=encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME debhelper - the debhelper tool suite =head1 SYNOPSIS BI<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I] [B<-N>I] [B<-P>I] =head1 DESCRIPTION Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood tools that are used in F to automate various common aspects of building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the new policy. A typical F file that uses debhelper will call several debhelper commands in sequence, or use L to automate this process. Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B package, which contains a L command that partially automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using debhelper. Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source package. This is so they can locate find files like F when needed. =head1 DEBHELPER COMMANDS Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for additional documentation. =over 4 #LIST# =back =head2 Deprecated Commands A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used. =over 4 #LIST_DEPRECATED# =back =head2 Other Commands If a program's name starts with B, and the program is not on the above lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still work like the other programs described on this page. =head1 DEBHELPER CONFIG FILES Many debhelper commands make use of files in F to control what they do. Besides the common F and F, which are in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These files are typically named debian/I.foo (where I of course, is replaced with the package that is being acted on). For example, B uses files named F to list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or slightly more complicated formats. Note if there is only one binary package listed in F, then debhelper will use F when there's no F.foo> file. In compat levels before compat 15, this fallback also occurs for the first binary package listed in F when there are multiple binary packages. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F.> prefix as it is more explicit and also required when upgrading to compat 15. Additionally, there are some special cases where debhelper will always fallback to a prefix-less version. These are cases such as F and F, where the files are generally used and needed for all binary packages. In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I.foo.I or debian/I.foo.I exist, where I and I are the same as the output of "B" / "B", then they will be used in preference to other, more general files. Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard characters (B and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> are ignored. The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them easy to read, understand, and modify. =head2 Substitutions in debhelper config files In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools: =over 4 =item * dh_clean =item * dh_install =item * dh_installcatalogs =item * dh_installdeb =item * dh_installdirs =item * dh_installdocs =item * dh_installexamples =item * dh_installinfo =item * dh_installman =item * dh_installwm =item * dh_link =item * dh_missing =item * dh_ucf =back All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics (a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first character must be an alphanumeric. If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>. The following expansions are available: =over 4 =item B, B, B Expands to the relevant L value (similar to I). When in doubt, the B variant is the one that will work both for native and cross builds. For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from the environment first before consulting L. This is mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases. =item B Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I be considered part of a substitution variable. That is: # Triggers an error ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN} # Expands to the literal value "${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN} This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used interchangeably. =item B, B, B Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively. This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e.g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator. =item B<< env:I >> Expands to the environment variable I. The environment variable must be set (but can be set to the empty string). =back Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment variable I is set (it can be set to the empty string). =head3 Substitution limits To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - whichever is bigger). =head3 Substitution limitations: filtering The built-in substitution cannot be used to "filter" out content. Attempts to create "comments" or "empty lines" via substitution will result in those variables being considered a token in its own right with the content given. If you want filtering, consider using an executable debhelper config file with B as interpreter. The B tool supports several features out of the box. Though keep in mind that B has its own substitution logic that can feature interact with the one from debhelper. =head2 Executable debhelper config files If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. L) support executing a config file as a script. To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< chmod +x debian/I.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need. When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the following: =over 4 =item * The executable config file B exit with success (i.e. its return code should indicate success). =item * In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see L) where the tool support these. Remember to be careful if your generator I provides substitutions as this can cause unnecessary confusion. Notably, the commonly used B tool has its own substitution support. Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will I expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output it reads. The B tool has an output filter on by default that will prune these things out. =back If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable the executable bit, then you can use L and its B script. =head1 SHARED DEBHELPER OPTIONS The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs. =over 4 =item B<-v>, B<--verbose> Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory. Note that verbose mode may also output other "internal" commands that do not directly affect the package build directory. =item B<--no-act> Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command will output what it would have done. =item B<-a>, B<--arch> Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the B architecture. =item B<-i>, B<--indep> Act on all architecture independent packages. =item B<-p>I, B<--package=>I Act on the package named I. This option may be specified multiple times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages. =item B<-s>, B<--same-arch> Deprecated alias of B<-a>. This option is removed in compat 12. =item B<-N>I, B<--no-package=>I Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option lists the package as one that should be acted on. =item B<--remaining-packages> Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings. =item B<-P>I, B<--tmpdir=>I Use I for package build directory. The default is debian/I =item B<--mainpackage=>I B: This option has no practical use in compat 15 or later as the behaviour it affects is removed in compat 15. This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "main package", that is, the first one listed in F, and the one for which F files can be used instead of the usual F files. =item B<-O=>I