= cryptsetup-token(8) :doctype: manpage :manmanual: Maintenance Commands :mansource: cryptsetup {release-version} :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] :COMMON_OPTIONS: :ACTION_TOKEN: == Name cryptsetup-token - manage LUKS2 tokens == SYNOPSIS *cryptsetup _token_ [] * == DESCRIPTION Action _add_ creates a new keyring token to enable auto-activation of the device. For the auto-activation, the passphrase must be stored in keyring with the specified description. Usually, the passphrase should be stored in _user_ or _user-session_ keyring. The _token_ command is supported only for LUKS2. For adding new keyring token, option --key-description is mandatory. Also, new token is assigned to key slot specified with --key-slot option or to all active key slots in the case --key-slot option is omitted. To remove existing token, specify the token ID which should be removed with --token-id option. *WARNING:* The action _token remove_ removes any token type, not just _keyring_ type from token slot specified by --token-id option. Action _import_ can store arbitrary valid token json in LUKS2 header. It may be passed via standard input or via file passed in --json-file option. If you specify --key-slot then successfully imported token is also assigned to the key slot. Action _export_ writes requested token JSON to a file passed with --json-file or to standard output. Action _unassign_ removes token binding to specified keyslot. Both token and keyslot must be specified by --token-id and --key-slot parameters. If --token-id is used with action _add_ or action _import_ and a token with that ID already exists, option --token-replace can be used to replace the existing token. ** can be [--header, --token-id, --key-slot, --key-description, --disable-external-tokens, --disable-locks, --disable-keyring, --json-file, --token-replace, --unbound, --external-tokens-path]. include::man/common_options.adoc[] include::man/common_footer.adoc[]