# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Dejan Muhamedagic # Copyright (C) 2016 Kristoffer Gronlund # See COPYING for license information. import os import subprocess from lxml import etree, doctestcompare import copy import bz2 from collections import defaultdict from tempfile import mktemp from . import config, sh from . import options from . import schema from . import constants from . import userdir from .sh import ShellUtils from .utils import add_sudo, str2file, str2tmp, get_boolean, handle_role_for_ocf_1_1, copy_local_file, rmfile from .utils import stdout2list, crm_msec, crm_time_cmp from .utils import olist, get_cib_in_use, get_tempdir, to_ascii, is_boolean_true from . import log logger = log.setup_logger(__name__) logger_utils = log.LoggerUtils(logger) def xmlparse(f): try: cib_elem = etree.parse(f).getroot() except Exception as msg: logger.error("cannot parse xml: %s", msg) return None return cib_elem def file2cib_elem(s): cib_tmp_copy = '' try: f = open(s, 'r') except IOError as msg: logger.debug("{} tried to read cib.xml, but : {}".format(userdir.getuser(), msg)) cib_tmp_copy = mktemp(suffix=".cib.xml") if cib_tmp_copy != '': logger.debug("{} gonna try it with sudo".format(userdir.getuser())) # Actually it's not trying to open the file with sudo, # but copying the file with sudo. We do copy, # because xmlparse function requires the function descriptor not the plain text # and this would be so much work to redo it. # It's not too bad, but it's still a workaround and better be refactored, so FIXME! copy_local_file(s, cib_tmp_copy) f = open(cib_tmp_copy, 'r') logger.debug("{} successfully read the cib.xml".format(userdir.getuser())) cib_elem = xmlparse(f) f.close() if cib_tmp_copy != '': rmfile(cib_tmp_copy) if options.regression_tests and cib_elem is None: print("Failed to read CIB from file: %s" % (s)) return cib_elem def compressed_file_to_cib(s): try: if s.endswith('.bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(s) elif s.endswith('.gz'): import gzip f = gzip.open(s) else: f = open(s) except IOError as msg: logger.error(msg) return None cib_elem = xmlparse(f) if options.regression_tests and cib_elem is None: print("Failed to read CIB from file %s" % (s)) f.seek(0) print(f.read()) f.close() return cib_elem cib_dump = "cibadmin -Ql" def sudocall(cmd): cmd = add_sudo(cmd) if options.regression_tests: print(".EXT", cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: outp, errp = p.communicate() p.wait() return p.returncode, to_ascii(outp), to_ascii(errp) except IOError as msg: logger.error("running %s: %s", cmd, msg) return None, None, None def cibdump2file(fname): _, outp, _ = sudocall(cib_dump) if outp is not None: return str2file(outp, fname) return None def cibdump2tmp(): try: _, outp, _ = sudocall(cib_dump) if outp is not None: return str2tmp(outp) except IOError as msg: logger.error(msg) return None def text2elem(text): """ Convert a text format CIB to an XML tree. """ try: return etree.fromstring(text) except Exception as err: logger_utils.text_xml_parse_err(err, text) return None def cibdump2elem(section=None): if section: cmd = "%s -o %s" % (cib_dump, section) else: cmd = cib_dump rc, outp, errp = sudocall(cmd) if rc == 0: return text2elem(outp) else: logger.error("running %s: %s", cmd, errp) return None def read_cib(fun, params=None): cib_elem = fun(params) if cib_elem is None or cib_elem.tag != "cib": return None return cib_elem def sanity_check_nvpairs(ident, node, attr_list): rc = 0 for nvpair in node.iterchildren("nvpair"): n = nvpair.get("name") if n and n not in attr_list: logger.warning("%s: unknown attribute '%s'", ident, n) rc |= 1 return rc def sanity_check_meta(ident, node, attr_list): rc = 0 if node is None or not attr_list: return rc for c in node.iterchildren(): if c.tag == "meta_attributes": rc |= sanity_check_nvpairs(ident, c, attr_list) return rc def get_interesting_nodes(node, nodes_l): ''' All nodes which can be represented as CIB objects. ''' for c in node.iterchildren(): if is_cib_element(c): nodes_l.append(c) get_interesting_nodes(c, nodes_l) return nodes_l def get_top_cib_nodes(node, nodes_l): ''' All nodes which can be represented as CIB objects, but not nodes which are children of other CIB objects. ''' for c in node.iterchildren(): if is_cib_element(c): nodes_l.append(c) else: get_top_cib_nodes(c, nodes_l) return nodes_l class RscState(object): ''' Get the resource status and some other relevant bits. In particular, this class should allow for a bit of caching of cibadmin -Q -o resources output in case we need to check more than one resource in a row. ''' rsc_status = "crm_resource -W -r '%s'" def __init__(self): self.current_cib = None self.rsc_elem = None self.prop_elem = None self.rsc_dflt_elem = None def _init_cib(self): cib = cibdump2elem("configuration") self.current_cib = cib self.rsc_elem = get_first_conf_elem(cib, "resources") self.prop_elem = get_first_conf_elem(cib, "crm_config/cluster_property_set") self.rsc_dflt_elem = get_first_conf_elem(cib, "rsc_defaults/meta_attributes") def rsc2node(self, ident): ''' Get a resource XML element given the id. NB: this is called from almost all other methods. Hence we initialize the cib here. CIB reading is expensive. ''' if self.rsc_elem is None: self._init_cib() if self.rsc_elem is None: return None # does this need to be optimized? expr = './/*[@id="%s"]' % ident try: return self.rsc_elem.xpath(expr)[0] except (IndexError, AttributeError): return None def is_ms_or_promotable_clone(self, ident): ''' Test if the resource is master-slave. ''' rsc_node = self.rsc2node(ident) if rsc_node is None: return False return is_ms_or_promotable_clone(rsc_node) def rsc_clone(self, ident): ''' Return id of the clone/ms containing this resource or None if it's not cloned. ''' rsc_node = self.rsc2node(ident) if rsc_node is None: return None pnode = rsc_node.getparent() if pnode is None: return None if is_group(pnode): pnode = pnode.getparent() if is_clonems(pnode): return pnode.get("id") return None def is_managed(self, ident): ''' Is this resource managed? ''' rsc_node = self.rsc2node(ident) if rsc_node is None: return False # maintenance-mode, if true, overrides all attr = get_attr_value(self.prop_elem, "maintenance-mode") if attr and is_xs_boolean_true(attr): return False # then check the rsc is-managed meta attribute rsc_meta_node = get_rsc_meta_node(rsc_node) attr = get_attr_value(rsc_meta_node, "is-managed") if attr: return is_xs_boolean_true(attr) # then rsc_defaults is-managed attribute attr = get_attr_value(self.rsc_dflt_elem, "is-managed") if attr: return is_xs_boolean_true(attr) # finally the is-managed-default property attr = get_attr_value(self.prop_elem, "is-managed-default") if attr: return is_xs_boolean_true(attr) return True def is_running(self, ident): ''' Is this resource running? ''' if not is_live_cib(): return False test_id = self.rsc_clone(ident) or ident rc, outp = ShellUtils().get_stdout(self.rsc_status % test_id, stderr_on=False) return outp.find("running") > 0 and outp.find("NOT") == -1 def is_group(self, ident): ''' Test if the resource is a group ''' rsc_node = self.rsc2node(ident) if rsc_node is None: return False return is_group(rsc_node) def can_delete(self, ident): ''' Can a resource be deleted? The order below is important! ''' return not (self.is_running(ident) and not self.is_group(ident) and self.is_managed(ident)) def resources_xml(): return cibdump2elem("resources") def is_normal_node(n): return n.tag == "node" and (n.get("type") in (None, "normal", "member", "")) def unique_ra(typ, klass, provider): """ Unique: * it's explicitly ocf:heartbeat: * no explicit class or provider * only one provider (heartbeat counts as one provider) Not unique: * class is not ocf * multiple providers """ if klass is None and provider is None: return True return klass == 'ocf' and provider is None or provider == 'heartbeat' def mk_rsc_type(n): """ Returns prefixless for unique RAs """ ra_type = n.get("type") ra_class = n.get("class") ra_provider = n.get("provider") if unique_ra(ra_type, ra_class, ra_provider): ra_class = None ra_provider = None s1 = s2 = '' if ra_class: s1 = "%s:" % ra_class if ra_provider: s2 = "%s:" % ra_provider return ''.join((s1, s2, ra_type)) def listnodes(include_remote_nodes=True): cib = cibdump2elem() if cib is None: return [] local_nodes = cib.xpath('/cib/configuration/nodes/node/@uname') if include_remote_nodes: remote_nodes = cib.xpath('/cib/status/node_state[@remote_node="true"]/@uname') else: remote_nodes = [] return list(set([n for n in local_nodes + remote_nodes if n])) def is_our_node(s): ''' Check if s is in a list of our nodes (ignore case). This is not fast, perhaps should be cached. Includes remote nodes as well ''' for n in listnodes(): if n.lower() == s.lower(): return True return False def is_remote_node(n): cib = cibdump2elem() if cib is None: return False remote_nodes = cib.xpath('/cib/status/node_state[@remote_node="true"]/@uname') return any(n == r for r in remote_nodes if r) def is_live_cib(): '''We working with the live cluster?''' return not get_cib_in_use() and not os.getenv("CIB_file") def is_crmuser(): crmusers = ("root", config.path.crm_daemon_user) return config.core.user in crmusers or userdir.getuser() in crmusers def cib_shadow_dir(): if os.getenv("CIB_shadow_dir"): return os.getenv("CIB_shadow_dir") if is_crmuser(): return config.path.crm_config home = userdir.gethomedir(config.core.user) if home and home.startswith(os.path.sep): return os.path.join(home, ".cib") return get_tempdir() def listshadows(): d = cib_shadow_dir() if not os.path.isdir(d): return [] rc, l = stdout2list("ls %s | fgrep shadow. | sed 's/^shadow\\.//'" % d) return l def shadowfile(name): return "%s/shadow.%s" % (cib_shadow_dir(), name) def pe2shadow(pe_file, name): '''Copy a PE file (or any CIB file) to a shadow.''' try: bits = open(pe_file, 'rb').read() except IOError as msg: logger.error("open: %s", msg) return False # decompresed if it ends with .bz2 if pe_file.endswith(".bz2"): bits = bz2.decompress(bits) # copy input to the shadow try: open(shadowfile(name), "wb").write(bits) except IOError as msg: logger.error("open: %s", msg) return False return True def is_xs_boolean_true(b): return b.lower() in ("true", "1") def cloned_el(node): for c in node.iterchildren(): if is_resource(c): return c.tag def get_topmost_rsc(node): ''' Return a topmost node which is a resource and contains this resource ''' if is_container(node.getparent()): return get_topmost_rsc(node.getparent()) return node attr_defaults = { "rule": (("boolean-op", "and"),), "expression": (("type", "string"),), } def drop_attr_defaults(node, ts=0): try: for defaults in attr_defaults[node.tag]: if node.get(defaults[0]) == defaults[1]: del node.attrib[defaults[0]] except: pass def nameandid(e, level): if e.tag: print(level*' ', e.tag, e.get("id"), e.get("name")) def xmltraverse(e, fun, ts=0): for c in e.iterchildren(): fun(c, ts) xmltraverse(c, fun, ts+1) def xmltraverse_thin(e, fun, ts=0): ''' Skip elements which may be resources themselves. NB: Call this only on resource (or constraint) nodes, but never on cib or configuration! ''' for c in e.iterchildren(): if c.tag not in ('primitive', 'group'): xmltraverse_thin(c, fun, ts+1) fun(e, ts) def xml_processnodes(e, node_filter, proc): ''' Process with proc all nodes that match filter. ''' node_list = [] for child in e.iterchildren(): if node_filter(child): node_list.append(child) if len(child) > 0: xml_processnodes(child, node_filter, proc) if node_list: proc(node_list) # filter the cib def true(e): 'Just return True.' return True def is_entity(e): return e.tag == etree.Entity def is_comment(e): return e.tag == etree.Comment def is_status_node(e): return e.tag == "status" def is_emptyelem(node, tag_l): if node.tag in tag_l: for a in constants.precious_attrs: if node.get(a): return False for n in node.iterchildren(): return False return True else: return False def is_emptynvpairs(node): return is_emptyelem(node, constants.nvpairs_tags) def is_emptyops(node): return is_emptyelem(node, ("operations",)) def is_cib_element(node): return node.tag in constants.cib_cli_map def is_group(node): return node.tag == "group" def is_attr_set(node, attr): return get_attr_value(get_child_nvset_node(node), attr) is not None def is_ms_or_promotable_clone(node): is_promotable_type = is_boolean_true(is_attr_set(node, "promotable")) is_ms_type = node.tag in ("master", "ms") return is_ms_type or is_promotable_type def is_clone(node): return node.tag == "clone" def is_clonems(node): return node.tag in constants.clonems_tags def is_cloned(node): return (node.getparent().tag in constants.clonems_tags or (node.getparent().tag == "group" and node.getparent().getparent().tag in constants.clonems_tags)) def is_container(node): return node.tag in constants.container_tags def is_primitive(node): return node.tag == "primitive" def is_resource(node): return node.tag in constants.resource_tags def is_template(node): return node.tag == "template" def is_child_rsc(node): return node.tag in constants.children_tags def is_constraint(node): return node.tag in constants.constraint_tags def is_defaults(node): return node.tag in constants.defaults_tags def rsc_constraint(rsc_id, con_elem): for attr in list(con_elem.keys()): if attr in constants.constraint_rsc_refs \ and rsc_id == con_elem.get(attr): return True for rref in con_elem.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): if rsc_id == rref.get("id"): return True return False def is_related(rsc_id, node): """ checks if the given node is an element that has a direct relation to rsc_id. That is, if it contains it, if it references it... """ if is_constraint(node) and rsc_constraint(rsc_id, node): return True if node.tag == 'tag': if len(node.xpath('.//obj_ref[@id="%s"]' % (rsc_id))) > 0: return True return False if is_container(node): for tag in ('primitive', 'group', 'clone', 'master'): if len(node.xpath('.//%s[@id="%s"]' % (tag, rsc_id))) > 0: return True return False return False def sort_container_children(e_list): ''' Make sure that attributes's nodes are first, followed by the elements (primitive/group). The order of elements is not disturbed, they are just shifted to end! ''' for node in e_list: children = [x for x in node.iterchildren() if x.tag in constants.children_tags] for c in children: node.remove(c) for c in children: node.append(c) def rmnode(e): if e is not None and e.getparent() is not None: e.getparent().remove(e) def rmnodes(e_list): for e in e_list: rmnode(e) def printid(e_list): for e in e_list: ident = e.get("id") if ident: print("element id:", ident) def remove_dflt_attrs(e_list): ''' Drop optional attributes which are already set to default ''' for e in e_list: try: d = constants.attr_defaults[e.tag] for a in list(d.keys()): if e.get(a) == d[a]: del e.attrib[a] except: pass def remove_text(e_list): for e in e_list: if not is_comment(e): e.text = None e.tail = None def sanitize_cib(doc): xml_processnodes(doc, is_status_node, rmnodes) # xml_processnodes(doc, true, printid) # xml_processnodes(doc, is_emptynvpairs, rmnodes) # xml_processnodes(doc, is_emptyops, rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc, is_entity, rmnodes) # xml_processnodes(doc, is_comment, rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc, is_container, sort_container_children) xml_processnodes(doc, true, remove_dflt_attrs) xml_processnodes(doc, true, remove_text) xmltraverse(doc, drop_attr_defaults) def sanitize_cib_for_patching(doc): """ Custom version of sanitize_cib which doesn't sort container children, to use for processing the original CIB when generating a patch to apply using crm_diff. """ xml_processnodes(doc, is_status_node, rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc, is_entity, rmnodes) xml_processnodes(doc, true, remove_dflt_attrs) xml_processnodes(doc, true, remove_text) def is_simpleconstraint(node): return len(node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref")) == 0 match_list = defaultdict(tuple, {"node": ("uname",), "nvpair": ("name",), "op": ("name", "interval"), "rule": ("score", "score-attribute", "role"), "expression": ("attribute", "operation", "value"), "fencing-level": ("target", "devices"), "alert": ("path",), "recipient": ("value",)}) def add_comment(e, s): ''' Add comment s to e from doc. ''' if e is None or not s: return comm_elem = etree.Comment(s) firstelem_idx = 0 for c in e.iterchildren(): firstelem_idx = e.index(c) break e.insert(firstelem_idx, comm_elem) def stuff_comments(node, comments): if not comments: return for s in reversed(comments): add_comment(node, s) def fix_comments(e): 'Make sure that comments start with #' celems = [x for x in e.iterchildren() if is_comment(x)] for c in celems: c.text = c.text.strip() if not c.text.startswith("#"): c.text = "# %s" % c.text def set_id_used_attr(e): e.set("__id_used", "Yes") def is_id_used_attr(e): return e.get("__id_used") == "Yes" def remove_id_used_attr(e, lvl): if is_id_used_attr(e): del e.attrib["__id_used"] def remove_id_used_attributes(e): if e is not None: xmltraverse(e, remove_id_used_attr) def lookup_node(node, oldnode, location_only=False, ignore_id=False): ''' Find a child of oldnode which matches node. This is used to "harvest" existing ids in order to prevent irrelevant changes to the XML code. The list of attributes to match is in the dictionary match_list. The "id" attribute is treated differently. In case the new node (the first parameter here) contains the id, then the "id" attribute is added to the match list. ''' if oldnode is None: return None attr_list = list(match_list[node.tag]) if not ignore_id and node.get("id"): attr_list.append("id") for c in oldnode.iterchildren(): if not location_only and is_id_used_attr(c): continue if node.tag == c.tag: for a in attr_list: if node.get(a) != c.get(a): break else: return c return None def find_operation(rsc_node, name, interval=None): ''' Setting interval to "non-0" means get the first op with interval different from 0. Not setting interval at all means get the only matching op, or the 0 op (if any) ''' matching_name = [] for ops in rsc_node.findall("operations"): matching_name.extend([op for op in ops.iterchildren("op") if op.get("name") == name]) if interval is None and len(matching_name) == 1: return matching_name[0] interval = interval or "0" for op in matching_name: opint = op.get("interval") if interval == "non-0" and crm_msec(opint) > 0: return op if crm_time_cmp(opint, interval) == 0: return op return None def get_op_timeout(rsc_node, op, default_timeout): interval = (op == "monitor" and "non-0" or "0") op_n = find_operation(rsc_node, op == "probe" and "monitor" or op, interval) timeout = op_n is not None and op_n.get("timeout") or default_timeout return crm_msec(timeout) def op2list(node): pl = [] action = "" for name in list(node.keys()): if name == "name": action = node.get(name) elif name != "id": # skip the id pl.append([name, node.get(name)]) if not action: logger.error("op is invalid (no name)") return action, pl def get_rsc_operations(rsc_node): actions = [op2list(op) for op in rsc_node.xpath('.//operations/op')] actions = [[op, pl] for op, pl in actions if op] return actions # lower score = earlier sort def make_sort_map(*order): m = {} for i, o in enumerate(order): if isinstance(o, str): m[o] = i else: for k in o: m[k] = i return m _sort_xml_order = make_sort_map('node', 'template', 'primitive', 'bundle', 'group', 'master', 'clone', 'op', 'tag', ['rsc_location', 'rsc_colocation', 'rsc_order'], ['rsc_ticket', 'fencing-topology'], 'cluster_property_set', 'rsc_defaults', 'op_defaults', 'acl_role', ['acl_target', 'acl_group', 'acl_user'], 'alert') _sort_cli_order = make_sort_map('node', 'rsc_template', 'primitive', 'bundle', 'group', ['ms', 'master'], 'clone', 'op', 'tag', ['location', 'colocation', 'collocation', 'order'], ['rsc_ticket', 'fencing_topology'], 'property', 'rsc_defaults', 'op_defaults', 'role', ['acl_target', 'acl_group', 'user'], 'alert') _SORT_LAST = 1000 def processing_sort(nl): ''' It's usually important to process cib objects in this order, i.e. simple objects first. TODO: if sort_elements is disabled, only sort to resolve inter-dependencies. ''' def sort_elements(k): return _sort_xml_order.get(k.tag, _SORT_LAST) def sort_type(k): return _sort_xml_order.get(k.tag, _SORT_LAST) return sorted(nl, key=sort_elements if config.core.sort_elements else sort_type) def processing_sort_cli(nl): ''' nl: list of objects (CibObject) Returns the given list in order TODO: if sort_elements is disabled, only sort to resolve inter-dependencies. ''' def sort_elements(k): return _sort_cli_order.get(k.obj_type, _SORT_LAST), k.obj_id def sort_type(k): return _sort_cli_order.get(k.obj_type, _SORT_LAST) return sorted(nl, key=sort_elements if config.core.sort_elements else sort_type) def is_resource_cli(s): return s in olist(constants.resource_cli_names) def is_constraint_cli(s): return s in olist(constants.constraint_cli_names) def referenced_resources(node): if not is_constraint(node): return [] xml_obj_type = node.tag rsc_list = [] if xml_obj_type == "rsc_location" and node.get("rsc"): rsc_list = [node.get("rsc")] elif node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): # resource sets rsc_list = [x.get("id") for x in node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref")] elif xml_obj_type == "rsc_colocation": rsc_list = [node.get("rsc"), node.get("with-rsc")] elif xml_obj_type == "rsc_order": rsc_list = [node.get("first"), node.get("then")] elif xml_obj_type == "rsc_ticket": rsc_list = [node.get("rsc")] return [rsc for rsc in rsc_list if rsc is not None] def rename_id(node, old_id, new_id): if node.get("id") == old_id: node.set("id", new_id) def rename_rscref_simple(c_obj, old_id, new_id): c_modified = False for attr in list(c_obj.node.keys()): if attr in constants.constraint_rsc_refs and \ c_obj.node.get(attr) == old_id: c_obj.node.set(attr, new_id) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True return c_modified def delete_rscref_simple(c_obj, rsc_id): c_modified = False for attr in list(c_obj.node.keys()): if attr in constants.constraint_rsc_refs and \ c_obj.node.get(attr) == rsc_id: del c_obj.node.attrib[attr] c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True return c_modified def rset_uniq(c_obj, d): ''' Drop duplicate resource references. ''' l = [] for rref in c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): rsc_id = rref.get("id") if d[rsc_id] > 1: # drop one l.append(rref) d[rsc_id] -= 1 rmnodes(l) def delete_rscref_rset(c_obj, rsc_id): ''' Drop all reference to rsc_id. ''' c_modified = False l = [] for rref in c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): if rsc_id == rref.get("id"): l.append(rref) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True rmnodes(l) l = [] cnt = 0 nonseq_rset = False for rset in c_obj.node.findall("resource_set"): rref_cnt = len(rset.findall("resource_ref")) if rref_cnt == 0: l.append(rset) c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True elif not get_boolean(rset.get("sequential"), True) and rref_cnt > 1: nonseq_rset = True cnt += rref_cnt rmnodes(l) if not nonseq_rset and cnt == 2: rset_convert(c_obj) return c_modified def rset_convert(c_obj): l = c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref") if len(l) != 2: return # eh? rsetcnt = 0 for rset in c_obj.node.findall("resource_set"): # in case there are multiple non-sequential sets if rset.get("sequential"): del rset.attrib["sequential"] rsetcnt += 1 c_obj.modified = True cli = c_obj.repr_cli(format_mode=-1) cli = cli.replace("_rsc_set_ ", "") newnode = c_obj.cli2node(cli) if newnode is not None: c_obj.node.getparent().replace(c_obj.node, newnode) c_obj.node = newnode if rsetcnt == 1 and c_obj.obj_type == "colocation": # exchange the elements in colocations rsc = newnode.get("rsc") with_rsc = newnode.get("with-rsc") if with_rsc is not None: newnode.set("rsc", with_rsc) if rsc is not None: newnode.set("with-rsc", rsc) def rename_rscref_rset(c_obj, old_id, new_id): c_modified = False d = {} for rref in c_obj.node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): rsc_id = rref.get("id") if rsc_id == old_id: rref.set("id", new_id) rsc_id = new_id c_obj.updated = True c_modified = True if rsc_id not in d: d[rsc_id] = 1 else: d[rsc_id] += 1 rset_uniq(c_obj, d) # if only two resource references remained then, to preserve # sanity, convert it to a simple constraint (sigh) cnt = 0 for key in d: cnt += d[key] if cnt == 2: rset_convert(c_obj) return c_modified def rename_rscref(c_obj, old_id, new_id): if rename_rscref_simple(c_obj, old_id, new_id) or \ rename_rscref_rset(c_obj, old_id, new_id): logger.info("modified %s from %s to %s", str(c_obj), old_id, new_id) def delete_rscref(c_obj, rsc_id): return delete_rscref_simple(c_obj, rsc_id) or \ delete_rscref_rset(c_obj, rsc_id) def silly_constraint(c_node, rsc_id): ''' Remove a constraint from rsc_id to rsc_id. Or an invalid one. ''' if c_node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref"): # it's a resource set # the resource sets have already been uniq-ed cnt = len(c_node.xpath("resource_set/resource_ref")) if c_node.tag in ("rsc_location", "rsc_ticket"): # locations and tickets are never silly return cnt < 1 return cnt <= 1 cnt = 0 # total count of referenced resources have to be at least two rsc_cnt = 0 for attr in list(c_node.keys()): if attr in constants.constraint_rsc_refs: cnt += 1 if c_node.get(attr) == rsc_id: rsc_cnt += 1 if c_node.tag in ("rsc_location", "rsc_ticket"): # locations and tickets are never silly return cnt < 1 else: return rsc_cnt == 2 or cnt < 2 def is_climove_location(node): 'Figure out if the location was created by crm resource move.' rule_l = node.findall("rule") expr_l = node.xpath(".//expression") return len(rule_l) == 1 and len(expr_l) == 1 and \ node.get("id").startswith("cli-") and \ expr_l[0].get("attribute") == "#uname" and \ expr_l[0].get("operation") == "eq" def is_pref_location(node): 'Figure out if the location is a node preference.' rule_l = node.findall("rule") expr_l = node.xpath(".//expression") return len(rule_l) == 1 and len(expr_l) == 1 and \ expr_l[0].get("attribute") == "#uname" and \ expr_l[0].get("operation") == "eq" def get_rsc_ref_ids(node): return [x.get("id") for x in node.xpath("./resource_ref")] def get_rsc_children_ids(node): return [x.get("id") for x in node.iterchildren() if is_child_rsc(x)] def get_prim_children_ids(node): l = [x for x in node.iterchildren() if is_child_rsc(x)] if len(l) and l[0].tag == "group": l = [x for x in l[0].iterchildren() if is_child_rsc(x)] return [x.get("id") for x in l] def get_child_nvset_node(node, attr_set="meta_attributes"): if node is None: return None for c in node.iterchildren(): if c.tag != attr_set: continue return c return None def get_rscop_defaults_meta_node(node): return get_child_nvset_node(node) def get_rsc_meta_node(node): return get_child_nvset_node(node) def get_properties_node(node): return get_child_nvset_node(node, attr_set="cluster_property_set") def new_cib(): cib_elem = etree.Element("cib") conf_elem = etree.SubElement(cib_elem, "configuration") for name in schema.get('sub', "configuration", 'r'): etree.SubElement(conf_elem, name) return cib_elem def get_conf_elems(cib_elem, path): ''' Get a list of configuration elements. All elements are within /configuration ''' if cib_elem is None: return None return cib_elem.xpath("//configuration/%s" % path) def get_first_conf_elem(cib_elem, path): try: elems = get_conf_elems(cib_elem, path) return elems[0] if elems else None except IndexError: return None def get_topnode(cib_elem, tag): "Get configuration element or create/append if there's none." conf_elem = cib_elem.find("configuration") if conf_elem is None: logger.error("no configuration element found!") return None if tag == "configuration": return conf_elem e = cib_elem.find("configuration/%s" % tag) if e is None: logger.debug("create configuration section %s", tag) e = etree.SubElement(conf_elem, tag) return e def get_attr_in_set(e, attr): if e is None: return None for c in e.iterchildren("nvpair"): if c.get("name") == attr: return c return None def get_attr_value(e, attr): try: return get_attr_in_set(e, attr).get("value") except: return None def set_attr(e, attr, value): ''' Set an attribute in the attribute set. ''' nvp = get_attr_in_set(e, attr) if nvp is None: from . import idmgmt nvp = etree.SubElement(e, "nvpair", id="", name=attr, value=value) nvp.set("id", idmgmt.new(nvp, e.get("id"))) else: nvp.set("name", attr) nvp.set("value", value) def get_set_nodes(e, setname, create=False): """Return the attributes set nodes (create one if requested) setname can for example be meta_attributes """ l = [c for c in e.iterchildren(setname)] if l: return l if create: from . import idmgmt elem = etree.SubElement(e, setname, id="") elem.set("id", idmgmt.new(elem, e.get("id"))) l.append(elem) return l def get_set_instace_attributes(e, create=False): ''' Return instance attributes set nodes (create one if requested) ''' l = [c for c in e.iterchildren("instance_attributes")] if l: return l if create: from . import idmgmt elem = etree.SubElement(e, "instance_attributes", id="") elem.set("id", "nodes-"+e.attrib["id"]) l.append(elem) return l _checker = doctestcompare.LXMLOutputChecker() def xml_equals_unordered(a, b): """ used by xml_equals to compare xml trees without ordering. NOTE: resource_set children SHOULD be compared with ordering. """ def fail(msg): logger.debug("%s!=%s: %s", a.tag, b.tag, msg) return False def tagflat(x): return isinstance(x.tag, str) and x.tag or x.text def sortby(v): if v.tag == 'primitive': return v.tag return tagflat(v) + ''.join(sorted(list(v.attrib.keys()) + list(v.attrib.values()))) def safe_strip(text): return text is not None and text.strip() or '' if a.tag != b.tag: return fail("tags differ: %s != %s" % (a.tag, b.tag)) elif a.attrib != b.attrib: return fail("attributes differ: %s != %s" % (a.attrib, b.attrib)) elif safe_strip(a.text) != safe_strip(b.text): return fail("text differ %s != %s" % (repr(a.text), repr(b.text))) elif safe_strip(a.tail) != safe_strip(b.tail): return fail("tails differ: %s != %s" % (a.tail, b.tail)) elif len(a) != len(b): return fail("number of children differ") elif len(a) == 0: return True # order matters here, but in a strange way: # all primitive tags should sort the same.. if a.tag == 'resource_set': return all(xml_equals_unordered(a, b) for a, b in zip(a, b)) else: sorted_children = list(zip(sorted(a, key=sortby), sorted(b, key=sortby))) return all(xml_equals_unordered(a, b) for a, b in sorted_children) def xml_equals(n, m, show=False): rc = xml_equals_unordered(n, m) if not rc and show and config.core.debug: # somewhat strange, but that's how this works from doctest import Example example = Example("etree.tostring(n)", xml_tostring(n)) got = xml_tostring(m) print(_checker.output_difference(example, got, 0)) return rc def xml_tostring(*args, **kwargs): """ Python 2/3 conversion utility: etree.tostring returns a bytestring, but we need actual Python strings. """ return etree.tostring(*args, **kwargs).decode('utf-8') def merge_attributes(dnode, snode, tag): rc = False add_children = [] for sc in snode.iterchildren(tag): dc = lookup_node(sc, dnode, ignore_id=True) if dc is not None: for a, v in list(sc.items()): if a == "id": continue if v != dc.get(a): dc.set(a, v) rc = True else: add_children.append(sc) rc = True for c in add_children: dnode.append(copy.deepcopy(c)) return rc def merge_nodes(dnode, snode): ''' Import elements from snode into dnode. If an element is attributes set (constants.nvpairs_tags) or "operations", then merge attributes in the children. Otherwise, replace the whole element. (TBD) ''' rc = False # any changes done? if dnode is None or snode is None: return rc add_children = [] for sc in snode.iterchildren(): dc = lookup_node(sc, dnode, ignore_id=True) if dc is None: if sc.tag in constants.nvpairs_tags or sc.tag == "operations": add_children.append(sc) rc = True elif dc.tag in constants.nvpairs_tags: rc = merge_attributes(dc, sc, "nvpair") or rc elif dc.tag == "operations": rc = merge_attributes(dc, sc, "op") or rc for c in add_children: dnode.append(copy.deepcopy(c)) return rc def merge_tmpl_into_prim(prim_node, tmpl_node): ''' Create a new primitive element which is a merge of a rsc_template and a primitive which references it. ''' dnode = etree.Element(prim_node.tag) merge_nodes(dnode, tmpl_node) merge_nodes(dnode, prim_node) # the resulting node should inherit all primitives attributes for a, v in list(prim_node.items()): dnode.set(a, v) # but class/provider/type are coming from the template # savannah#41410: stonith resources do not have the provider # attribute for a in ("class", "provider", "type"): v = tmpl_node.get(a) if v is not None: dnode.set(a, v) return dnode def check_id_ref(elem, id_ref): target = elem.xpath('.//*[@id="%s"]' % (id_ref)) if len(target) == 0: logger.error("Reference not found: %s", id_ref) elif len(target) > 1: logger.error("Ambiguous reference to %s", id_ref) def new(tag, **attributes): """ """ return etree.Element(tag, **attributes) def child(parent, tag, **attributes): """append new tag to parent. Use append() in case parent is a list and not an element. """ e = etree.Element(tag, **attributes) parent.append(e) return e def tostring(n): return etree.tostring(n, pretty_print=True) def maybe_set(node, key, value): if value: node.set(key, value) return node def nvpair(name, value): """ """ value = handle_role_for_ocf_1_1(value, name=name) return new("nvpair", name=name, value=value) def nvpair_id(nvpairid, name, value): """ """ if name is None: name = nvpairid return new("nvpair", id=nvpairid, name=name, value=value) def nvpair_ref(idref, name=None): """ [name=]/> """ nvp = new("nvpair") nvp.set('id-ref', idref) if name is not None: nvp.set('name', name) return nvp def set_date_expression(expr, tag, values): """ Fill in date_expression tag for date_spec/in_range operations expr: values: [nvpair...] """ if set(nvp.get('name') for nvp in values) == set(constants.in_range_attrs): for nvp in values: expr.set(nvp.get('name'), nvp.get('value')) return expr subtag = child(expr, tag) for nvp in values: if nvp.get('name') in constants.in_range_attrs: expr.set(nvp.get('name'), nvp.get('value')) else: subtag.set(nvp.get('name'), nvp.get('value')) return expr def attributes(typename, rules, values, xmlid=None, score=None): """ Represents a set of name-value pairs, tagged with a container typename and an optional xml id. The container can also hold rule expressions, passed in the rules parameter. returns an xml object containing the data example: """ e = new(typename) if xmlid: e.set("id", xmlid) if score: e.set("score", score) for rule in rules: e.append(rule) for nvp in values: e.append(nvp) return e class CrmMonXmlParser(object): """ Class to parse xml output of crm_mon """ def __init__(self, peer=None): """ Init function when peer set, parse peer node's results """ self.peer = peer self.xml_elem = self._load() def _load(self): """ Load xml output of crm_mon """ _, output, _ = sh.cluster_shell().get_rc_stdout_stderr_without_input(self.peer, constants.CRM_MON_XML_OUTPUT) return text2elem(output) def is_node_online(self, node): """ Check if a node is online """ xpath = f'//node[@name="{node}" and @online="true"]' return bool(self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath)) def get_node_list(self, attr=None): """ Get a list of nodes based on the given attribute """ attr_dict = { 'standby': '[@standby="true"]', 'online': '[@standby="false"]' } xpath_str = f'//node{attr_dict.get(attr, "")}' return [e.get('name') for e in self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath_str)] def is_resource_configured(self, ra_type): """ Check if the RA is configured """ xpath = f'//resource[@resource_agent="{ra_type}"]' return bool(self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath)) def is_any_resource_running(self): """ Check if any RA is running """ xpath = '//resource[@active="true"]' return bool(self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath)) def is_resource_started(self, ra): """ Check if the RA started(in all clone instances if configured as clone) @ra could be resource id or resource type """ xpath = f'//resource[(@id="{ra}" or @resource_agent="{ra}") and @active="true" and @role="Started"]' return bool(self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath)) def get_resource_id_list_via_type(self, ra_type): """ Given configured ra type, get the ra id list """ xpath = f'//resource[@resource_agent="{ra_type}"]' return [elem.get('id') for elem in self.xml_elem.xpath(xpath)] # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: