/* * This file is part of DAV-4-TbSync. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const dav = TbSync.providers.dav; var tbSyncEditAccountOverlay = { onload: function (window, accountData) { this.accountData = accountData; let serviceprovider = this.accountData.getAccountProperty("serviceprovider"); let isServiceProvider = dav.sync.serviceproviders.hasOwnProperty(serviceprovider); // special treatment for configuration label, which is a permanent setting and will not change by switching modes let configlabel = window.document.getElementById("tbsync.accountsettings.label.config"); if (configlabel) { let extra = ""; if (isServiceProvider) { extra = " [" + TbSync.getString("add.serverprofile." + serviceprovider, "dav") + "]"; } configlabel.setAttribute("value", TbSync.getString("config.custom", "dav") + extra); } //set certain elements as "alwaysDisable", if locked by service provider if (isServiceProvider) { let items = window.document.getElementsByClassName("lockIfServiceProvider"); for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setAttribute("alwaysDisabled", "true"); } } }, stripHost: function (document, field) { let host = document.getElementById('tbsync.accountsettings.pref.' + field).value; while (host.endsWith("/")) { host = host.slice(0,-1); } document.getElementById('tbsync.accountsettings.pref.' + field).value = host this.accountData.setAccountProperty(field, host); } };