# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Dejan Muhamedagic # Copyright (C) 2013 Kristoffer Gronlund # See COPYING for license information. import sys import re import argparse import typing from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter import crmsh.parallax from . import command, sh from . import utils from . import scripts from . import completers as compl from . import bootstrap from . import corosync from . import qdevice from .cibconfig import cib_factory from .prun import prun from .service_manager import ServiceManager from .sh import ShellUtils from .ui_node import parse_option_for_nodes from . import constants from . import log logger = log.setup_logger(__name__) def parse_options(parser, args): try: options, args = parser.parse_known_args(list(args)) except: return None, None if hasattr(options, 'help') and options.help: parser.print_help() return None, None utils.check_empty_option_value(options) return options, args def _remove_completer(args): try: n = utils.list_cluster_nodes() except: n = [] for node in args[1:]: if node in n: n.remove(node) return scripts.param_completion_list('remove') + n def script_printer(): from .ui_script import ConsolePrinter return ConsolePrinter() def script_args(args): from .ui_script import _nvpairs2parameters return _nvpairs2parameters(args) def get_cluster_name(): cluster_name = None if not ServiceManager(sh.ClusterShellAdaptorForLocalShell(sh.LocalShell())).service_is_active("corosync.service"): name = corosync.get_values('totem.cluster_name') if name: cluster_name = name[0] else: cluster_name = cib_factory.get_property('cluster-name') return cluster_name class ArgparseCustomizableAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): previous_value = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) parsed_value = self.parse(parser, previous_value, value, option_string=None) self.validate(parser, parsed_value, option_string) setattr(namespace, self.dest, parsed_value) def parse(self, parser, previous_value, raw_value, option_string): """Parse one argument and return the parsed value. Arguments: previous_value: The previous value hold in the destinating attribute. raw_value: The string value to be parse. option_string: The command-line option string associated with this action. """ raise NotImplementedError def validate(self, parser, parsed_value, option_string): pass class ArgparseActionSplitAndAppendParseMixin(ArgparseCustomizableAction): """Parse `--foo a;b --foo "c d" --foo e` into ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']""" def parse(self, parser, previous_value, raw_value, option_string): items = previous_value if previous_value is not None else [] items.extend([x for x in re.split("[; ]", raw_value) if x]) return items class ArgparseActionUniqueListItemValidateMixin(ArgparseCustomizableAction): """Validate te uniqueness of parsed list items.""" def validate(self, parser, parsed_value, option_string): if len(parsed_value) != len(set(parsed_value)): parser.error(f"Duplicated input for '{'/'.join(self.option_strings)}' option") class CustomAppendAction(ArgparseActionSplitAndAppendParseMixin, ArgparseActionUniqueListItemValidateMixin): """ Custom class for argparse append action: - Flatten the value like '-s "/dev/sda1;/dev/sda2"' - Detect duplicated input """ pass class ArgparseActionUniqueHostInListItemValidateMixin(ArgparseCustomizableAction): """Validate the uniqueness of hosts in a parsed list in the format of 'user@host'""" def validate(self, parser, parsed_value, option_string): known_hosts = set() for item in parsed_value: match = re.match("^(?:[^@]+@)?([^@]+)$", item) if match is None: parser.error("Malformed value for option {} [@]: {}.".format( '/'.join(self.option_strings), parsed_value )) host = match.group(1) if host in known_hosts: parser.error("Duplicated host in option {}: {}".format( '/'.join(self.option_strings), parsed_value )) known_hosts.add(host) class ArgparseUserAtHostAppendAction( ArgparseActionSplitAndAppendParseMixin, ArgparseActionUniqueHostInListItemValidateMixin, ): pass class Cluster(command.UI): ''' Whole cluster management. - Package installation - System configuration - Network troubleshooting - Perform other callouts/cluster-wide devops operations ''' name = "cluster" def requires(self): return True def __init__(self): command.UI.__init__(self) # ugly hack to allow overriding the node list # for the cluster commands that operate before # there is an actual cluster self._inventory_nodes = None self._inventory_target = None @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_start(self, context, *args): ''' Starts the cluster stack on all nodes or specific node(s) ''' service_check_list = ["pacemaker.service"] start_qdevice = False if utils.is_qdevice_configured(): start_qdevice = True service_check_list.append("corosync-qdevice.service") service_manager = ServiceManager() node_list = parse_option_for_nodes(context, *args) for node in node_list[:]: if all([service_manager.service_is_active(srv, remote_addr=node) for srv in service_check_list]): logger.info("The cluster stack already started on {}".format(node)) node_list.remove(node) if not node_list: return if start_qdevice: service_manager.start_service("corosync-qdevice", node_list=node_list) node_list = bootstrap.start_pacemaker(node_list) if start_qdevice: qdevice.QDevice.check_qdevice_vote() for node in node_list: logger.info("The cluster stack started on {}".format(node)) @staticmethod def _node_ready_to_stop_cluster_service(node): """ Check if the specific node is ready to stop cluster service If both corosync.service and pacemaker.service is active, return True If some services started, stop them first and return False """ service_manager = ServiceManager() corosync_active = service_manager.service_is_active("corosync.service", remote_addr=node) sbd_active = service_manager.service_is_active("sbd.service", remote_addr=node) pacemaker_active = service_manager.service_is_active("pacemaker.service", remote_addr=node) if not corosync_active: if sbd_active: service_manager.stop_service("corosync", remote_addr=node) logger.info(f"The cluster stack stopped on {node}") else: logger.info(f"The cluster stack already stopped on {node}") return False elif not pacemaker_active: service_manager.stop_service("corosync", remote_addr=node) logger.info("The cluster stack stopped on {}".format(node)) return False return True @staticmethod def _wait_for_dc(node=None): """ Wait for the cluster's DC to become available """ if not ServiceManager().service_is_active("pacemaker.service", remote_addr=node): return dc_deadtime = utils.get_property("dc-deadtime", peer=node) or str(constants.DC_DEADTIME_DEFAULT) dc_timeout = int(dc_deadtime.strip('s')) + 5 try: utils.check_function_with_timeout(utils.get_dc, wait_timeout=dc_timeout, peer=node) except TimeoutError: logger.error("No DC found currently, please wait if the cluster is still starting") raise utils.TerminateSubCommand @staticmethod def _set_dlm(node=None): """ When dlm running and quorum is lost, before stop cluster service, should set enable_quorum_fencing=0, enable_quorum_lockspace=0 for dlm config option """ if utils.is_dlm_running(node) and not utils.is_quorate(node): logger.debug("Quorum is lost; Set enable_quorum_fencing=0 and enable_quorum_lockspace=0 for dlm") utils.set_dlm_option(peer=node, enable_quorum_fencing=0, enable_quorum_lockspace=0) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_stop(self, context, *args): ''' Stops the cluster stack on all nodes or specific node(s) ''' node_list = parse_option_for_nodes(context, *args) node_list = [n for n in node_list if self._node_ready_to_stop_cluster_service(n)] if not node_list: return logger.debug(f"stop node list: {node_list}") self._wait_for_dc(node_list[0]) self._set_dlm(node_list[0]) service_manager = ServiceManager() # Stop pacemaker since it can make sure cluster has quorum until stop corosync node_list = service_manager.stop_service("pacemaker", node_list=node_list) # Then, stop qdevice if is active if service_manager.service_is_active("corosync-qdevice.service"): service_manager.stop_service("corosync-qdevice.service", node_list=node_list) # Last, stop corosync node_list = service_manager.stop_service("corosync", node_list=node_list) for node in node_list: logger.info("The cluster stack stopped on {}".format(node)) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_restart(self, context, *args): ''' Restarts the cluster stack on all nodes or specific node(s) ''' parse_option_for_nodes(context, *args) self.do_stop(context, *args) self.do_start(context, *args) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_enable(self, context, *args): ''' Enable the cluster services on this node ''' node_list = parse_option_for_nodes(context, *args) service_manager = ServiceManager() node_list = service_manager.enable_service("pacemaker.service", node_list=node_list) if service_manager.service_is_available("corosync-qdevice.service") and utils.is_qdevice_configured(): service_manager.enable_service("corosync-qdevice.service", node_list=node_list) for node in node_list: logger.info("Cluster services enabled on %s", node) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_disable(self, context, *args): ''' Disable the cluster services on this node ''' node_list = parse_option_for_nodes(context, *args) service_manager = ServiceManager() node_list = service_manager.disable_service("pacemaker.service", node_list=node_list) service_manager.disable_service("corosync-qdevice.service", node_list=node_list) for node in node_list: logger.info("Cluster services disabled on %s", node) def _args_implicit(self, context, args, name): ''' handle early non-nvpair arguments as values in an implicit list ''' args = list(args) vals = [] while args and args[0].find('=') == -1: vals.append(args[0]) args = args[1:] if vals: return args + ['%s=%s' % (name, ','.join(vals))] return args # @command.completers_repeating(compl.call(scripts.param_completion_list, 'init')) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_init(self, context, *args): ''' Initialize a cluster. ''' def looks_like_hostnames(lst): sectionlist = bootstrap.INIT_STAGES return all(not (l.startswith('-') or l in sectionlist) for l in lst) if len(args) > 0: if '--dry-run' in args or looks_like_hostnames(args): args = ['--yes', '--nodes'] + [arg for arg in args if arg != '--dry-run'] parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" Initialize a cluster from scratch. This command configures a complete cluster, and can also add additional cluster nodes to the initial one-node cluster using the --nodes option.""", usage="init [options] [STAGE]", epilog=""" Stage can be one of: ssh Create SSH keys for passwordless SSH between cluster nodes csync2 Configure csync2 corosync Configure corosync sbd Configure SBD (requires -s ) cluster Bring the cluster online ocfs2 Configure OCFS2 (requires -o ) NOTE: this is a Technical Preview vgfs Create volume group and filesystem (ocfs2 template only, requires -o ) NOTE: this stage is an alias of ocfs2 stage admin Create administration virtual IP (optional) qdevice Configure qdevice and qnetd Note: - If stage is not specified, the script will run through each stage in sequence, with prompts for required information. Examples: # Setup the cluster on the current node crm cluster init -y # Setup the cluster with multiple nodes (NOTE: the current node will be part of the cluster even not listed in the -N option as below) crm cluster init -N node1 -N node2 -N node3 -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with two network interfaces crm cluster init -i eth1 -i eth2 -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with disk-based SBD crm cluster init -s -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with diskless SBD crm cluster init -S -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with QDevice crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with SBD+OCFS2 crm cluster init -s -o -y # Setup the cluster on the current node, with SBD+OCFS2+Cluster LVM crm cluster init -s -o -o -C -y # Add SBD on a running cluster crm cluster init sbd -s -y # Replace SBD device on a running cluster which already configured SBD crm -F cluster init sbd -s -y # Add diskless SBD on a running cluster crm cluster init sbd -S -y # Add QDevice on a running cluster crm cluster init qdevice --qnetd-hostname -y # Add OCFS2+Cluster LVM on a running cluster crm cluster init ocfs2 -o -o -C -y """, add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution, this is destructive, especially those storage related configurations and stages.)') parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", metavar="NAME", dest="cluster_name", default="hacluster", help='Set the name of the configured cluster.') parser.add_argument("-N", "--node", metavar="[USER@]HOST", dest="user_at_node_list", action=ArgparseUserAtHostAppendAction, default=[], help='The member node of the cluster. Note: the current node is always get initialized during bootstrap in the beginning.') parser.add_argument("-S", "--enable-sbd", dest="diskless_sbd", action="store_true", help="Enable SBD even if no SBD device is configured (diskless mode)") parser.add_argument("-w", "--watchdog", dest="watchdog", metavar="WATCHDOG", help="Use the given watchdog device or driver name") parser.add_argument("-x", "--skip-csync2-sync", dest="skip_csync2", action="store_true", help="Skip csync2 initialization (an experimental option)") parser.add_argument("--no-overwrite-sshkey", action="store_true", dest="no_overwrite_sshkey", help='Avoid "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" overwrite if "-y" option is used (False by default; Deprecated)') parser.add_argument('--use-ssh-agent', action='store_true', dest='use_ssh_agent', help="Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating new key pairs") network_group = parser.add_argument_group("Network configuration", "Options for configuring the network and messaging layer.") network_group.add_argument("-i", "--interface", dest="nic_list", metavar="IF", action=CustomAppendAction, choices=utils.interface_choice(), default=[], help="Bind to IP address on interface IF. Use -i second time for second interface") network_group.add_argument("-u", "--unicast", action="store_true", dest="unicast", help="Configure corosync to communicate over unicast(udpu). This is the default transport type") network_group.add_argument("-U", "--multicast", action="store_true", dest="multicast", help="Configure corosync to communicate over multicast. Default is unicast") network_group.add_argument("-A", "--admin-ip", dest="admin_ip", metavar="IP", help="Configure IP address as an administration virtual IP") network_group.add_argument("-M", "--multi-heartbeats", action="store_true", dest="second_heartbeat", help="Configure corosync with second heartbeat line") network_group.add_argument("-I", "--ipv6", action="store_true", dest="ipv6", help="Configure corosync use IPv6") qdevice_group = parser.add_argument_group("QDevice configuration", re.sub(' ', '', constants.QDEVICE_HELP_INFO) + "\n\nOptions for configuring QDevice and QNetd.") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qnetd-hostname", dest="qnetd_addr", metavar="[USER@]HOST", help="User and host of the QNetd server. The host can be specified in either hostname or IP address.") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-port", dest="qdevice_port", metavar="PORT", type=int, default=5403, help="TCP PORT of QNetd server (default:5403)") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-algo", dest="qdevice_algo", metavar="ALGORITHM", default="ffsplit", choices=['ffsplit', 'lms'], help="QNetd decision ALGORITHM (ffsplit/lms, default:ffsplit)") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-tie-breaker", dest="qdevice_tie_breaker", metavar="TIE_BREAKER", default="lowest", help="QNetd TIE_BREAKER (lowest/highest/valid_node_id, default:lowest)") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-tls", dest="qdevice_tls", metavar="TLS", default="on", choices=['on', 'off', 'required'], help="Whether using TLS on QDevice/QNetd (on/off/required, default:on)") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-heuristics", dest="qdevice_heuristics", metavar="COMMAND", help="COMMAND to run with absolute path. For multiple commands, use \";\" to separate (details about heuristics can see man 8 corosync-qdevice)") qdevice_group.add_argument("--qdevice-heuristics-mode", dest="qdevice_heuristics_mode", metavar="MODE", choices=['on', 'sync', 'off'], help="MODE of operation of heuristics (on/sync/off, default:sync)") storage_group = parser.add_argument_group("Storage configuration", "Options for configuring shared storage.") storage_group.add_argument("-s", "--sbd-device", dest="sbd_devices", metavar="DEVICE", action=CustomAppendAction, default=[], help="Block device to use for SBD fencing, use \";\" as separator or -s multiple times for multi path (up to 3 devices)") storage_group.add_argument("-o", "--ocfs2-device", dest="ocfs2_devices", metavar="DEVICE", action=CustomAppendAction, default=[], help="Block device to use for OCFS2; When using Cluster LVM2 to manage the shared storage, user can specify one or multiple raw disks, use \";\" as separator or -o multiple times for multi path (must specify -C option) NOTE: this is a Technical Preview") storage_group.add_argument("-C", "--cluster-lvm2", action="store_true", dest="use_cluster_lvm2", help="Use Cluster LVM2 (only valid together with -o option) NOTE: this is a Technical Preview") storage_group.add_argument("-m", "--mount-point", dest="mount_point", metavar="MOUNT", default="/srv/clusterfs", help="Mount point for OCFS2 device (default is /srv/clusterfs, only valid together with -o option) NOTE: this is a Technical Preview") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return stage = "" if len(args): stage = args[0] if stage == "vgfs": stage = "ocfs2" logger.warning("vgfs stage was deprecated and is an alias of ocfs2 stage now") if stage not in bootstrap.INIT_STAGES and stage != "": parser.error("Invalid stage (%s)" % (stage)) if options.qnetd_addr: if not ServiceManager().service_is_available("corosync-qdevice.service"): utils.fatal("corosync-qdevice.service is not available") if options.qdevice_heuristics_mode and not options.qdevice_heuristics: parser.error("Option --qdevice-heuristics is required if want to configure heuristics mode") options.qdevice_heuristics_mode = options.qdevice_heuristics_mode or "sync" elif re.search("--qdevice-.*", ' '.join(sys.argv)) or (stage == "qdevice" and options.yes_to_all): parser.error("Option --qnetd-hostname is required if want to configure qdevice") # if options.geo and options.name == "hacluster": # parser.error("For a geo cluster, each cluster must have a unique name (use --name to set)") boot_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) boot_context.ui_context = context boot_context.stage = stage boot_context.args = args boot_context.cluster_is_running = ServiceManager(sh.ClusterShellAdaptorForLocalShell(sh.LocalShell())).service_is_active("pacemaker.service") boot_context.type = "init" boot_context.initialize_qdevice() boot_context.validate_option() bootstrap.bootstrap_init(boot_context) bootstrap.bootstrap_add(boot_context) return True @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_join(self, context, *args): ''' Join this node to an existing cluster ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" Join the current node to an existing cluster. The current node cannot be a member of a cluster already. Pass any node in the existing cluster as the argument to the -c option.""",usage="join [options] [STAGE]", epilog=""" Stage can be one of: ssh Obtain SSH keys from existing cluster node (requires -c ) csync2 Configure csync2 (requires -c ) ssh_merge Merge root's SSH known_hosts across all nodes (csync2 must already be configured). cluster Start the cluster on this node If stage is not specified, each stage will be invoked in sequence. Examples: # Join with a cluster node crm cluster join -c -y # Join with a cluster node, with the same network interface used by that node crm cluster join -c -i eth1 -i eth2 -y """, add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)", action="store_true", dest="quiet") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)', action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all") parser.add_argument("-w", "--watchdog", dest="watchdog", metavar="WATCHDOG", help="Use the given watchdog device") parser.add_argument('--use-ssh-agent', action='store_true', dest='use_ssh_agent', help="Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating new key pairs") network_group = parser.add_argument_group("Network configuration", "Options for configuring the network and messaging layer.") network_group.add_argument( "-c", "--cluster-node", metavar="[USER@]HOST", dest="cluster_node", help="User and host to login to an existing cluster node. The host can be specified with either a hostname or an IP.", ) network_group.add_argument("-i", "--interface", dest="nic_list", metavar="IF", action=CustomAppendAction, choices=utils.interface_choice(), default=[], help="Bind to IP address on interface IF. Use -i second time for second interface") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return stage = "" if len(args) == 1: stage = args[0] if stage not in ("ssh", "csync2", "ssh_merge", "cluster", ""): parser.error("Invalid stage (%s)" % (stage)) join_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) join_context.ui_context = context join_context.stage = stage join_context.type = "join" join_context.validate_option() bootstrap.bootstrap_join(join_context) return True @command.alias("delete") @command.completers_repeating(_remove_completer) @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_remove(self, context, *args): ''' Remove the given node(s) from the cluster. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" Remove one or more nodes from the cluster. This command can remove the last node in the cluster, thus effectively removing the whole cluster. To remove the last node, pass --force argument to crm or set the config.core.force option.""", usage="remove [options] [ ...]", add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)", action="store_true", dest="quiet") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)', action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all") parser.add_argument("-c", "--cluster-node", dest="cluster_node", help="IP address or hostname of cluster node which will be deleted", metavar="HOST") parser.add_argument("-F", "--force", dest="force", help="Remove current node", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--qdevice", dest="qdevice_rm_flag", help="Remove QDevice configuration and service from cluster", action="store_true") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return if options.cluster_node is not None and options.cluster_node not in args: args = list(args) + [options.cluster_node] rm_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) rm_context.ui_context = context if len(args) == 0: bootstrap.bootstrap_remove(rm_context) else: for node in args: rm_context.cluster_node = node bootstrap.bootstrap_remove(rm_context) return True @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_rename(self, context, new_name): ''' Rename the cluster. ''' if not ServiceManager(sh.ClusterShellAdaptorForLocalShell(sh.LocalShell())).service_is_active("corosync.service"): context.fatal_error("Can't rename cluster when cluster service is stopped") old_name = cib_factory.get_property('cluster-name') if old_name and new_name == old_name: context.fatal_error("Expected a different name") # Update config file with the new name on all nodes nodes = utils.list_cluster_nodes() corosync.set_value('totem.cluster_name', new_name) if len(nodes) > 1: nodes.remove(utils.this_node()) context.info("Copy cluster config file to \"{}\"".format(' '.join(nodes))) corosync.push_configuration(nodes) # Change the cluster-name property in the CIB cib_factory.create_object("property", "cluster-name={}".format(new_name)) if not cib_factory.commit(): context.fatal_error("Change property cluster-name failed!") # it's a safe way to give user a hints that need to restart service context.info("To apply the change, restart the cluster service at convenient time") def _parse_clustermap(self, clusters): ''' Helper function to parse the cluster map into a dictionary: name=ip; name2=ip2 -> { name: ip, name2: ip2 } ''' if clusters is None: return None try: return dict([re.split('[=:]+', o) for o in re.split('[ ,;]+', clusters)]) except TypeError: return None except ValueError: return None @command.name("geo_init") @command.alias("geo-init") @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_geo_init(self, context, *args): ''' Make this cluster a geo cluster. Needs some information to set up. * cluster map: "cluster-name=ip cluster-name=ip" * arbitrator IP / hostname (optional) * list of tickets (can be empty) ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" Create a new geo cluster with the current cluster as the first member. Pass the complete geo cluster topology as arguments to this command, and then use geo-join and geo-init-arbitrator to add the remaining members to the geo cluster.""", usage="geo-init [options]", epilog=""" Cluster Description This is a map of cluster names to IP addresses. Each IP address will be configured as a virtual IP representing that cluster in the geo cluster configuration. Example with two clusters named paris and amsterdam: --clusters "paris= amsterdam=" Name clusters using the --name parameter to crm bootstrap init. """, add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)", action="store_true", dest="quiet") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)', action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--arbitrator", dest="arbitrator", metavar="[USER@]HOST", help="Geo cluster arbitrator", ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--clusters", help="Geo cluster description (see details below)", dest="clusters", metavar="DESC") parser.add_argument("-t", "--tickets", help="Tickets to create (space-separated)", dest="tickets", metavar="LIST") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return if options.clusters is None: errs = [] if options.clusters is None: errs.append("The --clusters argument is required.") parser.error(" ".join(errs)) clustermap = self._parse_clustermap(options.clusters) if clustermap is None: parser.error("Invalid cluster description format") ticketlist = [] if options.tickets is not None: try: ticketlist = [t for t in re.split('[ ,;]+', options.tickets)] except ValueError: parser.error("Invalid ticket list") geo_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) geo_context.clusters = clustermap geo_context.tickets = ticketlist geo_context.ui_context = context bootstrap.bootstrap_init_geo(geo_context) return True @command.name("geo_join") @command.alias("geo-join") @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_geo_join(self, context, *args): ''' Join this cluster to a geo configuration. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" This command should be run from one of the nodes in a cluster which is currently not a member of a geo cluster. The geo cluster configuration will be fetched from the provided node, and the cluster will be added to the geo cluster. Note that each cluster in a geo cluster needs to have a unique name set. The cluster name can be set using the --name argument to init, or by configuring corosync with the cluster name in an existing cluster.""", usage="geo-join [options]", add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)", action="store_true", dest="quiet") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)', action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all") parser.add_argument("-c", "--cluster-node", metavar="[USER@]HOST", help="An already-configured geo cluster or arbitrator", dest="cluster_node") parser.add_argument("-s", "--clusters", help="Geo cluster description (see geo-init for details)", dest="clusters", metavar="DESC") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return errs = [] if options.cluster_node is None: errs.append("The --cluster-node argument is required.") if options.clusters is None: errs.append("The --clusters argument is required.") if len(errs) > 0: parser.error(" ".join(errs)) clustermap = self._parse_clustermap(options.clusters) if clustermap is None: parser.error("Invalid cluster description format") geo_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) geo_context.clusters = clustermap geo_context.ui_context = context bootstrap.bootstrap_join_geo(geo_context) return True @command.name("geo_init_arbitrator") @command.alias("geo-init-arbitrator") @command.skill_level('administrator') def do_geo_init_arbitrator(self, context, *args): ''' Make this node a geo arbitrator. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(description=""" Configure the current node as a geo arbitrator. The command requires an existing geo cluster or geo arbitrator from which to get the geo cluster configuration.""", usage="geo-init-arbitrator [options]", add_help=False, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="Show this help message") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Be quiet (don't describe what's happening, just do it)", action="store_true", dest="quiet") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", help='Answer "yes" to all prompts (use with caution)', action="store_true", dest="yes_to_all") parser.add_argument("-c", "--cluster-node", metavar="[USER@]HOST", help="An already-configured geo cluster", dest="cluster_node") parser.add_argument('--use-ssh-agent', action='store_true', dest='use_ssh_agent', help="Use an existing key from ssh-agent instead of creating new key pairs") options, args = parse_options(parser, args) if options is None or args is None: return geo_context = bootstrap.Context.set_context(options) geo_context.ui_context = context bootstrap.bootstrap_arbitrator(geo_context) return True @command.completers_repeating(compl.call(scripts.param_completion_list, 'health')) def do_health(self, context, *args): ''' Extensive health check. ''' params = self._args_implicit(context, args, 'nodes') script = scripts.load_script('health') if script is None: raise ValueError("health script failed to load") return scripts.run(script, script_args(params), script_printer()) def _node_in_cluster(self, node): return node in utils.list_cluster_nodes() def do_status(self, context): ''' Quick cluster health status. Corosync status, DRBD status... ''' print("Name: {}\n".format(get_cluster_name())) print("Services:") for svc in ["corosync", "pacemaker"]: info = utils.service_info(svc) if info: print("%-16s %s" % (svc, info)) else: print("%-16s unknown" % (svc)) rc, outp = ShellUtils().get_stdout(['corosync-cfgtool', '-s'], shell=False) if rc == 0: print("") print(outp) else: print("Failed to get corosync status") @command.completers_repeating(compl.choice(['10', '60', '600'])) def do_wait_for_startup(self, context, timeout='10'): "usage: wait_for_startup []" import time t0 = time.time() timeout = float(timeout) cmd = 'crm_mon -bD1 >/dev/null 2>&1' ret = utils.ext_cmd(cmd) while ret in (107, 64) and time.time() < t0 + timeout: time.sleep(1) ret = utils.ext_cmd(cmd) if ret != 0: context.fatal_error("Timed out waiting for cluster (rc = %s)" % (ret)) @command.skill_level('expert') def do_run(self, context, cmd, *nodes): ''' Execute the given command on all nodes/specific node(s), report outcome ''' if nodes: hosts = list(nodes) else: hosts = utils.list_cluster_nodes() if hosts is None: context.fatal_error("failed to get node list from cluster") for host, result in prun.prun({x: cmd for x in hosts}).items(): if isinstance(result, prun.PRunError): logger.error("[%s]: %s", host, result) else: if result.returncode != 0: logger.error( "[%s]: Exited with error code %s. Error output: %s", host, result.returncode, utils.to_ascii(result.stderr), ) else: if not result.stdout: logger.info("[%s]", host) else: logger.info("[%s]\n%s", host, utils.to_ascii(result.stdout)) def do_copy(self, context, local_file, *nodes): ''' usage: copy [nodes ...] Copy file to other cluster nodes. If given no nodes as arguments, copy to all other cluster nodes. ''' return utils.cluster_copy_file(local_file, nodes) def do_diff(self, context, filename, *nodes): "usage: diff [--checksum] [nodes...]. Diff file across cluster." nodes = list(nodes) this_node = utils.this_node() checksum = False if len(nodes) and nodes[0] == '--checksum': nodes = nodes[1:] checksum = True if not nodes: nodes = utils.list_cluster_nodes() if checksum: utils.remote_checksum(filename, nodes, this_node) elif len(nodes) == 1: utils.remote_diff_this(filename, nodes, this_node) elif this_node in nodes: nodes.remove(this_node) utils.remote_diff_this(filename, nodes, this_node) elif len(nodes): utils.remote_diff(filename, nodes) def do_crash_test(self, context, *args): """ """ from .crash_test import main sys.argv[1:] = args main.ctx.process_name = context.command_name main.run(main.ctx) return True