%name filesystem # Copyright (C) 2009 Dejan Muhamedagic # # License: GNU General Public License (GPL) # Filesystem # # This template generates a single primitive resource of type # Filesystem %required # The name of block device for the filesystem, or -U, -L # options for mount, or NFS mount specification. # Example: # %% device /dev/hda %% device # The mount point for the filesystem. # Example: # %% directory /mnt/fs %% directory # The type of filesystem to be mounted. # Example: # %% fstype xfs %% fstype %optional # Any extra options to be given as -o options to mount. # # For bind mounts, add "bind" here and set fstype to "none". # We will do the right thing for options such as "bind,ro". %% options %generate primitive %_ ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device=%_:device directory=%_:directory fstype=%_:fstype