= cryptsetup-open(8) :doctype: manpage :manmanual: Maintenance Commands :mansource: cryptsetup {release-version} :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] :COMMON_OPTIONS: :ACTION_OPEN: == Name cryptsetup-open, cryptsetup-create, cryptsetup-plainOpen, cryptsetup-luksOpen, cryptsetup-loopaesOpen, cryptsetup-tcryptOpen, cryptsetup-bitlkOpen, cryptsetup-fvault2Open - open an encrypted device and create a mapping with a specified name == SYNOPSIS *cryptsetup _open_ --type [] * == DESCRIPTION Opens (creates a mapping with) backed by device . Device type can be _plain_, _luks_ (default), _luks1_, _luks2_, _loopaes_ or _tcrypt_. For backward compatibility there are *open* command aliases: *create* (argument-order ): open --type plain + *plainOpen*: open --type plain + *luksOpen*: open --type luks + *loopaesOpen*: open --type loopaes + *tcryptOpen*: open --type tcrypt + *bitlkOpen*: open --type bitlk ** are type specific and are described below for individual device types. For *create*, the order of the and options is inverted for historical reasons, all other aliases use the standard * * order. === PLAIN *open --type plain * --cipher --key-size --hash + plainOpen (*old syntax*) + create (*OBSOLETE syntax*) Opens (creates a mapping with) backed by device . *WARNING:* You should always specify options *--cipher*, *--key-size* and (if no keyfile is used) then also *--hash* to avoid incompatibility as default values can be different in older cryptsetup versions. + ** can be [--hash, --cipher, --verify-passphrase, --sector-size, --key-file, --keyfile-size, --keyfile-offset, --key-size, --offset, --skip, --device-size, --size, --readonly, --shared, --allow-discards, --refresh, --timeout, --verify-passphrase, --iv-large-sectors]. Example: 'cryptsetup open --type plain --cipher aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 --key-size 256 --hash sha256 /dev/sda10 e1' maps the raw encrypted device /dev/sda10 to the mapped (decrypted) device /dev/mapper/e1, which can then be mounted, fsck-ed or have a filesystem created on it. === LUKS *open * + open --type (*explicit version request*) + luksOpen (*old syntax*) Opens the LUKS device and sets up a mapping after successful verification of the supplied passphrase. First, the passphrase is searched in LUKS2 tokens unprotected by PIN. If such token does not exist (or fails to unlock keyslot) and also the passphrase is not supplied via --key-file, the command prompts for passphrase interactively. If there is valid LUKS2 token but it requires PIN to unlock assigned keyslot, it is not used unless one of following options is added: --token-only, --token-type where type matches desired PIN protected token or --token-id with id matching PIN protected token. ** can be [--key-file, --keyfile-offset, --keyfile-size, --readonly, --test-passphrase, --allow-discards, --header, --key-slot, --volume-key-file, --token-id, --token-only, --token-type, --disable-external-tokens, --disable-keyring, --disable-locks, --type, --refresh, --serialize-memory-hard-pbkdf, --unbound, --tries, --timeout, --verify-passphrase, --persistent, --volume-key-keyring, --link-vk-to-keyring, --external-tokens-path]. === loopAES *open --type loopaes --key-file * + loopaesOpen --key-file (*old syntax*) Opens the loop-AES and sets up a mapping . If the key file is encrypted with GnuPG, then you have to use --key-file=- and decrypt it before use, e.g., like this: + gpg --decrypt | cryptsetup loopaesOpen --key-file=- *WARNING:* The loop-AES extension cannot use the direct input of the key file on the real terminal because the keys are separated by end-of-line and only part of the multi-key file would be read. + If you need it in script, just use the pipe redirection: + echo $keyfile | cryptsetup loopaesOpen --key-file=- Use *--keyfile-size* to specify the proper key length if needed. Use *--offset* to specify device offset. Note that the units need to be specified in number of 512 byte sectors. Use *--skip* to specify the IV offset. If the original device used an offset and but did not use it in IV sector calculations, you have to explicitly use *--skip 0* in addition to the offset parameter. Use *--hash* to override the default hash function for passphrase hashing (otherwise it is detected according to key size). ** can be [--cipher, --key-file, --keyfile-size, --keyfile-offset, --key-size, --offset, --skip, --hash, --readonly, --allow-discards, --refresh]. === TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt *open --type tcrypt * + tcryptOpen (*old syntax*) Opens the TCRYPT (TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt compatible) and sets up a mapping . ** can be [--key-file, --tcrypt-hidden, --tcrypt-system, --tcrypt-backup, --readonly, --test-passphrase, --allow-discards, --veracrypt (ignored), --disable-veracrypt, --veracrypt-pim, --veracrypt-query-pim, --header, --cipher, --hash, --tries, --timeout, --verify-passphrase]. The keyfile parameter allows a combination of file content with the passphrase and can be repeated. Note that using keyfiles is compatible with TCRYPT and is different from LUKS keyfile logic. If *--cipher* or *--hash* options are used, only cipher chains or PBKDF2 variants with the specified hash algorithms are checked. This could speed up unlocking the device (but also it reveals some information about the container). If you use *--header* in combination with hidden or system options, the header file must contain specific headers on the same positions as the original encrypted container. *WARNING:* Option *--allow-discards* cannot be combined with option *--tcrypt-hidden*. For normal mapping, it can cause the *destruction of hidden volume* (hidden volume appears as unused space for outer volume so this space can be discarded). === BitLocker *open --type bitlk * + bitlkOpen (*old syntax*) Opens the BITLK (a BitLocker compatible) and sets up a mapping . ** can be [--key-file, --keyfile-offset, --keyfile-size, --key-size, --readonly, --test-passphrase, --allow-discards --volume-key-file, --tries, --timeout, --verify-passphrase]. Note that *--test-passphrase* doesn't work with *--volume-key-file* because we cannot check whether the provided volume key is correct for this device or not. When using *--volume-key-file* the device will be opened even if the provided key is not correct. === FileVault2 *open --type fvault2 * + fvault2Open (*old syntax*) Opens the FVAULT2 (a FileVault2 compatible) and sets up a mapping . ** can be [--key-file, --keyfile-offset, --keyfile-size, --key-size, --readonly, --test-passphrase, --allow-discards --volume-key-file, --tries, --timeout, --verify-passphrase]. include::man/common_options.adoc[] include::man/common_footer.adoc[]