import os import pwd import re import platform import socket import crm_script PACKAGES = ['booth', 'cluster-glue', 'corosync', 'crmsh', 'csync2', 'drbd', 'fence-agents', 'gfs2', 'gfs2-utils', 'hawk', 'ocfs2', 'ocfs2-tools', 'pacemaker', 'pacemaker-mgmt', 'resource-agents', 'sbd'] SERVICES = ['sshd', 'ntp', 'corosync', 'pacemaker', 'hawk', 'SuSEfirewall2_init'] SSH_KEY = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa') CSYNC2_KEY = '/etc/csync2/key_hagroup' CSYNC2_CFG = '/etc/csync2/csync2.cfg' COROSYNC_CONF = '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf' SYSCONFIG_SBD = '/etc/sysconfig/sbd' SYSCONFIG_FW = '/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2' SYSCONFIG_FW_CLUSTER = '/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/cluster' def rpm_info(): 'check installed packages' return crm_script.rpmcheck(PACKAGES) def service_info(service): "Returns information about a given service" active, enabled = 'unknown', 'unknown' rc, out, err =["/usr/bin/systemctl", "is-enabled", "%s.service" % (service)]) if rc in (0, 1, 3) and out: enabled = out.strip() else: return {'name': service, 'error': err.strip()} rc, out, err =["/usr/bin/systemctl", "is-active", "%s.service" % (service)]) if rc in (0, 1, 3) and out: active = out.strip() else: return {'name': service, 'error': err.strip()} return {'name': service, 'active': active, 'enabled': enabled} def services_info(): 'check enabled/active services' return [service_info(service) for service in SERVICES] def get_user(): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name def sys_info(): 'system information' system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname() hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0] return {'system': system, 'node': node, 'release': release, 'version': version, 'machine': machine, 'processor': processor, 'user': get_user(), 'hostname': hostname, 'fqdn': socket.getfqdn()} def net_info(): ret = {} interfaces = [] ret['interfaces'] = interfaces hostname = platform.node().split('.')[0] try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) ret['hostname'] = {'name': hostname, 'ip': ip} except Exception as e: ret['hostname'] = {'error': str(e)} return ret def files_info(): def check(fn): if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(fn)): return os.path.expanduser(fn) return '' return {'ssh_key': check(SSH_KEY), 'csync2_key': check(CSYNC2_KEY), 'csync2_cfg': check(CSYNC2_CFG), 'corosync_conf': check(COROSYNC_CONF), 'sysconfig_sbd': check(SYSCONFIG_SBD), 'sysconfig_fw': check(SYSCONFIG_FW), 'sysconfig_fw_cluster': check(SYSCONFIG_FW_CLUSTER), } def logrotate_info(): rc, _, _ = 'grep -r corosync.conf /etc/logrotate.d', shell=True) return {'corosync.conf': rc == 0} def disk_info(): rc, out, err =['df'], shell=False) if rc == 0: disk_use = [] for line in out.split('\n')[1:]: line = line.strip() if line: data = line.split() if len(data) >= 6: disk_use.append((data[5], int(data[4][:-1]))) return disk_use return [] def info(): return {'rpm': rpm_info(), 'services': services_info(), 'system': sys_info(), 'net': net_info(), 'files': files_info(), 'logrotate': logrotate_info(), 'disk': disk_info()} def verify(data): """ Given output from info(), verifies as much as possible before init/add. """ def check_diskspace(): for host, info in data.items(): for mount, percent in info['disk']: interesting = (mount == '/' or mount.startswith('/var/log') or mount.startswith('/tmp')) if interesting and percent > 90: crm_script.exit_fail("Not enough space on %s:%s" % (host, mount)) def check_services(): for host, info in data.items(): for svc in info['services']: if svc['name'] == 'pacemaker' and svc['active'] == 'active': crm_script.exit_fail("%s already running pacemaker" % (host)) if svc['name'] == 'corosync' and svc['active'] == 'active': crm_script.exit_fail("%s already running corosync" % (host)) def verify_host(host, info): if host != info['system']['hostname']: crm_script.exit_fail("Hostname mismatch: %s is not %s" % (host, info['system']['hostname'])) def compare_system(systems): def check(value, msg): vals = set([system[value] for host, system in systems]) if len(vals) > 1: info = ', '.join('%s: %s' % (h, system[value]) for h, system in systems) crm_script.exit_fail("%s: %s" % (msg, info)) check('machine', 'Architecture differs') #check('release', 'Kernel release differs') #check('distname', 'Distribution differs') #check('distver', 'Distribution version differs') #check('version', 'Kernel version differs') for host, info in data.items(): verify_host(host, info) compare_system((h, info['system']) for h, info in data.items()) check_diskspace() check_services() # common functions to initialize a cluster node def is_service_enabled(name): info = service_info(name) if info.get('name') == name and info.get('enabled') == 'enabled': return True return False def is_service_active(name): info = service_info(name) if info.get('name') == name and info.get('active') == 'active': return True return False def install_packages(packages): for pkg in packages: try: crm_script.package(pkg, 'latest') except Exception as e: crm_script.exit_fail("Failed to install %s: %s" % (pkg, e)) def configure_firewall(): _SUSE_FW_TEMPLATE = """## Name: HAE cluster ports ## Description: opens ports for HAE cluster services TCP="%(tcp)s" UDP="%(udp)s" """ corosync_mcastport = crm_script.param('mcastport') if not corosync_mcastport: rc, out, err =['crm', 'corosync', 'get', 'totem.interface.mcastport']) if rc == 0: corosync_mcastport = out.strip() FW = '/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2' FW_CLUSTER = '/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/cluster' tcp_ports = '30865 5560 7630 21064' udp_ports = '%s %s' % (corosync_mcastport, int(corosync_mcastport) - 1) if is_service_enabled('SuSEfirewall2'): if os.path.isfile(FW_CLUSTER): tmpl = open(FW_CLUSTER).read() tmpl = re.sub(r'^TCP="(.*)"', 'TCP="%s"' % (tcp_ports), tmpl, flags=re.M) tmpl = re.sub(r'^UDP="(.*)"', 'UDP="%s"' % (udp_ports), tmpl, flags=re.M) with open(FW_CLUSTER, 'w') as f: f.write(tmpl) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(FW_CLUSTER)): with open(FW_CLUSTER, 'w') as fwc: fwc.write(_SUSE_FW_TEMPLATE % {'tcp': tcp_ports, 'udp': udp_ports}) else: # neither the cluster file nor the services # directory exists crm_script.exit_fail("SUSE firewall is configured but %s does not exist" % os.path.dirname(FW_CLUSTER)) # add cluster to FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT if os.path.isfile(FW): txt = open(FW).read() m ='^FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT="(.*)"', txt, re.M) if m: services = if 'cluster' not in services: services.append('cluster') txt = re.sub(r'^FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT="(.*)"', r'FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT="%s"' % (' '.join(services)), txt, flags=re.M) else: txt += '\nFW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT="cluster"' with open(FW, 'w') as fw: fw.write(txt) if is_service_active('SuSEfirewall2'): crm_script.service('SuSEfirewall2', 'restart') # TODO: other platforms