/* * Command line arguments helpers * * Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Ondrej Kozina * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef CRYPTSETUP_ARGS_H #define CRYPTSETUP_ARGS_H #include "utils_arg_names.h" #include "utils_arg_macros.h" #define ADDKEY_ACTION "luksAddKey" #define BITLKDUMP_ACTION "bitlkDump" #define BENCHMARK_ACTION "benchmark" #define CHANGEKEY_ACTION "luksChangeKey" #define CLOSE_ACTION "close" #define CONVERTKEY_ACTION "luksConvertKey" #define CONFIG_ACTION "config" #define CONVERT_ACTION "convert" #define ERASE_ACTION "erase" #define FORMAT_ACTION "luksFormat" #define FVAULT2DUMP_ACTION "fvault2Dump" #define HEADERBACKUP_ACTION "luksHeaderBackup" #define HEADERRESTORE_ACTION "luksHeaderRestore" #define ISLUKS_ACTION "isLuks" #define KILLKEY_ACTION "luksKillSlot" #define LUKSDUMP_ACTION "luksDump" #define OPEN_ACTION "open" #define REENCRYPT_ACTION "reencrypt" #define REMOVEKEY_ACTION "luksRemoveKey" #define REPAIR_ACTION "repair" #define RESIZE_ACTION "resize" #define RESUME_ACTION "luksResume" #define STATUS_ACTION "status" #define SUSPEND_ACTION "luksSuspend" #define TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION "tcryptDump" #define TOKEN_ACTION "token" #define UUID_ACTION "luksUUID" /* avoid unshielded commas in ARG() macros later */ #define OPT_ALIGN_PAYLOAD_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_ALLOW_DISCARDS_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_DEFERRED_ACTIONS { CLOSE_ACTION } #define OPT_DEVICE_SIZE_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, RESIZE_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_DISABLE_BLKID_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_DISABLE_VERACRYPT_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } #define OPT_ERASE_ACTIONS { ERASE_ACTION } #define OPT_EXTERNAL_TOKENS_PATH_ACTIONS { RESIZE_ACTION, OPEN_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, LUKSDUMP_ACTION, RESUME_ACTION, TOKEN_ACTION } #define OPT_FORCE_OFFLINE_REENCRYPT_ACTIONS { REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_HOTZONE_SIZE_ACTIONS { REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_HW_OPAL_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_HW_OPAL_ONLY_ACTIONS OPT_HW_OPAL_ACTIONS #define OPT_INTEGRITY_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_INTEGRITY_NO_WIPE_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_ITER_TIME_ACTIONS { BENCHMARK_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, CHANGEKEY_ACTION, CONVERTKEY_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_IV_LARGE_SECTORS_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_KEEP_KEY_ACTIONS { REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_KEY_DESCRIPTION_ACTIONS { TOKEN_ACTION } #define OPT_KEY_SIZE_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, BENCHMARK_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION } #define OPT_KEY_SLOT_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION, CONFIG_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, CHANGEKEY_ACTION, CONVERTKEY_ACTION, LUKSDUMP_ACTION, TOKEN_ACTION, RESUME_ACTION } #define OPT_KEYSLOT_CIPHER_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, CHANGEKEY_ACTION, CONVERTKEY_ACTION } #define OPT_KEYSLOT_KEY_SIZE_ACTIONS OPT_KEYSLOT_CIPHER_ACTIONS #define OPT_LABEL_ACTIONS { CONFIG_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_LINK_VK_TO_KEYRING_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, RESUME_ACTION } #define OPT_LUKS2_KEYSLOTS_SIZE_ACTIONS { REENCRYPT_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_LUKS2_METADATA_SIZE_ACTIONS { REENCRYPT_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_NEW_KEYFILE_ACTIONS { ADDKEY_ACTION } #define OPT_NEW_KEY_SLOT_ACTIONS { ADDKEY_ACTION } #define OPT_NEW_TOKEN_ID_ACTIONS { ADDKEY_ACTION } #define OPT_OFFSET_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_PBKDF_ACTIONS { BENCHMARK_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, CHANGEKEY_ACTION, CONVERTKEY_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_PBKDF_FORCE_ITERATIONS_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, ADDKEY_ACTION, CHANGEKEY_ACTION, CONVERTKEY_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_PERSISTENT_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_PRIORITY_ACTIONS { CONFIG_ACTION } #define OPT_PROGRESS_JSON_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_REFRESH_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_SECTOR_SIZE_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION } #define OPT_SERIALIZE_MEMORY_HARD_PBKDF_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_SHARED_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_SIZE_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, RESIZE_ACTION } #define OPT_SKIP_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_SUBSYSTEM_ACTIONS { CONFIG_ACTION, FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_TCRYPT_BACKUP_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } #define OPT_TCRYPT_HIDDEN_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } #define OPT_TCRYPT_SYSTEM_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } #define OPT_TEST_PASSPHRASE_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION } #define OPT_TOKEN_REPLACE_ACTIONS { TOKEN_ACTION } #define OPT_UNBOUND_ACTIONS { ADDKEY_ACTION, LUKSDUMP_ACTION, OPEN_ACTION, TOKEN_ACTION } #define OPT_USE_RANDOM_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_USE_URANDOM_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_UUID_ACTIONS { FORMAT_ACTION, UUID_ACTION, REENCRYPT_ACTION } #define OPT_VERACRYPT_PIM_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } #define OPT_VERACRYPT_QUERY_PIM_ACTIONS { OPEN_ACTION, TCRYPTDUMP_ACTION } enum { OPT_UNUSED_ID = 0, /* leave unused due to popt library */ #define ARG(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) A ## _ID, #include "cryptsetup_arg_list.h" #undef ARG }; extern struct tools_arg tool_core_args[]; #endif