# Copyright (C) 2016 Kristoffer Gronlund # # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) version: 2.2 category: File System shortdesc: LVM Group on DRBD longdesc: | Configure a LVM resource group on top of DRBD. A DRBD primitive and Multi-state resource is used to replicate data between the nodes. LVM and file system resources are used to make the file systems available on the Primary node. For more details on what needs to be prepared to use this wizard, see the Highly Available NFS Storage with DRBD and Pacemaker section of the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 SP1 documentation. parameters: - name: group_id type: resource required: true shortdesc: Group Resource ID value: g-lvm include: - name: drbd script: drbd required: true parameters: - name: drbd_resource value: vg1 - name: lvm script: lvm required: true parameters: - name: volgrpname value: vg1 - name: example_fs shortdesc: Example File System Resource script: filesystem required: false parameters: - name: device value: /dev/example - name: directory value: /srv/example - name: fstype value: xfs actions: - include: drbd - include: lvm - shortdesc: Configure LVM and File System Group and Constraints cib: | group {{group_id}} {{lvm:id}} {{#example_fs:id}}{{example_fs:id}}{{/example_fs:id}} order o-drbd_before_{{group_id}} Mandatory: ms-{{drbd:id}}:promote {{group_id}}:start colocation c-{{group_id}}_on_drbd inf: {{group_id}} ms-{{drbd:id}}:Master