res) else: return [] def _restart_cluster_and_configure_sbd_ra(self): """ Try to configure sbd resource, restart cluster on needed """ if not xmlutil.CrmMonXmlParser().is_any_resource_running():"Restarting cluster service") utils.cluster_run_cmd("crm cluster restart") bootstrap.wait_for_cluster() self.configure_sbd_resource_and_properties() else: logger.warning("To start sbd.service, need to restart cluster service manually on each node") if self.diskless_sbd: cmd = self.DISKLESS_CRM_CMD.format(self.timeout_inst.stonith_watchdog_timeout, SBDTimeout.get_stonith_timeout()) logger.warning("Then run \"{}\" on any node".format(cmd)) else: self.configure_sbd_resource_and_properties() def _enable_sbd_service(self): """ Try to enable sbd service """ if self._context.cluster_is_running: # in sbd stage, enable sbd.service on cluster wide utils.cluster_run_cmd("systemctl enable sbd.service") self._restart_cluster_and_configure_sbd_ra() else: # in init process bootstrap.invoke("systemctl enable sbd.service") def _warn_diskless_sbd(self, peer=None): """ Give warning when configuring diskless sbd """ # When in sbd stage or join process if (self.diskless_sbd and self._context.cluster_is_running) or peer: vote_dict = utils.get_quorum_votes_dict(peer) expected_vote = int(vote_dict['Expected']) if (expected_vote < 2 and peer) or (expected_vote < 3 and not peer): logger.warning(self.DISKLESS_SBD_WARNING) # When in init process elif self.diskless_sbd: logger.warning(self.DISKLESS_SBD_WARNING) def sbd_init(self): """ Function sbd_init includes these steps: 1. Get sbd device from options or interactive mode 2. Initialize sbd device 3. Write config file /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ from .watchdog import Watchdog if not utils.package_is_installed("sbd"): return self._watchdog_inst = Watchdog(_input=self._context.watchdog) self._watchdog_inst.init_watchdog() self._get_sbd_device() if not self._sbd_devices and not self.diskless_sbd: bootstrap.invoke("systemctl disable sbd.service") return self._warn_diskless_sbd() self._initialize_sbd() self._update_sbd_configuration() self._enable_sbd_service() def configure_sbd_resource_and_properties(self): """ Configure stonith-sbd resource and related properties """ if not utils.package_is_installed("sbd") or \ not ServiceManager().service_is_enabled("sbd.service") or \ xmlutil.CrmMonXmlParser().is_resource_configured(self.SBD_RA): return shell = sh.cluster_shell() # disk-based sbd if self._get_sbd_device_from_config(): shell.get_stdout_or_raise_error("crm configure primitive {} {}".format(self.SBD_RA_ID, self.SBD_RA)) utils.set_property("stonith-enabled", "true") # disk-less sbd else: if self.timeout_inst is None: self.timeout_inst = SBDTimeout(self._context) self.timeout_inst.initialize_timeout() cmd = self.DISKLESS_CRM_CMD.format(self.timeout_inst.stonith_watchdog_timeout, constants.STONITH_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) shell.get_stdout_or_raise_error(cmd) # in sbd stage if self._context.cluster_is_running: bootstrap.adjust_properties() def join_sbd(self, remote_user, peer_host): """ Function join_sbd running on join process only On joining process, check whether peer node has enabled sbd.service If so, check prerequisites of SBD and verify sbd device on join node """ from .watchdog import Watchdog if not utils.package_is_installed("sbd"): return if not os.path.exists(SYSCONFIG_SBD) or not ServiceManager().service_is_enabled("sbd.service", peer_host): bootstrap.invoke("systemctl disable sbd.service") return self._watchdog_inst = Watchdog(remote_user=remote_user, peer_host=peer_host) self._watchdog_inst.join_watchdog() dev_list = self._get_sbd_device_from_config() if dev_list: self._verify_sbd_device(dev_list, [peer_host]) else: self._warn_diskless_sbd(peer_host)"Got {}SBD configuration".format("" if dev_list else "diskless ")) bootstrap.invoke("systemctl enable sbd.service") @classmethod def verify_sbd_device(cls): """ This classmethod is for verifying sbd device on a running cluster Raise ValueError for exceptions """ inst = cls(bootstrap.Context()) dev_list = inst._get_sbd_device_from_config() if not dev_list: raise ValueError("No sbd device configured") inst._verify_sbd_device(dev_list, utils.list_cluster_nodes_except_me()) @classmethod def get_sbd_device_from_config(cls): """ Get sbd device list from config """ inst = cls(bootstrap.Context()) return inst._get_sbd_device_from_config() @classmethod def is_using_diskless_sbd(cls): """ Check if using diskless SBD """ inst = cls(bootstrap.Context()) dev_list = inst._get_sbd_device_from_config() if not dev_list and ServiceManager().service_is_active("sbd.service"): return True return False @staticmethod def update_configuration(sbd_config_dict): """ Update and sync sbd configuration """ utils.sysconfig_set(SYSCONFIG_SBD, **sbd_config_dict) bootstrap.sync_file(SYSCONFIG_SBD) @staticmethod def get_sbd_value_from_config(key): """ Get value from /etc/sysconfig/sbd """ conf = utils.parse_sysconfig(SYSCONFIG_SBD) res = conf.get(key) return res @staticmethod def has_sbd_device_already_initialized(dev): """ Check if sbd device already initialized """ cmd = "sbd -d {} dump".format(dev) rc, _, _ = ShellUtils().get_stdout_stderr(cmd) return rc == 0 def clean_up_existing_sbd_resource(): if xmlutil.CrmMonXmlParser().is_resource_configured(SBDManager.SBD_RA): sbd_id_list = xmlutil.CrmMonXmlParser().get_resource_id_list_via_type(SBDManager.SBD_RA) if xmlutil.CrmMonXmlParser().is_resource_started(SBDManager.SBD_RA): for sbd_id in sbd_id_list: utils.ext_cmd("crm resource stop {}".format(sbd_id)) utils.ext_cmd("crm configure delete {}".format(' '.join(sbd_id_list)))