CRM shell regression tests * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * * * uses eval to an extent you don't really want to * know about. Beware. Beware twice. Any input from the testcases * directory is considered to be trusted. So, think twice before * devising your tests lest you kill your precious data. Got it? * Good. * * Furthermore, we are deliberately small on testing the user * input and no one should try to predict what is to happen on * random input from the testcases. * * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * WARNING * Manifest the top level program the engine test engine crm-interface: interface to crm descriptions: describe what we are about to do defaults: the default settings for test commands testcases/: here are the testcases and filters crmtestout/: here goes the output All volatile data lives in the testcases/ directory. NB: You should never ever need to edit and If you really have to, please talk to me and I will try to fix it so that you do not have to. Please write new test cases. The more the merrier :) Usage The usage is: ./ ["prepare"] ["set:"|] Test cases are collected in test sets. The default test set is basicset and running without arguments will do all tests from that set. To show progress, for each test a '.' is printed. Once all tests have been evaluated, the output is checked against the expect file. If successful, "PASS" is printed, otherwise "FAIL". Specifying "prepare" will make create expect output files for the given set of tests or testcase. The script may start and stop lrmd and stonithd if they are not running to support the crm ra set of commands. The following files may be generated: output/.out: the output of the testcase output/regression.out: the output of output/crm.out: the output of crm tools/lrmd/stonithd etc On success output from testcases is removed and regression.out is empty. Driving the test cases yourself accepts input from stdin, evaluates it immediately, and prints results to stdout/stderr. One can perhaps get a better feeling of what's actually going on by running it interactively. Test cases Tests are mainly written in the crm shell language with some simple regression test directives (starting with '%' and session/show/showxml). Special operations There are special operations with which it is possible to change environment and do other useful things. All special ops start with the '%' sign and may be followed by additional parameters. %setenv change the environment variable; see defaults for the set of global variables and resetvars() in %stop skip the rest of the tests %extcheck feed the output of the next test case to the specified external program/filter; the program should either reside in testcases/ or be in the PATH, i.e. %extcheck cat simulates a null op :) see testcases/metadata for some examples %ext run an external command provided in the rest of the line; for example: %ext date would print the current time (not very useful for regression testing). %repeat num repeat the next test num times there are several variables which are substituted in the test lines, so that we can simulate a for loop: s/%t/$test_cnt/g s/%l/$line/g s/%j/$job_cnt/g s/%i/$repeat_cnt/g for example, to add 10 resources: %repeat 10 configure primitive p-%i ocf:pacemaker:Dummy Filters and other auxiliary files Some output is necessarily very volatile, such as time stamps. It is possible to specify a filter for each testcase to get rid of superfluous information. A filter is a filter in UNIX sense, it takes input from stdin and prints results to stdout. There is a common filter called very inventively testcases/common.filter which is applied to all test cases. Except files are a list of extended regular expressions fed to egrep(1). That way one can filter out lines which are not interesting. Again, the one applied to all is testcases/common.excl. A test may need an arbitrary script executed before or after the test itself in order to ascertain some state. The two scripts have extensions .pre and .post respectively. Their output is sent to /dev/null and the exit status ignored. Finally, the daemon log files may be filtered using log_filter. The full collection of auxiliary files follows: .filter .excl .log_filter .pre .post