/* * cryptsetup LUKS2 custom mutator * * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Daniel Zatovic * Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ syntax = "proto2"; package LUKS2_proto; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- GENERIC OBJECTS ----------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- message object_id { oneof id { // int_id will be mapped to range -16 to 16 (mod 33) // this way iy should be easier to generate valid // object cross-references uint32 int_id = 1; string string_id = 2; } } message string_uint64 { required bool negative = 1; oneof number { uint32 uint_num = 2; string string_num = 3; } } enum hash_algorithm { HASH_ALG_SHA1 = 1; HASH_ALG_SHA256 = 2; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- BINARY HEADER ------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum luks2_magic { INVALID = 0; FIRST = 1; SECOND = 2; } enum luks_version { ONE = 1; TWO = 2; THREE = 3; } // we limit the size to 64KiB to make the fuzzing faster // because the checksum needs to be calculated for the whole image enum hdr_size { size_16_KB = 16384; size_32_KB = 32768; size_64_KB = 65536; // size_128_KB = 131072; // size_256_KB = 262144; // size_512_KB = 524288; // size_1_MB = 1048576; // size_2_MB = 2097152; // size_4_MB = 4194304; } enum seqid_description { PRIMARY_GREATER = 0; SECONDARY_GREATER = 1; EQUAL = 2; } // message luks2_hdr_disk { // char magic[LUKS2_MAGIC_L]; // //uint16_t version; /* Version 2 */ // uint64_t hdr_size; /* in bytes, including JSON area */ // uint64_t seqid; /* increased on every update */ // char label[LUKS2_LABEL_L]; // char checksum_alg[LUKS2_CHECKSUM_ALG_L]; // uint8_t salt[LUKS2_SALT_L]; /* unique for every header/offset */ // char uuid[LUKS2_UUID_L]; // char subsystem[LUKS2_LABEL_L]; /* owner subsystem label */ // uint64_t hdr_offset; /* offset from device start in bytes */ // char _padding[184]; // uint8_t csum[LUKS2_CHECKSUM_L]; // } message LUKS2_header { required luks_version version = 1; required luks2_magic magic = 2; required hdr_size hdr_size = 3; required bool use_correct_checksum = 4; optional uint64 selected_offset = 5; } message LUKS2_both_headers { required LUKS2_header primary_header = 1; required LUKS2_header secondary_header = 2; required seqid_description seqid = 3; required json_area_description json_area = 4; } message json_area_description { optional config_description config = 1; repeated keyslot_description keyslots = 2; repeated digest_description digests = 3; repeated segment_description segments = 4; repeated token_description tokens = 5; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- KEYSLOT OBJECT ------------------------------ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum keyslot_type { KEYSLOT_TYPE_LUKS2 = 1; KEYSLOT_TYPE_REENCRYPT = 2; KEYSLOT_TYPE_PLACEHOLDER = 3; } enum reencrypt_keyslot_mode { MODE_REENCRYPT = 1; MODE_ENCRYPT = 2; MODE_DECRYPT = 3; } enum reencrypt_keyslot_direction { DIRECTION_FORWARD = 1; DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 2; } // The area object contains these mandatory fields: // - type [string] the area type. // - offset [string-uint64] the offset from the device start to the beginning of the binary area (in bytes). // - size [string-uint64] the area size (in bytes). // // Area type raw contains these additional fields: // - encryption [string] the area encryption algorithm, in dm-crypt notation (for example aes-xts-plain64). // - key_size [integer] the area encryption key size. // // Area type none and journal (used only for reencryption optional extension) contain only mandatory fields. // // Area type checksum (used only for reencryption optional extension) contains these additional fields: // - hash [string] The hash algorithm for the checksum resilience mode. // - sector_size [integer] The data unit size for digest checksum calculated with the hash algorithm. // // Area type datashift (used only for reencryption optional extension) contains this additional field: // - shift_size [string-uint64] The data shift (in bytes) performed during reencryption (shift direction is according to direction field). enum keyslot_area_type { KEYSLOT_AREA_TYPE_RAW = 1; KEYSLOT_AREA_TYPE_NONE = 2; KEYSLOT_AREA_TYPE_JOURNAL = 3; KEYSLOT_AREA_TYPE_CHECKSUM = 4; KEYSLOT_AREA_TYPE_DATASHIFT = 5; } message keyslot_area_description { // mandatory fields optional keyslot_area_type type = 1; optional string_uint64 offset = 2; optional string_uint64 size = 3; // raw type fields optional string encryption = 4; optional int32 key_size = 5; // checksum type field optional hash_algorithm hash = 6; optional int32 sector_size = 7; // datashift type fields optional string_uint64 shift_size = 8; } // The object describes PBKDF attributes used for the keyslot. // The kdf object mandatory fields are: // - type [string] the PBKDF type. // - salt [base64] the salt for PBKDF (binary data). // // The pbkdf2 type (compatible with LUKS1) contains these additional fields: // - hash [string] the hash algorithm for the PBKDF2 (SHA-256). // - iterations [integer] the PBKDF2 iterations count. // // The argon2i and argon2id type contains these additional fields: // - time [integer] the time cost (in fact the iterations count for Argon2). // - memory [integer] the memory cost, in kilobytes. If not available, the keyslot cannot be unlocked. // - cpus [integer] the required number of threads (CPU cores number cost). If not available, unlocking will be slower. enum keyslot_kdf_type { KEYSLOT_KDF_TYPE_PBKDF2 = 1; KEYSLOT_KDF_TYPE_ARGON2I = 2; KEYSLOT_KDF_TYPE_ARGON2ID = 3; } message keyslot_kdf_description { optional keyslot_kdf_type type = 1; optional string salt = 2; // pbkdf2 type optional hash_algorithm hash = 3; optional int32 iterations = 4; // argon2i and argon2id types optional int32 time = 5; optional int32 memory = 6; optional int32 cpus = 7; } enum keyslot_af_type { KEYSLOT_AF_TYPE_LUKS1 = 1; } // The af (anti-forensic splitter) object contains this mandatory field: // - type [string] the anti-forensic function type. // AF type luks1 (compatible with LUKS1 [1]) contains these additional fields: // - stripes [integer] the number of stripes, for historical reasons only the 4000 value is supported. // - hash [string] the hash algorithm used. message keyslot_af_description { optional keyslot_af_type type = 1; optional int32 stripes = 2; optional hash_algorithm hash = 3; } // - type [string] the keyslot type. // - key_size [integer] the key size (in bytes) stored in keyslot. // - priority [integer,optional] the keyslot priority. Here 0 means ignore (the slot should be used only if explicitly stated), 1 means normal priority and 2 means high priority (tried before normal priority). // REENCRYPT // The key size field must be set to 1. The area type must be none, checksum, // journal or datashift. // The reencrypt object must contain these additional fields: // - mode [string] the reencryption mode. reencrypt, encrypt and decrypt // - direction [string] the reencryption direction. forward backward // - area [object] the allocated area in the binary keyslots area. // LUKS2 object must contain these additional fields: // - kdf [object] the PBKDF type and parameters used. // - af [object] the anti-forensic splitter [1] (only the luks1 type is currently // used). message keyslot_description { // type required object_id oid = 1; optional keyslot_type type = 2; optional int32 key_size = 3; optional int32 priority = 4; // reencrypt extension optional reencrypt_keyslot_mode mode = 5; optional reencrypt_keyslot_direction direction = 6; // objects optional keyslot_area_description area = 7; optional keyslot_kdf_description kdf = 8; optional keyslot_af_description af = 9; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ DIGEST OBJECT ------------------------------ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- message digest_description { required object_id oid = 1; optional keyslot_kdf_type type = 2; repeated object_id keyslots = 3; repeated object_id segments = 4; optional string salt = 5; optional string digest = 6; // pbkdf2 digest fields optional hash_algorithm hash = 7; optional int32 iterations = 8; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- SEGMENT OBJECT ------------------------------ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum segment_type { SEGMENT_TYPE_LINEAR = 1; SEGMENT_TYPE_CRYPT = 2; } enum segment_flag { IN_REENCRYPTION = 1; BACKUP_FINAL = 2; BACKUP_PREVIOUS = 3; BACKUP_MOVED_SEGMENT = 4; } message segment_integrity_description { optional string type = 1; optional string journal_encryption = 2; optional string journal_integrity = 3; } message segment_description { required object_id oid = 1; optional segment_type type = 2; optional string_uint64 offset = 3; optional string_uint64 size = 4; repeated segment_flag flags = 5; // segment type crypt optional string_uint64 iv_tweak = 6; optional string encryption = 7; optional int32 sector_size = 8; optional segment_integrity_description integrity = 9; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ TOKEN OBJECT ------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- message token_description { required object_id oid = 1; optional string type = 2; repeated object_id keyslots = 3; optional string key_description = 4; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ CONFIG OBJECT ------------------------------ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // - allow-discards allows TRIM (discards) on the active device. // - same-cpu-crypt compatibility performance flag for dm-crypt [3] to per- form encryption using the same CPU that originated the request. // - submit-from-crypt-cpus compatibility performance flag for dm-crypt [3] to disable offloading write requests to a separate thread after encryption. // - no-journal disable data journalling for dm-integrity [10]. // - no-read-workqueue compatibility performance flag for dm-crypt [3] to bypass dm-crypt read workqueue and process read requests synchronously. // - no-write-workqueue compatibility performance flag for dm-crypt [3] to bypass dm-crypt write workqueue and process write requests synchronously. enum config_flag { CONFIG_FLAG_ALLOW_DISCARDS = 1; CONFIG_FLAG_SAME_CPU_CRYPT = 2; CONFIG_FLAG_SUBMIT_FROM_CRYPT_CPUS = 3; CONFIG_FLAG_NO_JOURNAL = 4; CONFIG_FLAG_NO_READ_WORKQUEUE = 5; CONFIG_FLAG_NO_WRITE_WORKQUEUE = 6; } enum config_requirement { CONFIG_REQUIREMENT_OFFLINE_REENCRYPT = 1; CONFIG_REQUIREMENT_ONLINE_REENCRYPT_V2 = 2; } // - json_size [string-uint64] the JSON area size (in bytes). Must match the binary header. // - keyslots_size [string-uint64] the binary keyslot area size (in bytes). Must be aligned to 4096 bytes. // - flags [array, optional] the array of string objects with persistent flags for the device. // - requirements [array, optional] the array of string objects with additional required features for the LUKS device. message config_description { required bool use_primary_hdr_size = 2; repeated config_flag config_flags = 3; repeated config_requirement requirements = 4; }