 * This file is part of DAV-4-TbSync.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. 

"use strict";
// check if getItem returns an array because of recursions!

// Every object in here will be loaded into TbSync.providers.<providername>.
const dav = TbSync.providers.dav;

 * Implementing the TbSync interface for external provider extensions.

var Base = class {
     * Called during load of external provider extension to init provider.
    static async load() {
        // Set default prefs
        let branch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("extensions.dav4tbsync.");
        branch.setIntPref("maxitems", 50);
        branch.setIntPref("timeout", 90000);
        branch.setCharPref("clientID.type", "TbSync");
        branch.setCharPref("clientID.useragent", "Thunderbird CalDAV/CardDAV");
        branch.setBoolPref("enforceUniqueCalendarUrls", false);    

        dav.openWindows = {};

     * Called during unload of external provider extension to unload provider.
    static async unload() {
        // Close all open windows of this provider.
        for (let id in dav.openWindows) {
          if (dav.openWindows.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
            try {
            } catch (e) {

     * Returns string for the name of provider for the add account menu.
    static getProviderName() {
        return TbSync.getString("menu.name", "dav");

     * Returns version of the TbSync API this provider is using
    static getApiVersion() { return "2.5"; }

     * Returns location of a provider icon.
    static getProviderIcon(size, accountData = null) {
        let root = "sabredav";
        if (accountData) {
            let serviceprovider = accountData.getAccountProperty("serviceprovider");
            if (dav.sync.serviceproviders.hasOwnProperty(serviceprovider)) {
                root = dav.sync.serviceproviders[serviceprovider].icon;
        switch (size) {
            case 16:
                return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/skin/"+root+"16.png";
            case 32:
                return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/skin/"+root+"32.png";
            default :
                return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/skin/"+root+"48.png";

     * Returns a list of sponsors, they will be sorted by the index
    static getSponsors() {
        return {
            "Thoben, Marc" : {name: "Marc Thoben", description: "Zimbra", icon: "", link: "" },
            "Biebl, Michael" : {name: "Michael Biebl", description: "Nextcloud", icon: "", link: "" },
            "László, Kovács" : {name: "Kovács László", description : "Radicale", icon: "", link: "" },
            "Lütticke, David" : {name: "David Lütticke", description : "", icon: "", link: "" },

     * Returns the url of a page with details about contributors (used in the manager UI)
    static getContributorsUrl() {
        return "https://github.com/jobisoft/DAV-4-TbSync/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md";

     * Returns the email address of the maintainer (used for bug reports).
    static getMaintainerEmail() {
        return "john.bieling@gmx.de";

     * Returns URL of the new account window.
     * The URL will be opened via openDialog(), when the user wants to create a
     * new account of this provider.
    static getCreateAccountWindowUrl() {
        return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/manager/createAccount.xhtml";

     * Returns overlay XUL URL of the edit account dialog
     * (chrome://tbsync/content/manager/editAccount.xhtml)
    static getEditAccountOverlayUrl() {
        return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/manager/editAccountOverlay.xhtml";

     * Return object which contains all possible fields of a row in the
     * accounts database with the default value if not yet stored in the 
     * database.
    static getDefaultAccountEntries() {
        let row = {
            "useCalendarCache" : true,
            "calDavHost" : "",            
            "cardDavHost" : "",
            // these must return null if not defined
            "calDavPrincipal" : null,
            "cardDavPrincipal" : null,

            "calDavOptions" : [],
            "cardDavOptions" : [],
            "serviceprovider" : "",
            "serviceproviderRevision" : 0,

            "user" : "",
            "https" : true, //deprecated, because this is part of the URL now
            "createdWithProviderVersion" : "0",
        return row;

     * Return object which contains all possible fields of a row in the folder 
     * database with the default value if not yet stored in the database.
    static getDefaultFolderEntries() {
        let folder = {
            // different folders (caldav/carddav) can be stored on different 
            // servers (as with yahoo, icloud, gmx, ...), so we need to store
            // the fqdn information per folders
            "href" : "",
            "https" : true,
            "fqdn" : "",

            "url" : "", // used by calendar to store the full url of this cal
            "type" : "", //caldav, carddav or ics
            "shared": false, //identify shared resources
            "acl": "", //acl send from server
            "target" : "",
            "targetColor" : "",
            "targetName" : "",
            "ctag" : "",
            "token" : "",
            "createdWithProviderVersion" : "0",
            "supportedCalComponent" : []
        return folder;

     * Is called everytime an account of this provider is enabled in the
     * manager UI.
    static onEnableAccount(accountData) {

     * Is called everytime an account of this provider is disabled in the
     * manager UI.
    static onDisableAccount(accountData) {

     * Is called everytime an account of this provider is deleted in the
     * manager UI.
    static onDeleteAccount(accountData) {

     * Returns all folders of the account, sorted in the desired order.
     * The most simple implementation is to return accountData.getAllFolders();
    static getSortedFolders(accountData) {
        let folders = accountData.getAllFolders();

        // we can only sort arrays, so we create an array of objects which must
        // contain the sort key and the associated folder
        let toBeSorted = [];
        for (let folder of folders) {
            let t = 100;
            let comp = folder.getFolderProperty("supportedCalComponent");
            switch (folder.getFolderProperty("type")) {
                case "carddav": 
                case "caldav": 
                    if (comp.length > 0 && !comp.includes("VEVENT") && comp.includes("VTODO")) t+=5;
                case "ics": 

            if (folder.getFolderProperty("shared")) {
            toBeSorted.push({"key": t.toString() + folder.getFolderProperty("foldername"), "folder": folder});
        toBeSorted.sort(function(a,b) {
            return  a.key > b.key;
        let sortedFolders = [];
        for (let sortObj of toBeSorted) {
        return sortedFolders;

     * Return the connection timeout for an active sync, so TbSync can append
     * a countdown to the connection timeout, while waiting for an answer from
     * the server. Only syncstates which start with "send." will trigger this.
    static getConnectionTimeout(accountData) {
        return dav.sync.prefSettings.getIntPref("timeout");

     * Is called if TbSync needs to synchronize the folder list.
    static async syncFolderList(syncData, syncJob, syncRunNr) {        
        // Recommendation: Put the actual function call inside a try catch, to
        // ensure returning a proper StatusData object, regardless of what
        // happens inside that function. You may also throw custom errors
        // in that function, which have the StatusData obj attached, which
        // should be returned.
        try {
            await dav.sync.folderList(syncData);
        } catch (e) {
            if (e.name == "dav4tbsync") {
                return e.statusData;
            } else {
                // re-throw any other error and let TbSync handle it
                throw (e);

        // we fall through, if there was no error
        return new TbSync.StatusData();

     * Is called if TbSync needs to synchronize a folder.
    static async syncFolder(syncData, syncJob, syncRunNr) {
        // Recommendation: Put the actual function call inside a try catch, to
        // ensure returning a proper StatusData object, regardless of what
        // happens inside that function. You may also throw custom errors
        // in that function, which have the StatusData obj attached, which
        // should be returned.

        // Process a single folder.
        try {
            await dav.sync.folder(syncData);
        } catch (e) {
            if (e.name == "dav4tbsync") {
                return e.statusData;
            } else {
                // re-throw any other error and let TbSync handle it
                throw (e);

        // we fall through, if there was no error
        return new TbSync.StatusData();

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// * TargetData implementation
// * Using TbSyncs advanced address book TargetData 
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

var TargetData_addressbook = class extends TbSync.addressbook.AdvancedTargetData {
    constructor(folderData) {
    // enable or disable changelog
    get logUserChanges() {
        return false;

    directoryObserver(aTopic) {
        switch (aTopic) {
            case "addrbook-directory-deleted":
            case "addrbook-directory-updated":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] " + this.folderData.getFolderProperty("foldername"));
    cardObserver(aTopic, abCardItem) {
        switch (aTopic) {
            case "addrbook-contact-updated":
            case "addrbook-contact-deleted":
            case "addrbook-contact-created":
                    //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] " + abCardItem.getProperty("DisplayName"));

    listObserver(aTopic, abListItem, abListMember) {
        switch (aTopic) {
            case "addrbook-list-member-added":
            case "addrbook-list-member-removed":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] MemberName: " + abListMember.getProperty("DisplayName"));
            case "addrbook-list-deleted":
            case "addrbook-list-updated":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] ListName: " + abListItem.getProperty("ListName"));
            case "addrbook-list-created": 
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] Created new X-DAV-UID for List <"+abListItem.getProperty("ListName")+">");

    async createAddressbook(newname) {
        let authData = dav.network.getAuthData(this.folderData.accountData);
        let baseUrl =  "http" + (this.folderData.getFolderProperty("https") ? "s" : "") + "://" + this.folderData.getFolderProperty("fqdn");
        let url = dav.tools.parseUri(baseUrl + this.folderData.getFolderProperty("href") + (dav.sync.prefSettings.getBoolPref("enforceUniqueCalendarUrls") ? "?" + this.folderData.accountID : ""));
        this.folderData.setFolderProperty("url", url.spec);

        const getDirectory = (url) => {
            // Check if that directory exists already.
            for (let ab of MailServices.ab.directories) {
                if (ab.dirType == Ci.nsIAbManager.CARDDAV_DIRECTORY_TYPE && ab.getStringValue("carddav.url","") == url.spec) {
                    return ab;
            let dirPrefId = MailServices.ab.newAddressBook(
            let directory = MailServices.ab.getDirectoryFromId(dirPrefId);
            directory.setStringValue("carddav.url", url.spec);
            return directory;

        let directory = getDirectory(url);
        if (!directory || !(directory instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIAbDirectory)) {
            return null;
        // Setup password for CardDAV address book, so users do not get prompted.
        directory.setStringValue("carddav.username", authData.username);
        if (this.folderData.getFolderProperty("downloadonly")) {
            directory.setBoolValue("readOnly", true);
        TbSync.dump("Searching CardDAV authRealm for", url.host);
        let connectionData = new dav.network.ConnectionData(this.folderData);
        await dav.network.sendRequest("<d:propfind "+dav.tools.xmlns(["d"])+"><d:prop><d:resourcetype /><d:displayname /></d:prop></d:propfind>", url.spec , "PROPFIND", connectionData, {"Depth": "0", "Prefer": "return=minimal"}, {containerRealm: "setup", containerReset: true, passwordRetries: 0});
        let realm = connectionData.realm || "";
        if (realm !== "") {
            TbSync.dump("Adding CardDAV password", "User <"+authData.username+">, Realm <"+realm+">");
            // Manually create a CardDAV style entry in the password manager.
                url.prePath, realm, 
                /* old */ authData.username, 
                /* new */ authData.username, 

        // Since icons are no longer supported, lets disable this for 102.
        let serviceprovider = this.folderData.accountData.getAccountProperty("serviceprovider");
        let icon = "custom";
        if (dav.sync.serviceproviders.hasOwnProperty(serviceprovider)) {
            icon = dav.sync.serviceproviders[serviceprovider].icon;
        directory.setStringValue("tbSyncIcon", "dav" + icon);

        return directory;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// * TargetData implementation
// * Using TbSyncs advanced calendar TargetData 
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

var TargetData_calendar = class extends TbSync.lightning.AdvancedTargetData {
    constructor(folderData) {
    // The calendar target does not support a custom primaryKeyField, because
    // the lightning implementation only allows to search for items via UID.
    // Like the addressbook target, the calendar target item element has a
    // primaryKey getter/setter which - however - only works on the UID.
    // enable or disable changelog
    get logUserChanges(){
        return false;

    calendarObserver(aTopic, tbCalendar, aPropertyName, aPropertyValue, aOldPropertyValue) {
        switch (aTopic) {
            case "onCalendarPropertyChanged":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] " + tbCalendar.calendar.name + " : " + aPropertyName);
                switch (aPropertyName) {
                    case "color":
                        if (aOldPropertyValue.toString().toUpperCase() != aPropertyValue.toString().toUpperCase()) {
                            //prepare connection data
                            let connection = new dav.network.ConnectionData(this.folderData);
                            //update color on server
                            dav.network.sendRequest("<d:propertyupdate "+dav.tools.xmlns(["d","apple"])+"><d:set><d:prop><apple:calendar-color>"+(aPropertyValue + "FFFFFFFF").slice(0,9)+"</apple:calendar-color></d:prop></d:set></d:propertyupdate>", this.folderData.getFolderProperty("href"), "PROPPATCH", connection);
            case "onCalendarDeleted":
            case "onCalendarPropertyDeleted":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] " +tbCalendar.calendar.name);

    itemObserver(aTopic, tbItem, tbOldItem) {
        switch (aTopic) {
            case "onAddItem":
            case "onModifyItem":
            case "onDeleteItem":
                //Services.console.logStringMessage("["+ aTopic + "] " + tbItem.nativeItem.title);

    async createCalendar(newname) {
        let calManager = TbSync.lightning.cal.manager;
        let authData = dav.network.getAuthData(this.folderData.accountData);
        let caltype = this.folderData.getFolderProperty("type");

        let baseUrl = "";
        if (caltype == "caldav") {
            baseUrl =  "http" + (this.folderData.getFolderProperty("https") ? "s" : "") + "://" + this.folderData.getFolderProperty("fqdn");

        let url = dav.tools.parseUri(baseUrl + this.folderData.getFolderProperty("href") + (dav.sync.prefSettings.getBoolPref("enforceUniqueCalendarUrls") ? "?" + this.folderData.accountID : ""));
        this.folderData.setFolderProperty("url", url.spec);

        // Check if that calendar already exists.
        let cals = calManager.getCalendars({});
        let newCalendar = null;
        let found = false;
        for (let calendar of calManager.getCalendars({})) {
            if (calendar.uri.spec == url.spec) {
                newCalendar = calendar;
                found = true;

        if (found) {
            newCalendar.setProperty("username", authData.username);
            newCalendar.setProperty("color", this.folderData.getFolderProperty("targetColor"));
            newCalendar.name = newname;
        } else {
            newCalendar = calManager.createCalendar(caltype, url); // caldav or ics
            newCalendar.id = TbSync.lightning.cal.getUUID();
            newCalendar.name = newname;

            newCalendar.setProperty("username", authData.username);
            newCalendar.setProperty("color", this.folderData.getFolderProperty("targetColor"));
            // removed in TB78, as it seems to not fully enable the calendar, if present before registering
            // https://searchfox.org/comm-central/source/calendar/base/content/calendar-management.js#385
            newCalendar.setProperty("cache.enabled", this.folderData.accountData.getAccountProperty("useCalendarCache"));

        if (this.folderData.getFolderProperty("downloadonly")) newCalendar.setProperty("readOnly", true);
        let comp = this.folderData.getFolderProperty("supportedCalComponent");
        if (comp.length > 0 && !comp.includes("VTODO")) {
            newCalendar.setProperty("capabilities.tasks.supported", false);
        if (comp.length > 0 && !comp.includes("VEVENT")) {
            newCalendar.setProperty("capabilities.events.supported", false);

        // Setup password for CalDAV calendar, so users do not get prompted (ICS urls do not need a password).
        if (caltype == "caldav") {
            TbSync.dump("Searching CalDAV authRealm for", url.host);
            let connectionData = new dav.network.ConnectionData(this.folderData);
            await dav.network.sendRequest("<d:propfind "+dav.tools.xmlns(["d"])+"><d:prop><d:resourcetype /><d:displayname /></d:prop></d:propfind>", url.spec , "PROPFIND", connectionData, {"Depth": "0", "Prefer": "return=minimal"}, {containerRealm: "setup", containerReset: true, passwordRetries: 0});
            let realm = connectionData.realm || "";
            if (realm !== "") {
                TbSync.dump("Adding CalDAV password", "User <"+authData.username+">, Realm <"+realm+">");
                // Manually create a CalDAV style entry in the password manager.
                    url.prePath, realm, 
                    /* old */ authData.username, 
                    /* new */ authData.username, 

        if (!found) {
        return newCalendar;

 * This provider is implementing the StandardFolderList class instead of
 * the FolderList class.
var StandardFolderList = class {
     * Is called before the context menu of the folderlist is shown, allows to
     * show/hide custom menu options based on selected folder. During an active
     * sync, folderData will be null.
    static onContextMenuShowing(window, folderData) {

     * Return the icon used in the folderlist to represent the different folder
     * types.
    static getTypeImage(folderData) {
        let src = "";
        switch (folderData.getFolderProperty("type")) {
            case "carddav":
                if (folderData.getFolderProperty("shared")) {
                    return "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/contacts16_shared.png";
                } else {
                    return "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/contacts16.png";
            case "caldav":
                let comp = folderData.getFolderProperty("supportedCalComponent");
                if (folderData.getFolderProperty("shared")) {
                    return (comp.length > 0 && comp.includes("VTODO") && !comp.includes("VEVENT"))
                        ? "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/todo16_shared.png"
                        : "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/calendar16_shared.png"
                } else {
                    return (comp.length > 0 && comp.includes("VTODO") && !comp.includes("VEVENT"))
                        ? "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/todo16.png"
                        : "chrome://tbsync/content/skin/calendar16.png"
            case "ics":
                return "chrome://dav4tbsync/content/skin/ics16.png";

     * Return the name of the folder shown in the folderlist.
    static getFolderDisplayName(folderData) {
        return folderData.getFolderProperty("foldername");

     * Return the attributes for the ACL RO (readonly) menu element per folder.
     * (label, disabled, hidden, style, ...)
     * Return a list of attributes and their values. If both (RO+RW) do
     * not return any attributes, the ACL menu is not displayed at all.
    static getAttributesRoAcl(folderData) {
        return {
            label: TbSync.getString("acl.readonly", "dav"),

     * Return the attributes for the ACL RW (readwrite) menu element per folder.
     * (label, disabled, hidden, style, ...)
     * Return a list of attributes and their values. If both (RO+RW) do
     * not return any attributes, the ACL menu is not displayed at all.
    static getAttributesRwAcl(folderData) {
        let acl = parseInt(folderData.getFolderProperty("acl"));
        let acls = [];
        if (acl & 0x2) acls.push(TbSync.getString("acl.modify", "dav"));
        if (acl & 0x4) acls.push(TbSync.getString("acl.add", "dav"));
        if (acl & 0x8) acls.push(TbSync.getString("acl.delete", "dav"));
        if (acls.length == 0)  acls.push(TbSync.getString("acl.none", "dav"));

        return {
            label: TbSync.getString("acl.readwrite::"+acls.join(", "), "dav"),
            disabled: (acl & 0x7) != 0x7,

Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://dav4tbsync/content/includes/sync.js", this, "UTF-8");
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://dav4tbsync/content/includes/tools.js", this, "UTF-8");
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://dav4tbsync/content/includes/network.js", this, "UTF-8");