@configure Feature: Functional test for configure sub level Tag @clean means need to stop cluster service if the service is available Need nodes: hanode1 hanode2 @clean Scenario: Replace sensitive data by default(bsc#1163581) Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode2" When Run "crm cluster init -y" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster join -c hanode1 -y" on "hanode2" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode2" And Online nodes are "hanode1 hanode2" # mask password by default When Run "crm node utilization hanode1 set password=qwertyui" on "hanode1" When Try "crm configure show|grep password|grep qwertyui" Then Expected return code is "1" When Run "crm node utilization hanode2 set password testingpass" on "hanode1" When Try "crm configure show|grep password|grep testingpass" Then Expected return code is "1" And Show crm configure # mask password and ip address When Run "crm configure primitive ip2 IPaddr2 params ip=@vip.0" on "hanode1" And Run "sed -i 's/; \[core\]/[core]/' /etc/crm/crm.conf" on "hanode1" And Run "sed -i 's/; obscure_pattern = .*$/obscure_pattern = passw*|ip/g' /etc/crm/crm.conf" on "hanode1" And Try "crm configure show|grep -E "@vip.0|qwertyui"" Then Expected return code is "1" And Show crm configure # mask password and ip address with another pattern When Run "sed -i 's/obscure_pattern = .*$/obscure_pattern = passw* ip/g' /etc/crm/crm.conf" on "hanode1" And Try "crm configure show|grep -E "@vip.0|qwertyui"" Then Expected return code is "1" And Show crm configure