; crmsh configuration file ; To override per user, create a file ~/.config/crm/crm.conf ; ; [core] ; editor = $EDITOR ; pager = $PAGER ; user = ; skill_level = expert ; sort_elements = yes ; check_frequency = always ; check_mode = strict ; wait = no ; add_quotes = yes ; manage_children = ask ; force = no ; debug = no ; ptest = ptest, crm_simulate ; dotty = dotty ; dot = dot ; ignore_missing_metadata = no ; report_tool_options = ; lock_timeout = 120 ; set OCF_1_1_SUPPORT to yes is to fully turn on OCF 1.1 feature once the corresponding CIB detected. ; OCF_1_1_SUPPORT = yes ; obscure_pattern option is the persisent configuration of CLI. ; Example, for the high security concern, obscure_pattern = passw* | ip ; which makes `crm configure show` is equal to ; ; node-1:~ # crm configure show obscure:passw* obscure:ip ; node 1084783297: node1 ; primitive fence_device stonith:fence_ilo5 \ ; params password="******" ; primitive ip IPaddr2 \ ; params ip="******" ; ; The default option is passw* ; If you don't want to obscure, change the value to blank. ; ; obscure_pattern = passw* [path] ; sharedir = ; cache = ; crm_config = ; crm_daemon_dir = crm_daemon_user = @CRM_DAEMON_USER@ ocf_root = @OCF_ROOT_DIR@ ; crm_dtd_dir = ; pe_state_dir = ; heartbeat_dir = ; hb_delnode = /usr/share/heartbeat/hb_delnode ; nagios_plugins = /usr/lib/nagios/plugins ; [color] ; style = color ; error = red bold ; ok = green bold ; warn = yellow bold ; info = cyan ; help_keyword = blue bold underline ; help_header = normal bold ; help_topic = yellow bold ; help_block = cyan ; keyword = yellow ; identifier = normal ; attr_name = cyan ; attr_value = red ; resource_reference = green ; id_reference = green ; score = magenta ; ticket = magenta ; [report] ; from_time = -12H ; compress = yes ; speed_up = no ; collect_extra_logs = /var/log/messages /var/log/pacemaker.log ; remove_exist_dest = no ; single_node = no ; ; sanitize_rule = sanitize_pattern[:options] ... ; ; This defines the way to hide sensitive data generated by crm report. ; ; 'sanitize_pattern' is a RegEx string, which is used to matches 'name' ; field of CIB params. The sanitize process will hide 'value' of those ; matched 'name:value' pairs in CIB, PE, pacemaker.log. ; ; 'options' is the predefined, and 'raw' is the only one defined ; currently. With ':raw" option, the sanitize process will fetch ; 'value' results out of CIB 'name:value' pairs, and use them to ; hide all clear text occurence from all files crm report collected. ; ; Example 1: ; sanitize_rule = passw.* ; ; This is the default. It will hide password nam:value pairs. ; The result of crm report clould be like ; name="password", value=****** ; @name=password @value=****** ; passwd=****** ; ; ; Example 2: ; sanitize_rule = ip.*:raw ; ; This will only hide ip addresses. Example, the sanitize process will fetch ; ip= and replace all clear text occurrence of "" ; ; ; Example 3: ; sanitize_rule = passw.*|ip.*:raw ; ; This is useful for the higher security concern. ; The sanitize process will hide all "name:value" pair for password like in ; example 1, and all clear text ip addresses like in example 2 above. ; ; sanitize_rule = passw.*