@geo Feature: geo cluster Test geo cluster setup using bootstrap Tag @clean means need to stop cluster service if the service is available Need nodes: hanode1 hanode2 hanode3 @clean Scenario: GEO cluster setup Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode2" When Run "crm cluster init -y -n cluster1" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" When Run "crm configure primitive vip IPaddr2 params ip=@vip.0" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster init -y -n cluster2" on "hanode2" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode2" When Run "crm configure primitive vip IPaddr2 params ip=@vip.1" on "hanode2" When Run "crm cluster geo_init -y --clusters "cluster1=@vip.0 cluster2=@vip.1" --tickets tickets-geo --arbitrator hanode3" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster geo_join -y --cluster-node hanode1 --clusters "cluster1=@vip.0 cluster2=@vip.1"" on "hanode2" Given Service "booth@booth" is "stopped" on "hanode3" When Run "crm cluster geo_init_arbitrator -y --cluster-node hanode1" on "hanode3" Then Service "booth@booth" is "started" on "hanode3" When Run "crm resource start g-booth" on "hanode1" Then Show cluster status on "hanode1" When Run "crm resource start g-booth" on "hanode2" Then Show cluster status on "hanode2"