@qdevice Feature: corosync qdevice/qnetd options Test corosync qdevice/qnetd options: "--qdevice-algo": QNetd decision ALGORITHM(ffsplit/lms, default:ffsplit) "--qdevice-ti-breaker": QNetd TIE_BREAKER(lowest/highest/valid_node_id, default:lowest) "--qdevice-tls": Whether using TLS on QDevice/QNetd(on/off/required, default:on) "--qdevice-heuristics": COMMAND to run with absolute path. For multiple commands, use ";" to separate Tag @clean means need to stop cluster service if the service is available Need nodes: hanode1 hanode2 qnetd-node @clean Scenario: Use "--qdevice-algo" to change qnetd decision algorithm to "lms" Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "stopped" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname=qnetd-node --qdevice-algo=lms -y" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "started" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster join -c hanode1 -y" on "hanode2" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode2" And Online nodes are "hanode1 hanode2" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "started" on "hanode2" And Show corosync qdevice configuration @clean Scenario: Use "--qdevice-tie-breaker" to change qnetd tie_breaker to "highest" Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "stopped" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname=qnetd-node --qdevice-tie-breaker=highest -y" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "started" on "hanode1" And Show corosync qdevice configuration @clean Scenario: Use "--qdevice-tls" to turn off TLS certification Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "stopped" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname=qnetd-node --qdevice-tls=off -y" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "started" on "hanode1" And Show corosync qdevice configuration @clean Scenario: Use "--qdevice-heuristics" to configure heuristics Given Cluster service is "stopped" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "stopped" on "hanode1" When Run "crm cluster init --qnetd-hostname=qnetd-node --qdevice-heuristics='/usr/bin/test -f /tmp/file_exists;/usr/bin/which pacemaker' -y" on "hanode1" Then Cluster service is "started" on "hanode1" And Service "corosync-qdevice" is "started" on "hanode1" And Show corosync qdevice configuration