= cryptsetup-luksDump(8) :doctype: manpage :manmanual: Maintenance Commands :mansource: cryptsetup {release-version} :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] :COMMON_OPTIONS: :ACTION_LUKSDUMP: == Name cryptsetup-luksDump - dump the header information of a LUKS device == SYNOPSIS *cryptsetup _luksDump_ [] * == DESCRIPTION Dump the header information of a LUKS device. If the --dump-volume-key option is used, the LUKS device volume key is dumped instead of the keyslot info. Together with the --volume-key-file option, volume key is dumped to a file instead of standard output. Beware that the volume key cannot be changed without reencryption and can be used to decrypt the data stored in the LUKS container without a passphrase and even without the LUKS header. This means that if the volume key is compromised, the whole device has to be erased or reencrypted to prevent further access. Use this option carefully. To dump the volume key, a passphrase has to be supplied, either interactively or via --key-file. To dump unbound key (LUKS2 format only), --unbound parameter, specific --key-slot id and proper passphrase has to be supplied, either interactively or via --key-file. Optional --volume-key-file parameter enables unbound keyslot dump to a file. To dump LUKS2 JSON metadata (without basic header information like UUID) use --dump-json-metadata option. ** can be [--dump-volume-key, --dump-json-metadata, --key-file, --keyfile-offset, --keyfile-size, --header, --disable-locks, --volume-key-file, --type, --unbound, --key-slot, --timeout, --external-tokens-path]. *WARNING:* If --dump-volume-key is used with --key-file and the argument to --key-file is '-', no validation question will be asked and no warning given. include::man/common_options.adoc[] include::man/common_footer.adoc[]