import logging import os import pwd import re import subprocess import tempfile import typing from io import StringIO from crmsh import sh logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Error(ValueError): def __init__(self, msg: str): super().__init__(msg) class AgentNotAvailableError(Error): def __init__(self, msg): super().__init__(f'{msg}{self.diagnose()}') @staticmethod def diagnose() -> str: with StringIO() as buf: if 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' not in os.environ: buf.write(' Environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK does not exist.') if 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ: buf.write(' Please check whether ssh-agent is available and consider using "sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK".') return buf.getvalue() class NoKeysInAgentError(Error): def __init__(self, msg): super().__init__(f'{msg}{self.diagnose()}') @staticmethod def diagnose() -> str: ssh_auth_sock = os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] st = os.stat(ssh_auth_sock) owner_name = pwd.getpwuid(st.st_uid).pw_name return f' crmsh is using an ssh-agent listening at {ssh_auth_sock}, owned by {owner_name}. Please add at least one key pair with `ssh-add`' class Key: def public_key(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError class KeyFile(Key): def __init__(self, path: str): self._path = os.path.realpath(path) self._public_key = None def public_key_file(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: return self._path def public_key(self) -> str: if self._public_key: return self._public_key else: with open(self._path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: self._public_key = return self._public_key def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, KeyFile) and self._path == other._path and self.public_key() == other.public_key() def __repr__(self): return f'KeyFile(path={self._path}, key={self.public_key()})' class InMemoryPublicKey(Key): def __init__(self, content: str): self.content = content def public_key(self) -> str: return self.content def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, InMemoryPublicKey) and self.content == other.content class AuthorizedKeyManager: def __init__(self, shell: sh.SSHShell): self._shell = shell def add(self, host: typing.Optional[str], user: str, key: Key): if host is None: self._add_local(user, key) else: self._add_remote(host, user, key) def _add_local(self, user: str, key: Key): cmd = self._add_by_editing_file(user, key) rc, output = self._shell.local_shell.get_rc_and_error(user, cmd) if rc != 0: # unlikely raise Error(output) def _add_remote(self, host: str, user: str, key: Key): if self._shell.can_run_as(host, user): shell_user = user elif self._shell.can_run_as(host, 'root'): shell_user = 'root' else: shell_user = None if shell_user is not None: cmd = self._add_by_editing_file(user, key) rc, msg = self._shell.get_rc_and_error(host, shell_user, cmd) if rc != 0: raise Error(f'Failed configuring SSH passwordless with {user}@{host}: {msg}') else: user_info = pwd.getpwnam(user) if isinstance(key, KeyFile) and key.public_key_file() is not None: if os.stat(key.public_key_file()).st_uid == user_info.pw_uid: self._add_by_ssh_copy_id(user, host, key.public_key_file()) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', encoding='utf-8', suffix='.pub') as tmp: os.chown(tmp.fileno(), user_info.pw_uid, user_info.pw_gid) print(key.public_key(), file=tmp) tmp.flush() self._add_by_ssh_copy_id(user, host, else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', encoding='utf-8', suffix='.pub') as tmp: os.chown(tmp.fileno(), user_info.pw_uid, user_info.pw_gid) print(key.public_key(), file=tmp) tmp.flush() self._add_by_ssh_copy_id(user, host, @classmethod def _add_by_editing_file(cls, user: str, key: Key): public_key = key.public_key() dir = f'~{user}/.ssh' file = f'{dir}/authorized_keys' cmd = f'''if ! grep '{public_key}' {file} > /dev/null; then if [ -s {file} ]; then sed -i '$a {public_key}' {file} else mkdir -p {dir} chown {user}: {dir} chmod 0700 {dir} echo '{public_key}' > {file} chmod 0600 {file} fi chown {user}: {file} fi''' return cmd def _add_by_ssh_copy_id(self, user, host, key_path): cmd = "ssh-copy-id -f -i '{}' '{}@{}' &> /dev/null".format(key_path, user, host)"Configuring SSH passwordless with %s@%s", user, host) result = self._shell.local_shell.su_subprocess_run( self._shell.local_user, cmd, tty=True, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise Error(f'Failed configuring SSH passwordless with {user}@{host}.') class AgentClient: def __init__(self, socket_path: typing.Optional[str] = None): if socket_path is None: if 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' not in os.environ: raise AgentNotAvailableError("ssh-agent is not available.") self.socket_path = None else: self.socket_path = socket_path = sh.LocalShell(additional_environ={'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': self.socket_path} if self.socket_path else None) def list(self) -> typing.List[Key]: cmd = 'ssh-add -L' rc, stdout, stderr =, cmd) if rc == 1: raise NoKeysInAgentError(stderr) elif rc == 2: raise AgentNotAvailableError(stderr) elif rc != 0: raise sh.CommandFailure(cmd, None, None, stderr) return [InMemoryPublicKey(line) for line in stdout.splitlines()] class KeyFileManager: KNOWN_KEY_TYPES = ['rsa', 'ed25519', 'ecdsa'] # dsa is not listed here as it is not so secure KNOWN_PUBLIC_KEY_FILENAME_PATTERN = re.compile('/id_(?:{})\\.pub$'.format('|'.join(KNOWN_KEY_TYPES))) def __init__(self, shell: sh.ClusterShell): self.cluster_shell = sh.ClusterShell(shell.local_shell, shell.user_of_host, raise_ssh_error=True) def list_public_key_for_user(self, host: typing.Optional[str], user: str) -> typing.List[str]: result = self.cluster_shell.subprocess_run_without_input( host, user, 'ls ~/.ssh/id_*.pub', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if result.returncode != 0: return list() return [ filename for filename in sh.Utils.decode_str(result.stdout).splitlines() if ] def load_public_keys_for_user(self, host: typing.Optional[str], user: str) -> typing.List[InMemoryPublicKey]: filenames = self.list_public_key_for_user(host, user) if not filenames: return list() cmd = f'cat ~{user}/.ssh/{{{",".join(filenames)}}}' result = self.cluster_shell.subprocess_run_without_input( host, user, cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise sh.CommandFailure(cmd, host, user, sh.Utils.decode_str(result.stderr).strip()) return [InMemoryPublicKey(line) for line in sh.Utils.decode_str(result.stdout).splitlines()] def ensure_key_pair_exists_for_user( self, host: typing.Optional[str], user: str, ) -> typing.Tuple[bool, typing.List[InMemoryPublicKey]]: """Ensure at least one keypair exists for the specified user. If it does not exist, generate a new one. Return (is_generated, list_of_public_keys): * is_generated: whether a new keypair is generated * list_of_public_keys: all public keys of known types, including the newly generated one """ script = '''if [ ! \\( {condition} \\) ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -C "Cluster internal on $(hostname)" -N '' <> /dev/null echo 'GENERATED=1' fi for file in ~/.ssh/id_{{{pattern}}}; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then if ! [ -f "$file".pub ]; then ssh-keygen -y -f "$file" > "$file".pub fi cat "$file".pub fi done '''.format( condition=' -o '.join([f'-f ~/.ssh/id_{t}' for t in self.KNOWN_KEY_TYPES]), pattern=','.join(self.KNOWN_KEY_TYPES), ) result = self.cluster_shell.subprocess_run_without_input( host, user, script, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if result.returncode != 0: print(script) print(result.stdout) raise sh.CommandFailure(f'Script({script[:16]}...) failed. rc = {result.returncode}', host, user, sh.Utils.decode_str(result.stderr).strip()) generated = False keys = list() for line in sh.Utils.decode_str(result.stdout).splitlines(): if line == 'GENERATED=1': generated = True else: keys.append(InMemoryPublicKey(line)) return generated, keys