= cryptsetup-erase(8) :doctype: manpage :manmanual: Maintenance Commands :mansource: cryptsetup {release-version} :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] :COMMON_OPTIONS: :ACTION_ERASE: == Name cryptsetup-erase, cryptsetup-luksErase - erase all keyslots == SYNOPSIS *cryptsetup _erase_ [] * + *cryptsetup _luksErase_ [] * == DESCRIPTION Erase all keyslots and make the LUKS container permanently inaccessible. Unless the device is configured with HW OPAL support you do not need to provide any password for this operation. *WARNING:* This operation is irreversible. *WARNING:* with *--hw-opal-factory-reset* ALL data is lost on the device, regardless of the partition it is ran on, if any, and regardless of any LUKS2 header backup, and does not require a valid LUKS2 header to be present on the device to run. ** can be [--header, --disable-locks, --hw-opal-factory-reset, --key-file]. include::man/common_options.adoc[] include::man/common_footer.adoc[]